
作者&投稿:驷从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I went to Hainan with my parents when I was eight years old . We went there by air. It was my first time to take a plane so I felt really excited and happy. We stayed there for four days .The weather was pleasant and the air was fresh.
We Walked on the beach on the first day .there were only a few people. The quietness and pleasure we had is just like walking in our own garden .
the next day ,we went to Wuzhizhou Island. The sea there was clean and it is the best place to go diving .we could enjoy the beauty of the limitless sea and the blue sky . we lied down on the beach and listened to the sound of waves . At the perfect moment, I felt I was on a sailing boat above blue sea.
We took a car which is for sightseeing to travel around the island .the wind there is quite big.
There were many kinds of water sports such as swimming ,diving and so on . we went diving .Before we dived ,the instructor had already taught us how to dive .Although we didn’t know how to swim , we had a really fantastic time there . 
On The third day ,we went to the Yanuoda Rain Forest. We Saw many kinds of trees and flowers there. We also went to the Butterfly Valley. we saw many butterflies and they were really wonderful.
In all , we had a wonderful time in Hainan .and I want to visit again .

Dear Tom
I went to Hainan lsland this summer holiday.
Hainan lsland is one of the largest lsland in Cnina.Hainan lsland is hot very much.In there, you can swim.You can fish. And you can scuba diving.You can barbecue,too.I also swim,fish scuba diving and barbecue.
Hainan lsland is very interesting.Hainan lsland has lots of coconut palm trees.
I like here very much.How about you?

I went to Hainan lsland this summer holiday.Hainan lsland is one of the largest lsland in Cnina.Hainan lsland is hot very much.In there, you can swim.You can fish. And you can scuba diving.You can barbecue,too.I also swim,fish scuba diving and barbecue.Hainan lsland is very interesting.Hainan lsland has lots of coconut palm trees.




到海南旅游,仅仅四天时间,我却深深地爱上了这里。结束旅游,我怀着依依不舍的心情,踏上了回家的飞机。坐在飞机上,我思绪万千,海南游的一幕幕像过电影一样在我脑海里涌现。 这次海南游,我们一共四个人。爸爸、妈妈、我,还有表北。爸爸、妈妈带我们海南游的目的很明确,就是让我们游览海南的大好河山,加强对祖...

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一分钟介绍海南岛旅游景点 海南岛必去景点介绍

this summer holiday.Hainan lsland is one of the largest lsland in Cnina.Hainan lsland is hot very much.In there, you can swim.You can fish. And you can scuba diving.You can barbecue,too.I also swim,fish scuba diving and barbecue.Hainan lsland is very interesting.Hainan lsland...

海南岛旅游十大景点?1.亚龙湾海滨风景区 亚龙湾,是海南最南端的一个半月形海湾,有着东方夏威夷之称,现为国家4A级旅游景区,却有着三亚归来不看海,除却亚龙不是湾之说,是三亚地区,最值得打卡的景点之一,主要是水质好,距离市区也不远,并占据了各个方面的优势,在亚龙湾不可错过几处景点,绝美...

海南省三亚市海棠区海棠湾 海棠湾内有“神州第一泉”南田温泉、铁炉港、伊斯兰古墓群、海棠秀、蜈支洲岛、椰子洲岛等美景、古迹、名胜。藤桥东、西两河潺潺流过,自然风光与人文景观交互辉映。区内蜈支洲岛、南田温泉已经开发,椰子洲岛、铁炉港红树林等三亚旅游资源保留着原生状态,没有开发。子洲岛...

Dear Tom I went to Hainan lsland this summer holiday.Hainan lsland is one of the largest lsland in Cnina.Hainan lsland is hot very much.In there, you can swim.You can fish. And you can scuba diving.You can barbecue,too.I also swim,fish scuba diving and barbecue.Hainan ...

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