
作者&投稿:殷勤彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Respect leadership: hello!
First of all thank you in spite of being very busy toglance vertical tabled I offer to volunteer the material, believe it won't take up too much of your time, and wishes the expensive unitenterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!
I am zhejiang ocean university's college of science and technology, the east China sea a senior student, I will be faced with graduation.
Over the years, the teacher's education and individual efforts, I have the solid specialized elementary knowledge, the system command of the professional knowledge. Through the during the period of school test practice and course design of training, I have a strong practical ability. In the extracurricular time I dabble in a large number of books, not only pay attention to the professional skills and theoretical knowledge training, more to improve their comprehensive quality in the first place. Strict style of study and correct learning state ?

Methanol and natural gas production plant is my indispensable auxiliary production materials, in the process of gathering and transportation of natural gas, due to the formation of hydrates easily plug the pipeline, the impact of production, in order to avoid the formation of hydrate plug pipelines, natural gas gathering and transportation needs in the process of in methanol injection to reduce the freezing point of the hydrates. The actual gas production after pipeline hydrate plug deplugging for the use of methanol, methanol consumption is much larger than the volume of gas added to normal, resulting in greater waste of methanol. Yulin operations in Southern District, the jurisdiction of the Second District more gas, and a large number of alcohol injection of natural gas will not only increase production costs,
At the same time to the operation area of the site management has brought a great deal of inconvenience. In this paper, the production of methanol and natural gas consumption characteristics and discussed the implementation of countermeasures, the standard cost of the operation of research evaluation, combined with the actual management of our factory, active in the promotion of the standard cost effective to reduce methanol consumption, saving production costs and achieve the refinement of operations management.

Abstract: Family education is the earliest education, which is the basis of all education. Children receive their family education on the day they were born and the parents were their first teachers. The psychological health of children is an important aspect of early childhood education, which is the basic quality demanded by the future society for talents.

The psychological health of the children is greatly influenced by the family environment. The perfect structure of the family, a good family relationship, the basic qualities of the parents themselves as well as the ideology and method of bringing up the children are very important to the children's education and development, which will have a profound "impact" on the children's personality, especially on their psychology.

因此, 本人通过对家长的调查进行了分析,创设良好的家庭氛围,提高家长的心理健康意识,坚持和树立正确的教养态度和教育观念,宣传和实施有效的教育方法,是幼儿心理健康发展的首要基础。
Therefore, the writer of this paper, through an analysis based on his investigations to the parents, suggests that the most important basis for the healthy development of children's psychology lies in the creation of a sound family environment, the promotion of the parents' sense of psychological health, the persistent and correct concept of education and the advocation of correct and effective ways of education.

The psychological health of the children will have profound impact on their entire lifetime. Therefore, the parents should pay great attention to the impact of the family factors on the psychological health of the children.

关键词:家庭教育 幼儿 心理影响
Key words: family education, children, psychological impact

haotu111 - 首席执行官 十四级 的翻译,我在他的基础上稍作修改,仅供楼主参考,分数给他吧


Abstract: Family education is the earliest education, which is the basis of all education. Children receive their family education on the day they were born and the parents are their first teachers. The psychological health of children is an important aspect of early childhood education, which is the basic quality demanded by the future society for talented people.

The psychological health of the children is greatly influenced by the family environment. The perfect structure of the family, a good family relationship and the basic qualities of the parents themselves are very important to the children's educationm and development, which will have a profound "impact" on the children's mind, especially on their psychology.

因此, 本人通过对家长的调查进行了分析,创设良好的家庭氛围,提高家长的心理健康意识,坚持和树立正确的教养态度和教育观念,宣传和实施有效的教育方法,是幼儿心理健康发展的首要基础。
Therefore, the writer of this paper, through an analysis based on his investigations to the parents, suggests that the most important basis for the healthy development of children's psychology lies in the creation of a sound family environment, the promotion of the parents' sense of psychological health, the persistent and correct concept of education and the advocation of correct and effective ways of education.

The psychological health of the children will have profound impact on their entire lifetime. Therefore the parents should pay great attention to impact of the family factors on the psychological health of the children.

关键词:家庭教育 幼儿 心理影响
Key words: family education, children, psychological influnece

顶一下 haotu111 - 首席执行官 十四级 的翻译
其余人都时机器瞎译的 楼主看清楚

The courtyard education is the earliest education, is all education foundation, the child the first day starts from the birth to accept the home education, the parents is their first teacher. Baby's psychologically healthy is the pre-school education important content, will be the future society to the talented person demand basic quality. The baby psychologically healthy is been prominent home environment's influence, the consummation family structure, the good family interpersonal environment, guardian's quality to children's education philosophy, the education way, can give the baby the mind to iron “the mark” profoundly, the influence is specially important to the psychology. Therefore, myself through have carried on the analysis to guardian's investigation, establishes the good family atmosphere, raises guardian's psychologically healthy consciousness, insists and sets up the correct education manner and the education idea, the propaganda and the implementation effective education method, is the baby psychologically healthy development most important foundation. The baby psychologically healthy will have the profound influence to its entire life, therefore the parents should take the family factor the baby psychologically healthy influence.
家庭教育 Home education
心理影响 Psychological influence

The home education is the earliest education, is all education foundation, the child the first day starts from the birth to accept the home education, the parents is their first teacher. Baby's psychologically healthy is the pre-school education important content, will be the future society to the talented person demand basic quality. The baby psychologically healthy is been prominent home environment's influence, the consummation family structure, the good family interpersonal environment, guardian's quality to children's education philosophy, the education way, can give the baby the mind to iron “the mark” profoundly, the influence is specially important to the psychology. Therefore, myself through have carried on the analysis to guardian's investigation, establishes the good family atmosphere, raises guardian's psychologically healthy consciousness, insists and sets up the correct education manner and the education idea, the propaganda and the implementation effective education method, is the baby psychologically healthy development most important foundation. The baby psychologically healthy will have the profound influence to its entire life, therefore the parents should take the family factor the baby psychologically healthy influence.

Key word: Home education baby psychology influence

Translated into English? Thank you master is the correct answer?
The reward points: 200 - from the end of the issue are six days 18 hours
Abstract: Family education is the first education is the basis of all education, children born from the start on the first day of family education, parents are their first teachers. The psychological health of children is an important aspect of early childhood education is the future of the basic quality of the demand for talented people. Infant Mental Health by the impact of family environment is very prominent, and the perfect structure of the family, a good family environment of interpersonal relationships, the parents themselves on the quality of their children's education and education, to child care will be profound soul tracks, "Imprint" on the psychology of affected particularly important. Therefore, I passed the investigation to the parents of the analysis, the creation of good family atmosphere, and raise awareness of the mental health of parents, adhere to and establish a correct attitude toward the education and educational concepts, the promotion and implementation of effective education, early childhood development of mental health priority basis. Infant Mental Health their entire lifetime will produce far-reaching impact on the family, parents should attach importance to psychological factors on the health effects of child care.

Key words: family education psychological impact of child care

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承逸养阴: 摘要:家庭教育是最早的教育,是一切教育的基础,儿童从出生的第一天就开始接受家庭教育,父母就是他们的第一任教师.幼儿的心理健康是幼儿教育的重要内容,是未来社会对人才需求的基本素质. Abstract: Family education is the earliest ...

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