
作者&投稿:皮彬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear friends : you are good! You still my English level is not improved and pained? Still he could not find a common interest - English groups and upset? If you are worried or upset, then to join our English club you will be a good choice.
The English club is the school for the first time this year to create a English learning community, is a young but full of strength of the society. By virtue of knowledge and innovation, in the energetic and motivated our efforts, it exudes vitality and prosperity in the new century. The club will be to develop the students' ability of learning English as the basis, to improve the students English level as the goal, and regularly held various activities. At the same time, societies will have professional teachers teaching, to improve the students upgraded and the English four levels of probability. The classmates if you want to sign up, to XXX, to pay the entry fee of $100.
So we created the College English Association, that is for our students to provide an English learning and exchange platform, I hope you do not miss this chance, sign up eagerly. We look forward to your joining ... ...


October 10, 2006, the "New Century Chinese music seminars were" held in the Chinese Academy of Music This means that the "Chinese music faction" has entered a new stage of substantive. From the general sense, the music style and the level of music camp is a typical sign. Review of the last century, China's professional course of the development of music education, music reflect on the existing education system, you can discover that music education in the basic education stage quite weak, and the revitalization of the "Chinese music faction," and there is a great gap between demand. Therefore, we must thoroughly consider the reasons for the existence of this phenomenon and take reasonable measures to make music education can really rooted in the basic education, the early realization of "Chinese Music faction" takeoff.



哪位高人能帮我把以下的内容翻译成英文! 不胜感激!小弟没有太多分!还...
1. Parents signing up for gifts, enjoying cookies and taking photos;2. Welcoming ceremony by all Gymboree staffs.3. "The best cheering family" prize 4. Group dancing.5. Short play performed by teachers.6. Baby's runway show.7. Performance by Jenny.8. Mummy Cosplay.9. Making ...

ミルクに浸す ミルクを入れたお茶に浸す コーヒに浸す グルメを浸して、栄养が出てくる。和风浸しビスケット、卵とシロップを伝统的な手法で作り上げ、美味しくて、栄养いっぱいで、さくさくしている。ご注意 风通しのいい日阴に置いてください。直射日光あたらないでくださ...

哥哥,我回家了。오빠 나집에들어왔어你的电脑出了一点小问题 오빠 컴표터가 조금 문제생겼어 不能无线上网,무&#...

哈哈,我来帮你翻译咯,I'll try my best,O(∩_∩)O~Different from the old plans ,this new one makes many rules in detail.Accoeding to the rules不同于以前的计划,这个新的计划详细地规定了许多新的规则。the time for primary school students to finish their homework shouldn't be ...

3)船样明天就可以邮寄,每色L码1件,upc不干胶也同时邮寄。3) ship can post tomorrow, each 1 l codes, UPC stickers also by post.4)信用证上的是每件的价格,我们报关的时候用的是套,如果这个错误不能及时得到修正,会造成不符点,请帮忙修改,谢谢。4) is on the credit per piece ...


原文:请不要在截关前两日才放so给我,这样时间太紧,下次起码请在截关前3天放so给我!因为黄埔报关耗时长.时间太紧,可能不够时间报关!译文:Please do not close until two days before the release so to me this time too tight, the next at least in the cut-off before the 3 Tianfang so...


4.以下メールの訳文:ハノイ株式会社 様 8月25日付け、ご连络顶いた内容を了承致しました。中国业务を拡大されると闻かせて顶いたこと、本当に嬉しく存じます。続けて御爱顾が顶ける様、宜しくお愿い致します。贵社お问い合わせの「宝通公司」は私営输入会社です。5年前设立された...

请各位高手帮忙将以下的内容翻译成日语 万分感谢 行政助理工作内容...
1.支払い要求を行うと、その量は、顾客との一贯性があるかどうかを确认する;贩売契约を行い、テーブル内の贩売记録を记入し、Office Excel、毎日の消费スケジュールセーリングを确认し、本部の手配にFAX送信する注文确认を行う 2.WORD \/ PPT入札书类(会社概要、制品の说明、会社の资格...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 请帮忙把以下内容翻译成英语,多谢!(不是电脑软件翻译) -
愚爬脑血: Our company would like to take part in "EII" with much sincerity.We are also in great support of all kinds of the measures you distinguished organization has made for the environment protection.We are under obligation and also confident to meet ...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 帮忙把以下内容译为英语,非常谢谢你的及时回复我们期待着与你在中国见面,我们公司将为我们的见面做好一切准备.此外,我真诚的希望你能把我公司做... -
愚爬脑血:[答案] Thank you very much for your prompt replyWe look forward to meeting with you in China,our company will make all preparations for our meeting.In addition,I sincerely hope you can make me subject to a m...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 请帮忙翻译以下的英文.谢谢. -
愚爬脑血: 1. Complete the assignments given by team leader; 2. Learn the testing k...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 请帮忙翻译下面短话为英文,在线等,谢谢! -
愚爬脑血: We will try our best to deliver the goods ahead of the time, after all it has been delayed for many days. Is it okay that we follow the lead time of the PO by 12/05 and 12/30? As so far the lead time seems really tight. Could you please send the PO to us ...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 谁可以帮忙把下面的文章翻译成英语的!!谢谢!!! -
愚爬脑血: Second, camellia oleifera production process is the difference between the fete ceremony or make use of the markIf you are playing with fete ceremony or...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 求助,请帮忙翻译以下为英文,谢谢! -
愚爬脑血: 我们尝试调整这个Artwork,根据你的效果图, We try to adjust the Artwork, depending on your rendering, 但是无法100%吻合这种颜色, But you can't 100% fit this kind o...

曲麻莱县14710596691: 请懂英文的朋友帮我翻译以下内容,急用.谢谢! -
愚爬脑血: I can't visit you ,because I am very busy this week,

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