
作者&投稿:沙柿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Indications of regional structures throughout the TCM project area are difficult to locate. In general, based on the tectonic framework of the Asam Asam Basin in the area, the main structural trend is northeast-southwest to north-south, influenced by the Meratus Range to the northwest. The boundary of the subsiding basin is marked by a number of normal faults of the same orientation.

The younger sediments form a gently dipping blanket of sediments against the southern side of the Meratus Mountains and obscure many of the deep-seated structural elements resulting from the uplift of the Meratus Range. Minor folding of the younger sediments may also occur but the exact location and geometry of this folding are not clear from the data available. Some indication of folding was found between holes TCM_020, TCM_011 and TCM_017 but better recognition is required. The main faults in the area are also inferred to trend northeast-southwest to north-south.

Locally, the Batu Licin Fault trends northeast-southwest and is located in the southern portion of the concession area, truncating the Tanjung Formation coal seams against the Berai Formation in the south. This implies the Batu Licin fault is a normal fault with the southern block thrown down. A regional geological map is shown on Figure 4. A structure map of seam S6 (SM), including coal thickness is shown on Figure 5.
位于特许权区的南边局部的巴度里京断层伸向东北-西南方向,将紧靠着南方波赖地层的丹绒煤层截断。这意味南部区块已倾倒的巴度里京断层是正断层。图4 显示的是区域地质图。图5 标示的是S6煤层(SM)的结构图, 包括煤层的厚度。


区域结构的迹象是在中医项目区域内难寻。一般来说,基于构造格局的盆地Asam Asam区,主要结构的发展趋势是,northeast-southwest南北,影响范围Meratus向西北。沉降盆地边界为正断层的数量相同的方向。年轻的沉积物形成一种温和的沉积物对浸渍毯子一侧的Meratus南部山区和晦涩的许多深层次结构元素所产生的Meratus抬升的范围。小折叠的年轻沉积物,但也可能发生的位置和几何形状这折叠不清楚从数据可用。被发现的某些标志之间TCM_020折叠,TCM_011孔和TCM_017但识别是必需的。在该地区的主要缺点是趋势,推断northeast-southwest南北。 本地,巴图Licin northeast-southwest故障趋势,坐落在南部的部分地区,truncating让步Tanjung煤层的形成与Berai形成在南方。 这暗示巴图Licin过失是正常的故障与南方块拆毁了。一个区域地质地图显示在图4。一个结构的地图(SM)煤层中,包括煤层厚度显示在图5。

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2. 当处于你的控制之下,货物是妥善储藏在集装箱和拖车内以防止未经授权的存取和/或操作吗?
3. 你对在你直接控制下的场地、财产或其他地区的供应链安全性进行不加通知和随机的评估吗?






由于货物存储量的下降,A区许多的货位都是空的。但为了不影响夜班的操作,库内的照明灯全部都点亮,造成了能源的浪费。Due to the decrease of stock, there are now enough vacancies in Zone A.But in order to keep smooth operation for night shift, all lamps in wareshouse are kept always...

the effect of which is not only discouraging, but also challenging||与被停止的相当多的职员在一起,人口在贫穷线下面继续再制造它本身, 效果哪一个是不只有令人气馁的, 但是也挑战性的. If we are to solve the problem of poverty in China thoroughly, we must come up with some new way...

天行健,君子以自强不息。As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along.【又】As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection!在周易的英译本里 这两句是这样译的 The movement of heaven is full ...

(2) 山沓水匝,树杂云合。目既往还,心亦吐纳。春日迟迟,秋风飒飒。情往似赠,兴来如答。注释:1 匝(zā杂阴):围绕。 2 合:聚、会。 3 吐纳:指抒发。 4 春日迟迟:《诗经·豳风·七月》:“春日迟迟,采蘩祁祁。”孔颖达疏:“迟迟者,日长而暄之意,故为舒缓。计春秋漏刻,多少正等。

请翻译以下句子 1。珍惜友谊 2。友谊是人独特而丰富的精神财富_百度知 ...
1.cherish the friendship 2.Every Friendship is unique and valuable spiritual treasure.再送你一句句子吧,写作文能用 Do you know what is the kind of boat that can never ever sink?--A Friend-ship.一个英语的文字游戏谜语,个人很喜欢。

