用一般现在时造句,要求造四个句子,主语是 i she they you

作者&投稿:愚亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一般现在时用英语造句,主语是 I They She You~

I'm a good student.
They lead a happy life.
she sings a nice song.
You can do your homework.

You are beautiful.\You aren't beautiful.\Are you beautiful?\Yes,I am.\No,I am not.
We are students.\We aren't students.\Are you students?\Yes,we are.\No,we aren't.
They are teachers.\They aren't teachers.\Are they teachers?\Yes,they are.\No,they aren't.
He is very happy.\He isn't very happy.\Is he very happy?Yes,he is.\No,he isn't.

I watch TV every day.
She is a nurse.
They go to the park on Sundays.
You like to eat dumplings, don't you?

用一般现在时造句,要求造四个句子,主语是 i she they you
I watch TV every day.She is a nurse.They go to the park on Sundays.You like to eat dumplings, don't you?

一般现在时:I have a book. I don't have a book. Do you have a book? What do you have?一般过去时:I did my homework. I didn't do my homework. Did you do your homework? What did you do?肯定形式 主语+动词过去式+其它。例句:She came to help us in those days。否定...

1、一般现在时:I love her, 我爱她。2、一般过去时:I loved Ann,我爱过她(现在不爱了)。3、现在进行时:I am loving her, 我爱着她。4、过去进行时:I was loving he,我那时一直爱着她。5、现在完成时:I have loved her, 我爱过她。(现在可能还爱)6、一般将来时:I will ...

一般现在是就是最简单最平常的时态,但是要特别注意人称的问题:如果是单数第三人称记得后面的动词要加e或者es的,我给你举几个例子,你参考一下吧:1.I usually go to school on foot.翻译为:我经常走路去上学。2.He seldom comes home early.翻译为:他很少早早回家。3.She often reads books...

用动词play造句:一般现在时: We often play in the park on Sundays.我们经常星期天在公园里玩。现在进行时: He is playing the piano in the classroom now.他现在在教室里弹钢琴。一般过去时: The boys in my class played football last Friday.上星期五我班上男孩踢足球了。

一般现在时:1.He has a little dog.他有一只小狗 2.I want to go to park.我想去公园 现在完成进行时:2.My mother has been making the cake for 3 hours.我妈妈做这个蛋糕已经做了三个小时了 希望能帮助到您!

一般现在时:I like play computer games.一般过去时:I did my homework this afternoon.过去进行时: I was playing basketball when my mother called me yesterday.现在进行时:I am doing the homework now.

② 如果是有be动词以外的其他动词充当的,则要借助助动词do或者does。需要特别提醒的是,一旦使用了助动词do或者does,那么谓语动词则必须恢复为动词原形形式。借助be动词或助动词do或者does,就可以把一般现在时的陈述句改为疑问句,把肯定句改成否定句,把普通句改为强调句。3. 典型例句:① I am a...

一般现在时:1、---Are you in No.1Middle School?---Yes,I am.2、---Does snows in the north?---Yes,it does.现在进行时:1、---What are you doing?---I am writing a letter.2、---What are you looking for?---I am trying to find my keys.一般过去时:1、---Did you ...

英语 时态造句
一般现在时 I like football.He usually watches TV in the evening.We play basketball after school.I play the piano every day.He looks like my brother.一般过去时 I was late for class yesterday.He found his book last week.We had a good time yesterday.I bought a coat last month...

埇桥区17012542181: 用一般现在时造4个句子 -
阳狠清凉:[答案] 1.He is a student. 他是名学生2.I go to school by bus everyday. 我每天坐公交去学校.3.She often goes to the cinema on weekend. 她周末经常去看电影.4.I usually get up at 6 o'clock. 我通常6点起床....

埇桥区17012542181: 用一般现在时造句(15个) -
阳狠清凉:[答案] 一般现在时.表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态. 1、They usually go to school by bike. 2、I take the medicine three times a day. 3、She helps her mother once a week. 4、Mary's father is a ...

埇桥区17012542181: 用一般现在时造4个句子并翻译中文 -
阳狠清凉: I often go to school on foot 我一般步行去上学 he likes playing football 他喜欢踢足球 she dose her homework by herself 她一般独立完成家庭作业 Tom goes swimming every sunday 汤姆每周日都会去游泳

埇桥区17012542181: 请用一般现在时造句(live stay arrive)5句 -
阳狠清凉: I live in Dalian . I like to stay with my mother. He arrives the airport.

埇桥区17012542181: 英语主动语态一般现在时简单的造句 -
阳狠清凉:[答案] 1,l love you! 2.The girl goes to bed late every night. 3she often comes to school by bus.

埇桥区17012542181: 用一般现在时造句,要求造四个句子,主语是 i she they you -
阳狠清凉: I watch TV every day.She is a nurse.They go to the park on Sundays.You like to eat dumplings, don't you?

埇桥区17012542181: 一般现在时造句用一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时造句,各2句话.水平要初一水平就行肯定句 要简单一点的 -
阳狠清凉:[答案] 一般现在时I am wring letters现在进行时Some students are playing football in the playground一般过去时she finished doing her homework一般将来时There is going to be a meeting in the school tomorrow...

埇桥区17012542181: 造几个一般现在时的句子 1肯定句 2.否定句 3.一般疑问句 4、特殊疑问句 -
阳狠清凉: 以我最近喜欢的一首歌的题目为例《The Boy Is Mine》1.肯定句 The boy is mine.2.否定句 The boy is not yours.3.一般疑问句 Do you think the boy is yours?4.特殊疑问句 Who do you think the boy is?就这样了,要我现编我还真是茫然

埇桥区17012542181: 用英语的4种时态造句.please 用一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时造句.各造5个./// -
阳狠清凉:[答案] 现在时(1)I get up at 6 in the morning.我每天六点起床.(2)The sun rises in the east.(3)Can you give me an apple?(4) Are you ready?(5)Read after me please. 将来时(1)I will go shopping tomorrow.明天我要购物.(2)I am going to visit my uncle...

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