
作者&投稿:程广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. mother prepared a tea party for me. i invited all of them to come and take part in it.the tea party began at half past six. there were cold drinks and refreshments. we ate, talked and laughed. we felt that we were the happiest men in the world
2.i like the chinese new year better than any other festival. this is a time especially for rest and joy. i need not study. i wear good clothes and eat good food. i have a good time from morning till night. i am as happy as a king.
3.no sooner had the witer vacation begun than i returned to my native town. of course i
must make good use of it;.in the morning i reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. in the afternoon i played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. at night i watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when i went to bed.
寒假刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,或去河中钓鱼。晚上我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。
4.i live very happily today! in the morning, it is very fine! then i climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. coming back home in the evening, family and i sat and watched tv together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!
my trip to japan (日本之旅)
japan was fun. it was very cool and windy. we flew kites in the park. i bought a watch there. i wanted to buy more, but i didn't have money. the gardens there were beautiful. i very liked the gardens . the japan department stores were too big. i couldn't find mom. the food was delicious. we ate a lot of fish。 i also liked the vegetables and cake there. i hope i can go to japan one more time.
我的家乡(my hometown )
i hometown is at shenzhen.i born at there.my hometown is a beautiful place.everyday we can see the farmers wake up early go to farm working , the bird is singing。every everning i and my brother will playing the toy in front of my home.we can see my student cycle the bicycle go to school when school day. i like my hometown .
visiting the museum(参观博物馆)
i bring ann visit museum last sunday . she was surprised to see many old things , and she was interested in the king's hat . she wanted to buy one. i told her it wasn 't buy . ann kept asking me other thinges.
when she saw a thing with three legs and a strange top , she stopped to point at in and asked me , “ what is that ? ” “ it is a cup . ” i told her .
we had a good time in the museum
上个星级日我带ann 参观博物馆。她惊奇看见许多很老的古董,并且她对国王的帽子很感兴趣。她想要购买一个。我告诉她不能买的。ann保持向我问其它的古董。当她看见一件东西有三条腿和一奇怪的顶端时,她停下来在问我,“那时什么?”我告诉他那是杯子。
fox and cock
one morning a fox sees a cock.he
think,"this is my breakfast.'
he comes up to the cock and says,"i know
you can sing very well.can you sing for me?'the
cock is glad.he closes his eyes and begins
to sing.the fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.
the people in the field see the fox.they cry,"look,look!the fox is carrying the cock away.'the cock says to the fox,"mr fox,do you understand?the people say you are carrying their cock away.tell them it is yours.not 2009/03/12

The importance of independent 独立的重要性
Independence is very important for us to ( 独立对于我们来说是非常重要的),Now with the reform and opening up of primary school pupils have a very different(现在的小学生与改革开放前的小学生有着很大的不同)。We always rely on mom and dad brought us a hotbed of honeypot(我们总是依赖爸爸妈妈给我们带来的蜜罐温床),Do not have theirownmanipulated(却不曾自己动过手)。
First, our material living conditions have greatly improved, as the basic necessities most children do not have to worry about basically, parents with their children spending far more than the previous. Material wealth to our environment for the growth has brought great changes.(首先,我们的物质生活条件有了很大的改善,大多数孩子基本上不用为衣食住行发愁,爸爸妈妈用在孩子身上的消费也远远超过了以前。物质的丰富给我们的成长环境带来了极大的变化。)Child is increasingly becoming the main composition of our children, it also brings a compelling one-child phenomenon. Fewer children, the higher the expectations of their parents. Parents love their children too much, resulting in "Little Sun", "little emperor" phenomenon of large numbers, the doting parents of these children are under a lot of problems there.(独生子女越来越成为我国儿童的主要构成成分,也带来了引人注目的独生子女现象。子女越少父母的期望就越高。家长对子女的过分关爱,导致了“小太阳”、“小皇帝”现象的 大量涌现,这些孩子也在父母的溺爱之下出现了许多问题。)
1.partial eclipse, picky eaters is serious.(1偏食、挑食现象严重。)
2. spending of pocket money, lavish.(2乱花零用钱,大手大脚。)
3 .pay attention to brand, the pursuit of enjoyment, vanity.(3讲究名牌,追求享受,爱慕虚荣。)
4.Willful selfish, stubborn rude, lack of confidence, fear of hardship(任性自私,固执专横,缺乏自信,怕吃苦)
5.Dependence, poor self-care.(依赖性强,自理能力差。)
As the parents of over-protection, over love, everything arranged so that some of the child long-lived "clothing to hand out food to the mouth" of the parasitic life.(由于家长的过度保护、过度关 爱、事事包办,使得一些独生子女长期过着“衣来伸手,饭来张 口”的寄生生活。)Over time, the children do not have to worry about too used to the comfort of their own lives, do not go to self-care, self-reliance. Thus resulting in lack of daily living, dependence. The survey found that some 2023-level elementary school students, can not dress themselves, wash, and some forty-five grade students can not own laundry, bathing, housekeeping.(久而久之,孩子过惯了自己不 用操心的舒适生活,就不再去自理、自立。由此造成了生活自理 能力缺乏,依赖性强。调查发现,有的小学二三年级的学生,还不 能自己穿衣、洗脸,有些四五年级的学生还不能自己洗衣、洗澡、 整理房间。)
Twenty-first century if we can not separate the children, then we will meet the squeamish, arrogance, vanity.(如果我们二十一世纪的孩子还不能独立的话,那迎接我们的将是娇气、骄横,爱慕虚荣。)
Let us become independent, to build a better tomorrow。(让我们独立起来,打造美好的明天。)

