
作者&投稿:源侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




He sang a song once upon which name was forgetten by myself

The boys whose names were called stood up.

The boys who were called please stand up

1. I have a friend,Jane,whose father was my Chinese teacher. 2. Jane is a girl whom is easy to get along with,we all like her. 3. I watched a concert last Saturday,which was wonderful. 4. Our class is a big family, which is composed of 48 girls and 26 boys. 5. ...

‘定语从句’ 用英语怎么说
定语从句 英文:attributive clause 例句:Change the attributive clause in the following sentences into participial phrase.把下列句中的定语从句改为分词短语。词汇解析:一、attributive 英 [əˈtrɪbjətɪv] 美 [əˈtrɪbjətɪv]释...

翻译:The vase you broke yesterday is very expensive.The vase that you broke yesterday is very expensive.The vase which you broke yesterday is very expensive.

非限制性定语从句主要是译成并列分句、独立句和状语从句这几种形式,这与它的作用——仅是对先行项提供一些补充说明——有关。难怪《新编英语语法》(修定本)指出:在意义上,非限制性定语从句相当于一个并列分句,可以完全脱离主句而独立出现。 综上举例可以看出,定语从句可用“分述法”和“溶合法”进行翻译,形式有...

5个句子 翻译成英语定语从句 谢老``
1.她是昨天给你打电话的人 She is the one who called you yesterday.2.我是唯一被邀请的人 I am the only one who has been invited.3.这位歌手唱的歌很流行 The song, which is sang by this singer, is really popular.This is the singer whose song is really popular.(看想强调的是...

that is the reason why i invite you..

---Look at the man coming along the road,who is drawing a donkey.2、她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。---She is the most beautiful girl (whom或that)I have ever seen.3、我们去年在医院一直照顾的老太太死了。---That old granny died(whom或that)was looked after by us all along in ...

定语从句修饰的是人的时候可以用 that 和 who(m)口语中who比较常见 whom多用于书面语 定语从句修饰的是物的时候 引导词可以用 that和which whose的用法我举个例子 Amy is a girl. Her hair is black. 就可以改写成 Amy is a girl whose hair is black.when 可以引导来形容时间的定语从句...

3.Be successfully ascended at American pilot of 1969 the moon. 4.May 就是在1969年美国宇航员成功地登上了月球。4 will be us China the people can never forget of day 5月4日将是我们中华人民永远不能忘记的日子。5.We intend to lead Chinese New Year in the place that my grandpa'...

who was talking with me is my English teacher(谈话应该是刚才谈,所以用was。但是他是我老师是既定事实,所以用is)4、My money which is used to by a car was lost(钱掉了,也是过去时,所以用was)请注意其他人在各种时态上的用法,你就知道我回答有多么用心了,呵呵。希望对你有帮助 ...

青海省15367763332: 翻译成英语定语从句的格式:叫到名字的男孩子们站了起来. -
纵阳前列:[答案] The boys whose names were called stood up.

青海省15367763332: 翻译成定语从句的格式:你能告诉我我们将要处得那个旅馆的名字吗? -
纵阳前列: Can you tell me the name of the hotel which we are going to live in?学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

青海省15367763332: 翻译成英语定语从句的格式:明天要来一位新的老师教你的德语. -
纵阳前列: A new teacher who will teach you German will come here tomorrow.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

青海省15367763332: 翻译成英语定语从句的格式:七八月份是天气很热的月份. -
纵阳前列: July and August are the months that are the hottest in the year. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

青海省15367763332: 请用定语从句的形式翻译下文 -
纵阳前列: I received your letter last week. Thank you for sending photos, I often think of our time spent together, the monument is so beautiful which top of tall has a seagull,,do you remember that lake?Where we took a photo with it. . how abaot friends those ...

青海省15367763332: 翻译成英语定语从句的格式:七八月份是天气很热的月份. -
纵阳前列:[答案] July and August are the months that are the hottest in the year. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

青海省15367763332: 5个句子 翻译成英语定语从句 谢老`` -
纵阳前列: 1. She is the person who called you up yesterday.2. I am the only one of the people that has been invited.3. Songs that this singer sings are very popular.4. Sharks are animals that live in the sea.5. This is the reason why they were late.

青海省15367763332: 英语翻译将句子翻译成英语(用定语从句翻译!)1.我看完了你给我的那本书.2.那个在超市工作的女孩是我姐姐.3.那个戴着(wear)帽子的男人是我们的老师. -
纵阳前列:[答案] 1. I finished the book which you gave me. 2. The girl who works in the supermarket is my sister. 3. The man who is wearing a hat is our teacher.

青海省15367763332: 如何翻译定语从句?
纵阳前列: 答:定语从句分为两种,一是限制性定语从句,其与所修饰的先行词之间关系密切,翻译时,一般将定语从句放在先行词前,译为“…的+先行词”,如: Do you know the boy who is standing under the tree? 你认识那个站在那棵树下的学生吗...

青海省15367763332: 英语定语从句翻译1.我见到的那个姑娘叫我今天回来2.着是我所知道的最好的旅馆3.着些是你订购的书4.我不认识那个名字叫王红的人5.你可以带走你喜欢的... -
纵阳前列:[答案] 1 The girl who I have seem told me to come back today 2 This is the best hotel which i know3 These books are what you brought 4 I don't know the man whose name is WangHong5 You can take anything you l...

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