
作者&投稿:勤世 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
八年级英语上册语法(要湖南教育出版社的 北京市仁爱教育研究所 编著的)快考试了··急~

  Phrases of Unit3 Topic 1

  1. Pleased to see you.
  = Glad to see you. 很高兴见到你
  2. What beautiful stamps!
  3. must be 一定是…
  4. It certainly is! 当然是
  5. special moments 特殊的时刻
  6. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事
  7. photos of famous stars 明星的照片
  8. love/ like/ enjoy/ prefer doing sth.
  9. be interested in doing sth.
  10. walk a pet dog 遛狗
  11. water flowers 浇花
  12. in one’s spare/free time
  13. read comics 看漫画
  14. What’s your hobby?你的爱好是什么
  15. a movie fan 一个电影迷
  16. rent VCDs 租VCD
  17. miss a soccer game 错过足球赛
  18. know little about…
  19. share one’s interest分享某人的爱好
  20. e-mail address 电子邮箱地址
  21. in the pond 在池子里
  22. How clever! 多聪明啊
  23. keep pets 养宠物
  24. what they like 他们喜欢的
  25. dance to music 伴随音乐跳舞
  26. collect things 收集东西
  27. such as 例如
  28. bring sb. sth. 带给某人某物
  29. bring me happiness 带给我快乐
  30. relax oneself 放松自己
  31. daily work 日常工作
  32. take a bath 洗澡
  33. follow me 跟随我
  34. He doesn’t mind whether they are good or not.

  Phrases of Unit 3 Topic 2

  1. go to a concert 去听音乐会
  2. How exciting! 多刺激啊!
  3. What sweet music! 多甜美的音乐!
  4. 感叹句:
  What + a/an +adj. + 单数名词!
  What + adj. + 不可数/复数名词!
  How + adj. / adv. + 主语+ 谓语!
  5. at the concert 在音乐会上
  6. It sounds great 听起来很棒
  7. give the concert 举行演唱会
  8. at the Music Hall 在音乐厅
  9. come with sb. 和某人一起来
  10. take lessons 上课
  11. What a pity! 多遗憾啊!
  12. lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.
  13. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物
  14. come on 来吧!
  15. musical instruments 乐器
  16. play the guitar/ drums/ violin/ piano/ erhu/ …
  17. learn to do sth. 学会去做某事
  18. It's hard to say. 很难说
  19. classical/ pop/ folk music
  古典/流行/民族 音乐
  20. It’s too serious. 太严肃了
  21. I don't mind it. 我不介意
  22. rock music 摇滚乐
  23. country music 乡村音乐
  24. piano / violin music 钢琴/小提琴曲
  25. types of music 音乐的种类
  26. everyday life 日常生活
  27. be famous for… 因…而著名
  28. just so-so = so-so 一般般
  29. one of … …之一
  30. rock bands 摇滚乐队
  31. in the fall of… …(年)的秋天
  32. form a band = set up a band
  33. continue doing sth.
  = go on doing sth. 继续做某事
  34. make music 制作音乐
  35. close friends 亲密的朋友
  36. all over the world 全世界
  37. date of birth 出生日期
  38. pay for… 为…付钱
  39. spend + 时间/金钱+ on sth. / (in) doing sth. (做)某事花费(时间/钱)
  40. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事
  41. teach sb. to do sh. 教某人去做某事
  42. be fun for sb. 对某人来说有乐趣
  43. make sb. + adj. 使某人…
  44. among young people 在年轻人中

  Phrases of Unit3 Topic3

  1. hold the line=hold on 别挂电话
  2. answer the phone 接电话
  3. practice the violin 练习小提琴
  4. take a shower= have a shower
  =take/ have a bath 洗澡
  5. have/take a rest 休息
  6. What was he/she/… doing?
  7. What were you doing? 你在做什么?
  8. this time yesterday 昨天这个时候
  9. do some washing=wash clothes
  10. do some cleaning 打扫除
  11. do some + V-ing 做些…
  12. from… to… +过去时间
  13. at+时间点+过去时间:
  14. listen to the radio 听广播
  15. sit on the grass 坐在草地上
  16. visit a museum 参观博物馆
  17. give a report 做报告
  18. agree with sb.同意某人(的话或看法)
  19. so handsome 真帅
  20. I agree.=I think so. 我同意
  21. I don’t agree.
  = I don’t think so. 我不同意
  22. it is pleasant to do sth. 做…很愉快
  23. be angry with sb. 生某人的气
  24. make faces 做鬼脸
  25. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
  26. make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人/物…
  27. Don’t do that again. 别再做那事了
  28. come into the classroom 进教室
  29. spend…on sth. 在…上花费…
  30. spend… in doing sth. 花…做某事
  31. at church 在教堂
  32. holy day 神圣日
  33. be called 被叫做
  34. blue Mondays 蓝色星期一
  35. in the early… …的早期
  36. too…to… 太…以至于不能…
  = not…enough to do sth.
  37. stop doing sth. 停止做某事
  38. solve the problem 解决问题
  39. the beginning of … …的开始
  40. the idea of… …的主意
  41. two-day weekend 两天的周末
  42. nothing serious 没什么严重的
  43. take photos 拍照
  44. give sb. a lesson 给某人上课

