
作者&投稿:卜甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

China's crude steel output 490 million tons, coal output 25.4 million tons, cement output 13.6 million tons, fertilizer production 5787 tons, is the highest one in the world. These important products of the production scale of the growth, for the promotion of the position of Chinese manufacturing industry international provides support.
From the total scale see, at present China manufacturing accounted for global manufacturing share is only 5%, From a manufacturing labor efficiency look, only for American 4.4%, From value-added look, Chinese manufacturing increase value rate is only the United States and Germany's 2/1 or so. Our enterprise is in the whole electronic industry chain division of labor in the bottom, earn less than 10 percent of the profits. Displays in: core competitiveness of the enterprise is lesser, key components, processing equipment is mainly rely on imports. Our country enterprise was basically technology abroad, market outside, only production, position, the scale benefits and profit model is unsafe, our country enterprise will suffer. In the world brand 500 charts, China only haier, lenovo, CCTV, changhong, China mobile and China railway engineering six brand were selected. Visible, Chinese enterprises and brand and not in the world market occupy influential position. 中国崛起啊 中国NUMBER ONE

With our comprehensive, multi-level, focused pattern of opening up the advance, in order to meet the current trend of economic globalization, drawing on international experience to enrich the form and content of opening up, following the success of the special economic zones, economic and technological development After District, from 1990 onwards, China has set up a higher degree of openness, and with the international market a new type of special areas - Free Trade Zone. Deepening of globalization and the WTO transition period, changes in the external environment such as the new situation, the bonded area of \u200b\u200bthe building is in a changing policy environment, institutional transformation and the transformation of a particular period of enhanced features, there is more than one

Key words: Haikou Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Qingdao Free Trade Zone, Free Trade Area, the development status, development trends

纯自己翻译啊~~~累死了~~~若是满意 别忘了采纳哟~~

When Nian Gengyao left for Qinghai to attack his enemy,a command from the military camp came that the soldier are supposed to take a piece of board and a bunch of glass.All the soldiers didn't know why. The next day. when the procession were making process,they unlucily get caught in mud pits.Just at that time,Nian Gengyao commanded the soldiers to throw the glass down and place the board on it.Then the enemy was guarding the pass,not realizing Nian's soldiers were getting closer, though finally it was defeated. In another year when Nian attacked Xizang, it was raining heavily, making the roof leak terribly.Suddenly Nian felt a and strong wind, which soon disappeared.Nian then commanded a subordinate staff to search the forest for the

enemy, followed by 300 soilders and eventually he caught the enemy.Others asked Nian why he was so successful.He answered ,'he wind was very short, which was weird.Probably it was even not a wind but a the sound from a flying bird, which meant there must be a person who disturb it.What's more, there was dense jungles 10 miles away from here, where many birds perched.Judging from that, I knew there must be an enemy out there.
Though Nian bore much blame, he was absolutely an excellent general, whose military strategy and tactics were really tactful.

" The day when NIAN Gengyao went on an expedition to Qinghai, he commanded the troops in the settlement, saying:" When you match forward tomorrower, everybody carries a piece of wooden board and a bunch of grass with you." The soldiers were all confused about the reason. The next day when they came across a mud pit, he ordered them throw the bunches of grass in, upon which they spreaded the wooden boards and the troop matched through smoothly. At that time, the enemies thought that they should have been safe depending on this strategically located and difficult of access, to their surprise, the huge army arrived all of sudden and they broke the bandits' liar.
The next year in which he went on an punitive expedition to Tibet, when the clepsydra leaked three times in the night, a blast of strong west wind was heard, and stopped in a while. he called his military officer in at once, who then led three hundred light cavalries out to seach the enemies in the woods of the southwest, and wiped out all the enemy troops at last. When he was asked for the reasons, he said: "it was definitely not wind for stopping all of sudden, but it was the sound of vibrating winds coming from frightened birds. The birds were flighted out in the midnight, they must have been disturbed. There were woods ten miles away in southwest with a large sum of birds. I believed that it must be the enemies' ambushment which frightened the birds." Although NIAN Gengyao was condemned for his big sins, he deserved to be a famous general of the times for the flexibility of his military stragegies and tactics."


One year in Battle of Crusade Qinghai, after the military camp setupied up, Gerneral Niangengyao ordered that "everyone equip a board and bunch of hay". The soldiers feel strange. At the next day,


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镇平县19392144950: 英汉互译(请大家尽快翻译,谢谢) -
俞滕板蓝: 1.get through 通过 2.clean up 整理 2.the more …the more 越来越 3.bring sth. To sb. 把什么带给某人 4.look into 浏览,调查 5.sort out 分类 6.compensate sb. For sth. 为了什么而补偿某人 7.be in contact with 联系 8.get full satisfaction 完全满意 9.at ...

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