
作者&投稿:沃的 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 It was a formal party, I wore the dress as my mother said.
2 His girl friend advised him to give up smoking before the bad habit hadn't been taken hold.
3 They anticipate the demand for electricity in the next month is very big,and they decided to increase production
4 It is said that Bill had been dismissed beacause he violated company's safety regulations again and again.
5 According to reports the local government has taken appropriate measures to avoid the possibility of severe water shortages

The oldest person that i know is my great-grandmother。She is eighty-six years old. When i was eight years old,i went to my hometown with my mother, that is my first time to meet this lovely old lady . She has silver short hair,and she almost doesn't have any teeth. Every time,when i go to see her, she is always very happy. And she is very kind , everybody in my family likes her very much, especially me!


1、Jackson is ill,so he doesn`t come to school(用because改写为同义句)
Jackson doesn't come to school because he is ill.

2、He can sing well,( )?(改为附加疑问句)
He can sing well, couldn't he?

3、They come from Germany(改为同义句)
They are from Germany.

4、Mike will give the performance in three months(对划线部分提问,划线部分是in three months)
How soon will mike give the performance?

5、She plays the piano well(改为感叹句)
How well does she play the piano!

6、You should take this medicine three times a day(对划线部分提问,划线部分是three times a day)
How often should you / I take this medicine?

7、There is little meat left,( )?(改为附加疑问句)
There is little meat left, isn't it?

8、The students will go to the movies next Thursday(对划线部分提问,划线部分是next Thursday)
What time will the students go to the movies?

9、Tracy reads a story to her classmates(用now改写)
Now Tracy is reading a story to her classmates.

10、He will go to Dalian by ship(对划线部分提问,划线部分是byship)
How will he go to Dalian?

What means of transport will he take to Dalian?

11、lt is three hundred miles from here to paris(对划线部分提问,划线部分是 three hundred miles)
How far is it from here to Paris?

What is the distance between here and Paris?

12、The teacher told us a very interesting story(改为感叹句)
What an interesting story the teacher told us!

13、Chinese names and English names are not the same(改为同义句)
Chinese names are( different from) English names

14、A boy names peter knows the answer(对划线部分提问,划线部分是 names peter )
What is the name of the boy that/who knows the answer?

15、Tommy runs faster than any other student in his class(改为最高级)
Tommy runs the fastest in his class.



1、Jackson is ill,so he doesn`t come to school(用because改写为同义句)Jackson doesn't come to school because he is ill.2、He can sing well,( )?(改为附加疑问句)He can sing well, couldn't he?3、They come from Germany(改为同义...

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She is eighty-six years old. When i was eight years old,i went to my hometown with my mother, that is my first time to meet this lovely old lady . She has silver short hair,and she almost doesn't have any teeth. Every time,when i go to see her, she is always very...

1 It was a formal party, I wore the dress as my mother said.2 His girl friend advised him to give up smoking before the bad habit hadn't been taken hold.3 They anticipate the demand for electricity in the next month is very big,and they decided to increase production 4 ...

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的是)答案:what made the fans delighted 这里考察的是主语从句,主语从句是名词性从句的一种,名词性从句要用陈述句,而陈述句中顺序为:主语+谓语+宾语。所填部分中,what为主语,made为谓语(主句与从句时态要一致,根据主句中was确定时态为一般过去式),the fans为宾语,delighted为宾语补足语。

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武陵区19814427401: 各位英语达人们帮帮忙啊!!!本人有个题目急需大家帮助!!! -
厍磊尼达: 1 It was a formal party, I wore the dress as my mother said. 2 His girl friend advised him to give up smoking before the bad habit hadn't been taken hold. 3 They anticipate the demand for electricity in the next month is very big,and they decided to ...

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