
作者&投稿:暴路 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Despite the burning sun this morning, I went to my english teacher's house with notes and had a grammar lesson.
I came back home after that and had a fulfilling lunch. Also, I have catched my favourite variety show, Running man, on my mobile.
I had a quick nap after that and woke up to work on my English in the late afternoon. I hope my English is as good as the rest of the classmates.
At six o'clock, my father and I played tennis in the playground.

我英文也一般般 但希望有帮到
我改了些 语病 和 不通顺词语
楼主意思大致都看得懂 就是一些小毛病 谢谢

The splendid and exhausting 20 days passed in a flash which is the most momerable experience in my life.
It is you who explore our minds with your extensive knowledge and your noble spirits. After 20 days of studying in your class, a new dream has come up in my mind --破折号I want to be a person like you who is optimistic, brave, industrious, intelligent, and knowledgable. I'm clear that it is a long-term goal for me. Nevertheless I will keep on fighting for this goal till the end of my life. Farewe, my friend! take care my friend!

先表扬你勇于用新词汇。不一定要用难词来表达, 我用我的写作来表达同样的意思。多加点内容煽情会更好

Last 20 days that I study with you are the most memorable experience in my life. You are such a experienced teacher with wisdom. You always impart us knowledge with patience . No matter how many times we stuck in a specific question, you always are willing to help, never show a sign of unwillingness. You have many good qualities, such as working hard, making great efforts on the goal you set, very intelligence and the faith that you always be optimistic to life even encountered a very difficult task. All of these qualities have influenced me a lot, in the end, I decide to be a person like you. I have set this long-term goal, and am determined to pursue it in my lifetime. Last, take care my friend.

Everything Has Two Sides. In recent years,schools in China began to focus on student's practice ability. I think this is good for some students


No.1 快乐の味道——先苦后甜的咖啡 味道过甜,会让咖啡失去那原有的气息;味道过苦,咖啡就过于平实与单调;而先苦后甜的咖啡,令人回味无穷,它吸引着我们去品尝,而只有耐得住先前独特的苦,才能感受到那沁人心脾的甜啊!快乐,不正是这种感觉吗?(快乐就像这杯咖啡一样平平淡淡)快乐的心情靠我...

求日语高手 修改作文

求英语高手。 帮忙修改作文。尽量用一些口语化 地道的句子,


I need to change this behavior. Perhaps I cannot control others’ views on me, but I am able to change myself for the better. W. Edwards Deming said, “It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best.” In order to get ready to ...

2.ISO14001 ISO 14001 is the world’s most popular standard for environmental management. As early as 1998, the first factory of Volvo was granted ISO14001 certification, and two years after the first factory of Toyota received the same certification.3.The Global Reporting Initiative (...

你好,呵呵~ 首先,我想说,其实你这篇文章写得不错!只是在一些文字的处理上和段落的清晰度上还有所欠缺——但这无妨,稍微修改一下就好了。其次,我试着分析一下你这篇文章的层次:开头、以前的母亲节(送花)、前几天的和母亲闹翻的事、今年的母亲节你所送的一朵特别的“花”、结尾——我在...

parking is often scarce and expensive, and you have to spend time looking for parking space, which adds extra time to your drive. In this regard, choosing to take a bus is more convenient than driving a car.However, public transports haven’t always had the best of reputations....



芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 麻烦各位英语高手帮忙修改篇英语作文、谢谢、作文题目是:What's your problems in your life?How do you deal with it?我是这样写的,麻烦大家帮忙看看有... -
子薇棠诺:[答案] 1.你的语法还是不错的.就是要注意时态的前后一致.你在阐述生活中的事情.既然用了一般现在时,后面就都用这个时代,不要出现过去式.2.你用了first of all 和finally 但是我没见到secondly.所以要么去除,换别的词,要么中...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 请英语高手帮我修改一篇文章~感激不尽我有一篇文章需要修改,我还想多作几句~可是我想不到了.感激不尽.请尽量赐教Now many students go to school in a ... -
子薇棠诺:[答案] Nowadays many students go to school hastily (in a hurry比较适合口语) and they have no time for breakfast.Perhaps some ... we must eat breakfast.So do not underestimate the impacts of skipping breakfast. 主要修改了一些句子,让你这段短文读起来顺...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 帮我修改一篇英语作文我现在高一,写了一篇英语作文,请英语高手帮我修改一下,谢谢!首先请看中文意思:今天,我从我的语文老师那里听到了一篇文章... -
子薇棠诺:[答案] 我给你改了一下,发现一些问题,并作出相应的修改,仅供参考.我只想说你的作文有点中国式的英语,而且一些词虽然意思对了但是用的场景不合适.还有时态的问题等,不过才高一写出这样的作文就不错了! I heard a story from my Chinese ...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 急求英语达人帮忙修改作文~请英语达人帮忙修改下作文,谢谢!Dear jhon,I have been your family teacher for nearly a month.in this period of time we get ... -
子薇棠诺:[答案] Dear Jhon, I have been your family teacher for nearly a month.In this period of time we get along well(with改为well),I have ... (a删除) great progress which shows your mind is brilliant enough to be qualified for your schoolwork in your math and English in the...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 写了篇英语作文,请高手帮忙修改,谢谢! -
子薇棠诺: My name is Siyuan Cao. I am an engineer. I have graduated from Hunan University for two years. When I was a student, I thought campus life was rather dull, and I didn't like my specialty, too. But now I miss my university life and my classmates very ...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 求高手改英语作文(专四未过的勿进,谢谢配合) 最好指出语法或者搭配错误,不要帮我重写一遍,再次感谢 -
子薇棠诺: 楼主这篇作文的思想还是很好的,只是英语略偏中式,时间有限,简单帮你改了一下,希望帮上点忙 Travel Broadens the Mind Nowadays, travel has become part of people's life. And more and more of us have come to know the significance of ...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 英语作文修改 这是一篇回信 我写的 老师说有很多错误 求高手一一修改 和说明原因谢谢了!Dear Lucy,What you said is common with some middle school ... -
子薇棠诺:[答案] 以下只是个人认为的、只针对语法,不一定全对,仅供参考.建议文中少用must,这个语气太过强硬,有命令语气,不太好.还有,有些句子觉得表述地不太好吧.那个,请问你几年级?Dear Lucy, What you said is common amon...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 求英语大神帮我修改一下作文,谢谢了 -
子薇棠诺: 1) 用词、语法都不错.看得出,用了心了2) 估计LZ写完后自己检查过,但是可能没有把作文写完后放到一边、过几天再回来仔细检查.如果做了后者,你会发现更多的语法错误、发现更多更好的表达法.3) 平时可注重收集、反复翻看更多的好词好句 ------ 必须连同句子一起摘下来,才能知道准确的用法.比如 “living IN a stress-free life":平时如果很注意收集、温习好词好句的话,你可能会知道那个 in 是画蛇添足了.希望提高英语实际运用能力(而不是为了应付考试)的话,来我的空间转转吧:1487884695

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 英语作文修改错误多多,希望高手帮忙,提前谢谢啊 -
子薇棠诺: benevolence,etiquette 改为benevolence and etiquettedue attention 改为 due to attention the cultural exchange do 改为 the cultural exchange does haveaboard...

芷江侗族自治县13857946571: 英语高手进,修改文章,谢谢 -
子薇棠诺: 1、第一行“Some one”应改为“Someone”; 2、第二行去掉“will”; 3、第三行“them”应改为“this”或“it”; 4、第三行去掉“one”; 5、第四行改为“to get basic materials to keep living,such as food, clothes, etc.” 6、第五行改为“But ...

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