  Phrases of Unit4 Topic1

  1. in the countryside 在农村
  2. enjoy nature 享受自然
  3. must be fun 一定有趣
  4. much+形容词比较级: …得多
  5. give sb. joy
  = bring sb. happiness 给某人带来快乐
  6. play with sth. 玩某物
  7. sing to sb. 对某人唱歌
  8. as we know 众所周知
  9. be important to sb. 对…来说很重要
  10. share the world with 与…分享世界
  11. share sth. With sb. 与某人分享某物
  12. the earth’s surface 地球表面
  13. 6%: six percent 百分之六
  14. thousands of 成千上万
  15. live in rainforests 住在热带雨林里
  16. many of them 他们中许多
  17. over 30 meters from the ground
  18. help to do sth. 帮助做某事
  19. control the weather 调控温度
  20. protect sth. 保护某物
  21. can’t live without water
  22. in fact 事实上
  23. make up 组成
  24. be necessary for… 对…有必要
  25. living things 生物
  26. save water 节约水
  27. a drop of water 一滴水
  28. on earth 地球上
  29. wild animal 野生动物

  Phrases of Unit4 Topic2

  1. take the place of…
  = instead of 代替…
  2. in danger 处于危险中
  3. repair machines 修理机器
  4. mend roads 修理道路
  5. catch fish 抓鱼,捕鱼
  6. lift trucks 举起卡车
  7. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
  8. work without pay 工作而不要付钱
  9. look like 看起来像…
  10. not so sure 不太确定
  11. living things 生物
  12. in fact 事实上
  13. get information 获取信息
  14. man-made 人造的
  15. mistake A for B 把A错当成B
  16. until now 直到现在
  17. spend + 时间 + on sth.
  18. on the Internet 在互联网上
  19. download useful information
  20. How is everything these days?
  21. how to do sth. 如何做某事?
  22. English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典
  23. Chinese-English dictionary 汉英词典
  24. in alphabetical order 字母顺序排列
  25. look up (在字典或参考书中)查找
  26. pay attention to… 注意,留意…
  27. begin with… 以…开头
  28. give it a try = have a try 试一试
  29. write to sb. 写信给某人
  30. plug in 接通电源
  31. press the “ON” /“OFF” button
  32. ask sb. for help 向某人寻求帮助
  33. surf the Internet 上网冲浪
  34. from place to place
  35. use … for doing sth. 用…来做某事

  Phrases of Unit4 Topic3

  1. old city walls 老城墙
  2. What happened? 发生了什么事?
  3. pull down 拆毁(建筑物)
  4. be worn out 被破坏,破旧的
  5. there used to be… 过去有…
  6. do/try one’s best to do sth.
  7. learn…from… 从…中学到…
  8. Emperor Qin’s terra Cotta Warriors
  9. one of the greatest wonders of the world 世界上最伟大的奇观之一
  10. order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事
  11. long ago 很久以前
  12. the Summer Palace 故宫
  13. as his tomb 作为他的坟墓
  14. International exhibition 国际展览
  15. Peking University 北京大学
  16. world famous 世界著名的
  17. 计量的表达:
  主语+数词+单位(meters/ kilometers)+形容词/副词(long/wide/deep/high/tall)等(eg. 12meters high)
  18. the seven wonders 七大奇观
  19. the ancient world 古代
  20. on earth= of the world
  = over the world 全世界,世界上
  21. It takes sb. +时间to do sth.
  22. be made up of… 由…组成
  23. more than= over 超过
  24. join…together 把…连在一起
  25. from then on 从那时起
  26. since then 从那时开始
  27. regard…as… 把 …看作/当成…
  28. a (the) symbol of… …的象征
  29. find pleasure in doing sth.


一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years等。
will do 结构表示将来的用法:
1. 表示预见
Do you think it will rain?
You will feel better after a good rest.
2. 表示意图
I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow.
What will she do tomorrow?
(1)will+主语+do…? Will Sarah come to visit me next Sunday?
(2)there be 结构的一般疑问句:Will there + be …?
Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won’t
否定句构成:will + not (won’t)+do
Sarah won’t come to visit me next Sunday.
特殊疑问词+will+主语+…?What will Sarah do next Sunday?

大概就这些了,希望能帮到你吧 (*^__^*)





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