
作者&投稿:上南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、 产品名称、型号、数量、价格
1. Product’s name, model, quantity, price
The above price includes transportation, installation, commissioning and personnel training

2、 结算方法及供货时间
2. Mode of settlement and delivery time
a. 30% advance payment, another 60% after the goods have been checked and accepted on the day of arrival, the balance of 10% payment will be settled within 6months after the commissioning of the equipment.
b. Delivery time: 2 months after contract comes into effect.

3、 运输方式及费用负担和到达站港:供方负责送货至购方厂内。
3. Mode of delivery, freight and destination port: Goods shall be delivered by the Supplier to the factory of the Buyer.

4、 技术标准和质量保证
4,Technical standards and quality guarantee
This product is manufactured in accordance with the technical standards of general balancing machines
Under ISO 2953.

5、 合同的生效
5. Effectiveness of contract
This contract is deemed to be effective after both signatures of the Buyer and the Supplier have been affixed on the contract and the receipt of the advance payment by the Supplier.

1) 本合同一式二份,合同双方各执一份。
2) 本合同发生争议时,由当事人双方协商解决或向工商行政管理机关申请行政调解,若协商、调解不成,可以由人民法院来解决本合同纠纷。
3) 免费调试及人员培训(第一次培训不少于3天)。
4) 其他见技术协议。
7. Other terms and conditions
a. This contract is in duplicate, the Buyer and the Supplier each holds one copy.
b. In the event of any disputes, both parties should settle amicably or apply for administrative mediation by the Industrial and Commercial administration Department. If still unsettled, the dispute would be directed to the People’s Court.
c. Equipment commissioning and personnel training are provided free of charge. (First training shall not be less than 3 days .)
d. For other matters, please refer to the Technical Agreement.

注: 怎么没有第6 条?

Bringen Sie Ihre Mann nach Seeman zu mal sehen。

Wo sind sie?
Veilicht laufen nach die Grenze。

- fils vous (nom géographique) pour examiner la personne à Seeman. - a su. - ils dedans où? - court probablement vers la frontière.


-Führt Sie die Person zu Seeman zu überprüfen
-An wo sind sie?
-Möglich in Richtung zur Grenze zu laufen

fils vous (nom géographique) pour examiner la personne à Seeman. - a su. - ils dedans où? - court probablement vers la frontière.


Führt Sie (geographischer Name) die Person zu Seeman zu überprüfen.
- wußte.

An wo - sind sie?
- läuft vielleicht in Richtung zur Grenze.

- fils vous (nom géographique) pour examiner la personne à Seeman. - a su. - ils dedans où? - court probablement vers la frontière.

求日语高手准确翻译一句话!不要意译,麻烦直接翻译!谢谢! 寒さもだい...
寒さもだいぶしのぎよくなった。渐渐变得相当扛冻了(耐寒了)。———寒さを凌ぐ:忍耐,忍受;维持,抵御;躲避,排除。寒さ:寒冷 だいぶ:大分【だいぶ】很,相当地。しのぎよくなった:凌ぎよくなる,渐渐变得耐寒,扛冻。

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却终复方: What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar. 现在所出现的情况是人们不再像曾经有过的那样,轻松坦率,完完全全地说出他们梦里的事情,以免被认为是鲁莽、贪求和粗俗.

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译一下 -
却终复方: 上本之于古者圣王之事 从上推究古代圣明帝王的往事下原察百姓耳目之实 向下考察百姓耳闻目睹的实情(此句中的“原察”和上句中的“本”都有推究考察意).发以为刑政,观其中国家百姓人民之利 将(之)放到政治上去施行,观察...

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译成英文... -
却终复方: Lab Rules First, all persons entering the laboratory, the laboratory must be in strict compliance with the rules and regulations. Second, in the laboratory for various experiments, the task must be a plan book, and then after the central laboratory ...

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译中文到英文
却终复方: Hello, we are linda. Members of the international Chinese website, I hope you can join us for the nets, open for you in our picture of cartoons. We always like you and support you forever! Not much, I hope you can in yan yan below to friends of publicchinese signed a message, name! Thank eh

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译成英文 -
却终复方: 杜绝机译,请楼主放心选择聘用陈小姐,个人销售能力出众,她拥有足够的自信面对新工作的挑战,坚强的性格使她可以应付工作中的困难,年轻使她精力充沛足以应付新职位的巨大工作压力,她有足够的精力去发展新的客户并长期为公司带...

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译成英文. -
却终复方: 正确译文应该是:Class 10046 Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi City, Hubei Province

新野县19282286763: 请高手帮忙翻译成中文 -
却终复方: king9942 回答的还可以,稍微改一下. ==================================== 비혈이아자씨와 아빠집에 다녀왔다! 和飞血(红眼)叔叔去了一趟老爸家! 배터~지게 먹은 것 같다! 吃的好像快撑死了! 계산은 비혈아저씨가 했다...오오...

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译下 -
却终复方: The buddha says: 500 times of the glance back in one's prelife, only gives one the brush past for this life. I don't know how many times you and me prayed to the buddha,might be thous...

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译几句英语.
却终复方: 估计是餐馆英语来的,呵呵...有些看过了,但记不太清,仅供参考 第一句是;帮您收掉这个杯子可以吗? Excuse me,may i help you to take this cup out? 第二句是;这锅很烫,请小心. This pot is hot,pls be careful. 第三句是;帮你们整理一...

新野县19282286763: 请高手翻译英语! -
却终复方: 1.There are cracks on the children's playground, it's easy to cause children to fall down when they are running on it.2.The slide for children which was used for a long time is...

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