请高手帮忙翻译成英语 谢谢啦

作者&投稿:侯伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The airline told us the airport at the destined port has been saturated with shipments and ours have arrived there for a month.They may have been placed at some corner and can't be found very quickly, but the working staff are trying to find them.Please contact the agent of the destined port after two working days and let them contact the airport.

With the rapid development of high technology, information technology has in-depth in all areas of life. Enterprises in a variety of sales, has become the main promoter of state-owned economy, and their role in increasing the economic field. Inventory management is the result of the development of information technology, inventory management is now a business management an important part, is a key business benefits can be achieved, if the timely sales, inventory minimum, to reduce the backlog, then the business will achieve the best results. Thus, inventory management decisions directly affect the correctness of the effectiveness of the enterprise. In the past, marketing industries generally rely on manual operation, not only through human error-prone manual calculation, but not in time to visualize the relationship between the data shown, sales staff is difficult to make the right supplier to customer commitment communication between departments is often not smooth, which reduced the company's ability to compete in the market, the enterprise in a highly competitive market is very negative. Increasing development in computer science and mature today, the use of advanced technical computer to manage the daily work of business information data, can greatly improve the efficiency of enterprises. Inventory management system is in such situations arise, for small and medium enterprises to open up a new management channels.
The project uses a modular design, each sub-module of the system function modules of a specific design, thus completing the functional design of the entire system. In the bookstore inventory management systems administrator through the purchase module, sales module, inventory module of the appropriate action to enable enterprises to manage the orderly carrying out daily.
The system's visual development environment Microsoft VisumBasic 6.0 as the main development tool, and in VB using ADO database programming language, programming model, with a powerful SQL database query language to build relationships, access to the database, update the database is better needs to achieve the intended function. In this paper, and the ACCESS database, VB programming, basically the daily inventory management, purchasing management and sales management.

As the cost for xx has risen by 15% and the shipping cost also increases, we have to increase the price for the products.

Because one of the raw materials of xx prices 15 � F � � and domestic shipping costs rise, cause we costs so price increases

Because one of the price increasesof raw materials XX 15%, and domestic transportation costs rose, our cost rising product prices

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expands along with the motion channel service, itssubordinate business agent, the proxy spot increases, how counts eachkind of data from the tedious mesh point, the science effectivemanagement various business agents' cooperation relations, ...

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貊言丹黄: Thank you for your letter,it was my great pity that I couldn't take part in your laboratory.I'll go on in my way to study.If it's possible,I also hope that you could help me recommend other professors who need the postgraduate students.Thanks again and lots!

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貊言丹黄: 1. I have been handed the job applications2. New technology has been used in agriculture3. On the new governor's visit is very successful

六盘水市18230913635: 请高手帮忙翻译一下英文,非常感谢! -
貊言丹黄: 汉译英: 1.She is quite different from her sister. 2.Although we are neighbours, we are not familiar with each other. 3.Nobody can speak French here. 4.There are alll kinds of plants in the park. 5.Call all the children under the tree, will you? 6.It is ...

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貊言丹黄: 请您尽快帮我把东西寄出来!我很着急用!谢谢!Please help me to send the things out as soon as possible! I am very urgently needed! Thanks!

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貊言丹黄:[答案] I wanna sing to you (比较口语化) I'd like to sing a song to you.

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貊言丹黄: Indicators from the importance of representative, comprehensive perspective on specific targets, such as the choice of the need for internal logic analysis, to avoid the financial performance of the improvement is the object of evaluation through the ...

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