at your school与 in your school的区别是什么

作者&投稿:莫馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
at school和in school区别~

at school和in school区别:
2、当school与介词at, in, to搭配且其前不带任何限定词时,它们表示“上学;求学;上学念书”等意义
3、at school, in school除了表示“上学;求学”之外,at school还含有on the school premises的意思,in school还含有in the school building的意思,即它们都表示“在学校校舍里”。、
at school
1、He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher.
2、Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school.
3、Is the child at school?
4、Her class teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month.
5、Science was never my strong point at school.
in school
1、A youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics
2、They were more interested in courtship and cars than in school
3、I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go mad.
4、In school I was a loner. I went my own way.
5、She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study
她感谢父母送她上学并督促她学习。 school
例句:How is Jim getting on at school?吉姆的学业有进步吗?
Did I see you at school today?我今天是不是在学校见到你了?
Is Mr Li at home or at school?李先生在家还是在学校? school
例句:He did very badly in school.他在校表现很差.
I studied English in school.我在学校学的是英语专业.
3.In the school 在学校(特定已知的)
例句.I wonder if he is in the school.
.It’s in the school bag .
.John has the lead in the school play.


包头市17652678108: meet you want one at your school 这句话的翻译、这句话正确吗 -
宿群银花:[答案] 一个句子只能有一个动词,这个句子中有meet和want两个动词,所以肯定不对.I want to meet you at your school.(我想在你学校见你)I want to meet you at your school once.(我想在你学校见你一次)不知道是不是你要的意...

包头市17652678108: in 与 at 的含义 用法怎么区别 在用于再见 和时间 的事时后 -
宿群银花: 一.(1) at表示一天中的某时刻,不用冠词,如:at six o'clock(在六点钟), at dawn(在黎明), at sunrise(日出时), at noon(在正午).I arrived at school at seven.我到学校时是七点.(2) at表示一瞬间或短暂的时间,如:at that ...

包头市17652678108: meet you want one at your school 这句话的翻译、这句话正确吗 -
宿群银花: 一个句子只能有一个动词,这个句子中有meet和want两个动词,所以肯定不对. I want to meet you at your school.(我想在你学校见你) I want to meet you at your school once.(我想在你学校见你一次) 不知道是不是你要的意思- -! 祝学习愉快

包头市17652678108: were you at school this morning?NO I wasn't 为什么不是NO i weren't -
宿群银花: 英语中的(第二人称)you永远被当作是复数,也永远是are (或were)与之搭配,当别人问你时,回答时用第一人称 I,I 也只能与 am (或was)搭配,于是这就是为什么要用NO, I wasn't 而不是NO, I weren't,好像有点麻烦别扭,但英语的人称与助动词的关系就是这样,习惯就好了.

包头市17652678108: at school 和in school 有什么区别 -
宿群银花: at school a) in the school building: 在学校 I can get some work done while the kids are at school.b) British English 英式英语,求学 attending a school, rather than being at college or university or having a job:We've got two children at school, and ...

包头市17652678108: Do you have a soccer game at your school.这句话at改成in可否? -
宿群银花: 应该可以的.其实语义上没有多大差距的,但是中国的教育就是很钻牛角尖. in school 更强调的是位置,表示 在学校 at school 表示在学校,在上课,在上学,偏向于表示一种在校的状态所以意思会小有偏差. 用at 句意就是 你们学校有没有举办足球比赛? 是学校的人在踢. 用in 句意就是 你们学校有没有足球比赛? 这场比赛不一定是学校的人在踢,也有可能是外人借用场地在踢. 但是语法上没有错误.

包头市17652678108: i will meet you at your school.是什么意思 -
宿群银花: 我一会在学校见你

包头市17652678108: at school、in school、in the school有什么区别? -
宿群银花: school adj. 在上学(在求学) 例句:<1>How is Jim getting on at school?吉姆的学业有进步吗? <2>Did I see you at school today?我今天是不是在学校见到你了? <3>Is Mr Li at home or at school?李先生在家还是在学校? school ...

包头市17652678108: i think it important for you to resume your studies at school 句型分析 -
宿群银花: 都对! 第一句是简单句, think 接的是【复合宾语】 i think (主谓)it(形式宾语) important (宾补)for you to resume your studies at school (真正宾语)第二句是主从复合句, think 后接【宾语从句】 i think (主谓)it is important for you to resume your studies at school (宾语从句--it 作形式主语)【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

包头市17652678108: 反义疑问句:I heared that no changes take place at your school,( )it ?
宿群银花: did 这句话属于翻译疑问句,no属于否定词,所以“I heared that no changes take place at your school”属于否定句.根据“前否后肯”也就是前一个句子否定,疑问部分肯定,所以用did. 而用did的原因是“I heared that no changes take place at your school”这部分是过去式,所以用did

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