
作者&投稿:卜栋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

where to put my feet 是做wonder的宾语
It takes sb some time to do sth。 做某事花费某人多长时间 是固定句型
metal footrest 金属搁脚板


First, on the first point.
Listening training materials selection is crucial and overriding everything, for beginners, it is essential to choose those who speed, relatively slow and very clear voice hearing materials, to improve and consolidate the self-confidence
. Tingne more than the material, lay a good foundation for the progressive development of the future may be. I strongly recommend that VOA Special English. As Special English vocabulary less, slow speed, is the best beginner hearing one of the materials. After four to six students may have such experiences, many materials not understand, but taken over a text material, not simply angry, not a word is a basic words are extremely "familiar" word, sentence structure is also very simple, is that they did not listen up. Therefore, the initial stage of these basic purpose is to give voice and the words your mind establish a rapid reaction, strong relationship. For the past four or Guosiji students will be prepared, through repetition fully listen to write special-it is entirely possible, and the general basis for a high school English friend, I suggest you use the junior and senior high school English teaching materials or new the concept of English as the first two practice materials. The entry has been a friend, need more layers
The more detailed training materials for the hearing, such as TOEFL essay, VOA Opinion Roundup, Earth & Sky, and other programs. All these can be used as high-class friends do training materials use. Of course, I will choose my friends for the hearing more and better materials to meet these and other friends at all levels of learners needs.
Listening skills that awareness on the issue, I suggest that you Long Road to Buy bell for the "reverse of Qiao learn English," a book to look carefully at the inside many truths also said that very clearly. I am here I just want to personally experience " categorically "tell you: start" real "practice of hearing (I referred to here as" genuine "did not mean that the examination skills, but from the bottom of their hearts that want to master, and apply, the source for the enjoyment of English), must not act with undue haste, the start to listen to those of the standard speed of the original hearing, on the one hand this method is unscientific; on the other hand will be to train up their own self-confidence has brought tremendous damage. will in all likelihood soon abandoned. this is the first place I feel it is listening to hieroglyphics, the 10 minutes of recording down to listen to Topic is a very good accuracy, the details of the reaction time is not on flash and before. this It is a process of "torment." Of course, a few friends insist amazing willpower
Down, but due to the unwise approach, resulting in a large amount of their time and energy (and sometimes can be said that youth) in which it, but it will be difficult to return and pay balance, the results have yet to really break through hearing the main reason is the basis not well, and always listen to generalities, and always have been listening to some background knowledge of Chinese broadcasting, which will result in a false impression, as if anything to understand, and what did not seem to understand. effect can seize (Actually, the reason background knowledge), and truly accurate to every sentence, every word has always Diusanlaosi, and can not be accurate order to express. this tower built on sand "hard work" will never build strong buildings, and always in the collapsed building, collapsed to build a duplication of effort.
Say the second point.
Slow start from the English hearing is the real scientific breakthrough method. Myself but also in the process of practice led to explore some oral hearing, a good way of training interpreters. Ears pitch with dictation strengthen the link between mind response, through increased Dictation Music ability to argue, through translation back to strengthen their language ability.


It‘s very sad really.We'll have to move.我们将不得不搬走\/搬家了,这太令人伤心了。I don't want to leave the place where we are now.我不想离开我们现在住的地方。It's so comfortable and we've got all our friends round here.这里很舒适,而且我们所有的朋友都在这里。But they...

我有一个大衣。 My overcoat is old.我的大衣是旧的。 I want a new jacket.我想要一个新的外套。I make a jacket out of it.我做一件夹克走出来。 I love my new jacket.我爱我的新外套。I have a jacket.我有一件夹克。 My jacket is old.我的外套是旧的。 I want a new sweater...

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Dear teachers. Good afternoon. My name is xx. I'm from hubei enshi. The university entrance exam is accepted prior professional sports education wuhan. See wuhan international education college of prior introduced. In order to widen the vision after. Increase their experience. To ...

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请教英语高手,帮我翻译几个句子,汉译英 哈!
1.Accepting this work have to usually go to work over the weekend, but John is inattentive.2.Know to all, lung cancer the partly is because of smoking cigarette excessive and causable at least.3.My grandparents say that person of invention television's once living are that ...

惠州市18379703770: 请教英语高手~!翻译:中文:越来越多来自全世界的人到深圳旅游.英文:_______ - visitors - ______ - come to ShenZhen. -
鄞进罗可:[答案] More and more around the world

惠州市18379703770: 中译英 虽然你让我伤心 但是你依然是我的唯一请教英语高手把这句话翻译的好一点 -
鄞进罗可:[答案] Even though you had made me heart-broken,you are still my sole lover.

惠州市18379703770: 请教英语高手,这个词组该如何翻译?Residence Museum翻译为“故居”还是“故居博物馆”呢?中文里应该没有“故居博物馆”这种文字搭配吧. -
鄞进罗可:[答案] 翻译为“故居”好些,“故居博物馆”的话,中国人都看不懂了就.

惠州市18379703770: 请教英语高手 两个名词和一句话的翻译 请指点!谢谢!好的话追加分1China Aid Association2Texas - based lobby group3ZHAO XIAO, a former Communist ... -
鄞进罗可:[答案] 1:应该是中国援助机构 2:以德克萨斯州为基础发展的游说团体 3:up to 是高达的意思.大概是:赵翔-前共产党员后改信基督教,端着茶微笑的说,他认为在中国,基督信徒已高达13000万之众. 这是我的意见,仅供参考.

惠州市18379703770: 请教高手英语翻译
鄞进罗可: Has asks all painstakingly not to strive for is happy 下面是意思 已要求所有刻意不争取的是快乐

惠州市18379703770: 请教英语高手翻译
鄞进罗可: Next time it is better to see once, see a better time

惠州市18379703770: 请教英语高手这句英文的准确翻译是什么:the brand name must be created for strategic impact -
鄞进罗可:[答案] 所创建的品牌名称必须具有战略影响力.

惠州市18379703770: 英语翻译 请教高手!
鄞进罗可: The world economy is the world's national economies interrelated and interdependent and constitute a world-wide economy as a whole. It is the international division of labor and the world market, based on the world's national economies through ...

惠州市18379703770: 求英语高手翻译请教英语高手翻译以下几个句子1.我爱好唱歌
鄞进罗可: 1.我爱好唱歌 (一般现在时) I like singing. 2.我讨厌滑雪(同上) I don't like skating. 3.我对古典音乐不感兴趣 I'm not interested in classic music. 4.我的兴趣爱...

惠州市18379703770: 请教英语高手翻译一句:天真的以为,一句对不起就能换回从前的快乐·· -
鄞进罗可:[答案] Once I had a naive idea that a simple "sorry" could bring back the lost happiness.

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