这两种都是快餐店 BurgerKing是一个吃汉堡包的 Wendys是一个吃冰激凌的。

晶莹的羽 不厚道啊 一看就是用翻译器啦 我的翻译:1、JK对他评论的方式感到满意并且他对双方都有帮助。2、JK说了句帮助他的话“那个家伙和那个女孩分享了在一起的时光和感觉”。

一旦得到客户确认,我想邀请你一起到XINXIA,确定质量及测试的验收标准,谢谢!Once it is confirmed by the customer, I would like to invite you to have a trip to XINXIA with me, so as to have the product quality and inspection criteria confirmed. Thank you!您好,原文对应翻译如上。...


我们经过重新检查,之前提供给你的图稿尺寸需要作出微调,请查收附件修改后的图稿。请告知什么时候才能完成这些图稿?翻译版本(1)Given a second examination , the drawing size we gave you previously needs to be adjusted , please kindly find the attached and revised drawings .please kindly ...

鹤城区13964712891: 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面的两个句子,不要翻译器翻译的!把握现在,不要让未来的我,讨厌现在的自己!加油!我的美国梦! -
卜供雷立:[答案] 把握现在,不要让未来的我,讨厌现在的自己!加油!我的美国梦! 英文翻译: Grasp the present in order not to let the future me dislike the present me myself. Come on!My America dream!

鹤城区13964712891: 烦请帮忙翻译下面的2个句子,谢谢!
卜供雷立: The meeting hall can accommodate 400 people, the overall layout design is ingenious, and it can be devided into several small and medium-sized banquet hall or conference room according to the customer's demand, each kind of conference ...

鹤城区13964712891: 请帮忙翻译下句英文,多谢! -
卜供雷立: The two photos we offered are different. 这句话是 你提供给对方的照片 The two photos you offered are not the same. 这句话是 别人给你提供的照片

鹤城区13964712891: 请帮忙翻译这两句话,谢谢~ -
卜供雷立: 我来试试: 1.(As the Letter of credit required) when the file reaches a...

鹤城区13964712891: 烦请帮忙翻译,非常感谢 -
卜供雷立: 1.Hello**,i'm writing this letter to let you know that from now on I will in charge of orders from Dalian area,so would you please send me the on-going order's data,like:standard example,example color card for future inspection.Thank you very much!2....

鹤城区13964712891: 两句话求助,请帮忙翻译下,英文,谢谢 -
卜供雷立: 1 Please let us know your more requirements about the goods, so we can rework according to your requirements2 I got a new design which I feel very good. Please have a look at the attachment. If you need it, I can send the samples to you.语法 单词都基本没问题 希望能帮到你 望采纳 谢谢

鹤城区13964712891: 哪位大侠帮我翻译以下句子:(烦请注意商务术语) -
卜供雷立: 一词多义同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别.试看下面几个例子:1.They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade.他们生意信誉已荡然无存.2.They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China.London他们已从伦敦中国银行开...

鹤城区13964712891: 请用正确的英语翻译下面这两个句子.谢绝机器翻译. -
卜供雷立: Someone who insults you,abuses you,spites you and disgrace you,but you still encourage him,say good words to him,flatter him and connivance him.But when...

鹤城区13964712891: 请帮忙翻译两句话,再解释一下语法. -
卜供雷立: 1.上司の命令でやっとは言え 、责任を免れることはできない だろう.虽说是因为上司的命令才做的事情,但是也不能逃避责任吧!で 格助词 表示原因和理由 责任を免れる是固定短语,译为逃避责任 动词的连用型+ことはできない表示不能做......(事情) だろう表示确认 质问 反问2.不要光一直叹气,考虑一下什么解决方案吧. ため息をつく固定短语,译为叹气 ~ばかり~ない句型,意思为:不要光怎么样 动词连用型+ましょう是表示劝诱,建议做某事.

鹤城区13964712891: 烦请帮助翻译英文,不要 翻译机器翻译的. -
卜供雷立: Well noted.

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