
作者&投稿:可肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...which of these smart hats do you like best in the hat shop...
D 由句意知,前者询问对商店里所出售的所有帽子的看法,排除A.C。nothing 与none 的区别之处在于:none 有范围所指,后可用of ;nothing 则没有这种用法。同时根据句意可把句子补全为:I don’t like ___ of the hats .故选D。

6. Students can’t ___ hats in the classroom.A. put on B. wear C. in D. wearing 7. Please help me ___ English.A. speaking B. to learning C. with speak D. to learn 8. — You can’t take photos here, Sir. Look at the sign here.— Sorry, Madam. I ___ it...

填wear the hats

3. 到达,来到;得到。 The train is in. 火车到了。 Summer is in. 夏天来了。 be a 100 pounds in得到[赚得]100镑。4. 当政,当选,掌握政权。 The Conservatives are in. 保守党当政。5. 流行,时髦。 Tomatoes are in. 番茄上市了。 Those hats are in. 那种帽子很流行。6. 在狱...

the hats on()(sell) are red. we have sweaters in all()(color...
为你解答。1、The hats on (sale) are red. we have sweaters in all (colors).2、Welcome to our store. the pens and notebooks are at great (prices)3、How about these yellow and white (shorts)? —Great.4、Look at the (boys)!they're playing with their model plane.5、...

Forty years later, Louisrecalled the moments after his victory: That hour was something unimaginable and it still appears to me inmy memory like a dream…. Twigs and flowers were raining down on me. Everybody was calling out my name andthrowing their hats in the air….

5、What time do you prefer to have a HanGeng's Concert or Fan Meeting in Sydney?你希望韩庚什么时间来悉尼开演唱会或者歌友会?concert 1、Ladies remove their hats in a concert.女士们在音乐会上脱下帽子。2、We are queuing up to buy tickets for the concert.我们正在排队等候买音乐...

jesse mccartney资料
当Jesse被问道最喜欢字母表上的哪一个字母时,Jesse回答"Y?"(字母"Y"与"Why"同音,Jesse想问"Why?",结果,"Y"就被当成了他最喜欢的字母咯)〓英语版资料〓 Full Name: Jesse McCartney Nicknames: Jess, Jester, Orange Boy Date Of Birth: April 09, 1987 Astrological Sign: Aries Birthpl...

1.These hats are the most favorable ones in WuHan.2.We offer you 1 yuan a pen here 3.They have t-shirts in different colors

hats off 造句
Hats off to Kate Middleton - she certainly knows how to dress to turn heads.向凯特·米德尔顿致敬——她也很清楚如何将自己打扮得雍容华贵,因为她是威廉王子的女友。It is customary in this country for men to have their hats off at a funeral.根据这个国家的习俗,男人参加葬礼时要脱帽。...

琴邵18460383067问: whats+in+your+garden成立吗?为什么
濮阳县岩沙回答: whats+in+your+garden成立吗?为什么 --- What's in your garden? ---- 你的花园里有什么?(表述正确) ---- what's +地点?--- 表示某处有什么? ---- 如; What is on the desk? ---- 桌子上有什么?---- There's a book on it. --- 桌子上有一本书. ---- 能懂了吗?

琴邵18460383067问: what 、how怎么用 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: 感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感.英语感叹句常用"what"和"how"引导,"what"和"how"与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句语序. 一、 由"what"引导的感叹句:"what"意为"多么"用作定语,修饰名词(...

琴邵18460383067问: what's in your bag?什么意思,用英语怎么回答 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: 你好,翻译如下:有什么东西在你的包里? 回答可以是:It is a book.

琴邵18460383067问: what's that in your bag ?这是个什么句?外语 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: What's that in your bag ? 你(书)包里的那个东西是什么? 这是一个由what引导的特殊疑问句.

琴邵18460383067问: what's in your hand?回答 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: 用 there be 句型回答 there is /are ------in my hand

琴邵18460383067问: 英语表达中常用经典句型 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: 原发布者:xugang1_007 英语中常用的62个句型 句型1:There+be+主语+地点状语/时间状语 There's a boat in the river.河里有条船.句型2:What's wrong with+sb. / sth.? What's wrong with your watch?你的手表有什么毛病?句型3:How do you ...

琴邵18460383067问: what is in your room 怎么回答 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: There is a big bed in my room. There are three windows in my room. And there is a small chair in my room.

琴邵18460383067问: 用What is in your bag?怎么写对话? -
濮阳县岩沙回答: 用What is in your bag?怎么写对话?What is in your bag? 你包里有什么 My textbooks, notebooks and a pencil box.课本、笔记本和笔盒 How many textbooks are there?里面几本课本 Three. They are for my Chinese, English, and maths class.三本,是语文、英语和数学课本全是我自己来的,还算专业,若帮到了你,记得采纳哦-,0

琴邵18460383067问: What's in your handbag? 主语 -
濮阳县岩沙回答: in是介词,what 是主语,is 谓语,in your handbag是介词短语作表语

琴邵18460383067问: 用问题写短文 1.What`s your name ? 2.Where do you study? 3.What class and grade are you in ? 4.Who is ypur English teacher ? 5.Do you like your sch -
濮阳县岩沙回答: My name is XX(你自己的名字),I study in No.6 middle school(No1,2,3填你在的学校),I am in Class1,Grade2(这里几年级几班,我这里是2年级一班,你自己可以根据情况写下).My English teacher is XX(你英语老师的名字,填拼音即可), 后面问题不完整……

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