on the sunday, i went to the zoo with my friend, we plaied games togehter, which is to fly a kite untill P.M. 5 o'clock, all day we play very happy.

Sunday is a wonderful day for me. I go to the zoo with my friend and we see a lot of animals. We also play games like flying a kite when the wind is really strong. Every Sunday I feel extremely happy because it is a day with no homework.


My Sunday
Today is sunday,I'm very happy ,because I will play with my friend. Fristly,we decide to go to the zoo,we see many animals,the animals is very interest,secndly,we play games in the park, we play badminton,after half an hour ,we feel so hot and we all sweat ,so we have a rest .In the afternoon ,we fly a kite.Althou we fell so tired,but we all think it's so worthwhile.


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阙陈血旨:[答案] my name is `````. i feei fat . i like ``````. i want to pen pal,

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阙陈血旨: My dad I have a good daddy. Dad has two big eyes, a piece of have a glib mouth and a small nose. My father is a man of humor, when I was unhappy, he will speak a joke make a joke on me. My father is very busy, but he got home on time every day...

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阙陈血旨: Hi,everyone. My name is Sally. I'm tall with long hair. I'm very bright and clever. I like English and Chinese,because I think they are interesting. But I don't like math. There's too much calculation for me to do, I have nowhere to hide. I don't like art, either....

象山县15366481883: 谁愿意帮我写一篇作文叫做5年后的我 (英语) -
阙陈血旨: years later, my (from) Harvard University School of Economics and Management graduate, and also read a master's degree and doctor. After graduation, After years of efforts to become president of a company. But I should not forget the homeland ...

象山县15366481883: 五年级英语小短文帮我写一篇 -
阙陈血旨: I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king. 我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚.这是一个专为休息和欢乐的时间.我不需要读书.我穿好衣服,吃好东西.我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快.我和上帝一样快乐.

象山县15366481883: 5年后英语作文如题易懂希望高手写下.5年后,我已经是高中生了,埋头在书本里面,拼搏着向理想的大学努力.我想我那时候应该住在上海吧!一个小小的公... -
阙陈血旨:[答案] I must be a senior high school student after 5 years.At that time,I can imagine,I must be having a busy life.Everyday I repeat the life between school and my small flat in Shanghai--the same busy city.Think of my days in school,fighting for my dreaming ...

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阙陈血旨: 对于你们学校的作文表示很无语…… myself five years ago,i'm a pupil,and now i'm a medium school student. i have a perfuct dream that i want to be a computer engineer.because i wang to try my best to make a piece of devote to my country. i love ...

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阙陈血旨: I must be a senior high school student after 5 years. At that time,I can imagine, I must be having a busy life. Everyday I repeat the life between school and my small flat in Shanghai--the same busy city. Think of绩护贯咎卟侥诡鞋韩猫 my days in school...

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阙陈血旨: 各位尊敬的考官,早上好.今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和...

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