
作者&投稿:戎苛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

and here I might have both to encounter. And so, as I brooded over these things, some very l


Given the
cuts that the government announced a couple of weeks ago, and the numbers that
we know in terms of applications, where are you going to draw that line? Are you
going to have to look at cutting intake in order to maintain the quality of the


trying not to cut intake at the moment. But what it means is we're going to have
to be extra-cautious in the number of offers we make, because we simply cannot
afford to go over our quota of the number of places that we can offer. Because
if we do, it means that we could be fined, or we just simply haven't got enough
money to make sure the students' experience is right. So it means that maybe
last year we would allow a few more people to have an offer. This year is going
to be tougher.


Do you
lay some of the blame for the situation at the door of the government?
Interviewee: If you look to France, Sarkozy is actually increasing the budget
for higher education. Obama in the U.S. has done the same thing. So we're just
slightly puzzled as to why the government seems to be cutting back on higher
education rather than pumping more money into what we think is a service that is
absolutely vital for the economy.



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祢斌复方: 去年三月份的时候,妈妈告诉爸爸和我,说爷爷四月份的时候会来我们这里,我们都好高兴啊,因为爷爷是个非常有趣的老人,可是自从他去了香港之后就再也没有来看我们了.四月一号的时候爸爸和我从超市买了好多吃的东西,而且还买回了一大束花,然后,我们在家做了很多清洁工作,晚上我们都等着爷爷的到来.终于,门铃响了,妈妈进来了,她冲着我们笑然后说“四月的愚人们”这是说在愚人节这天,我和爸爸被妈妈戏弄的事情,结果家里来的不是我们期盼已久的爷爷而是妈妈.

阳明区13992871681: 英译中,谁能帮我翻译下面这篇英语文章It's a really difficult balance to strike, actually maintaining the quality but making sure as many young people as ... -
祢斌复方:[答案] 我不再等着出题了~哈先说一下:有些地方,你的翻译太过生硬,很多地方意译就可以,关键是把理解出来的意思用中文很好的表达出来.还有一点,有些词语的理解不到位.比如,practice也有“惯例”的意思.继续提高.你可以把我的...

阳明区13992871681: 谁帮我把这篇英语文章翻译一下哈.. -
祢斌复方: His 30 years old of this year, is a reporter of the central televisi...

阳明区13992871681: 请求高手翻译此文章~~ -
祢斌复方: 2008 July, I very honor is employ by Peking for the volunteer translation.I take the airplane, downwards hope, Peking became type city in the garden of a green lawn bacterium, in f...

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