
作者&投稿:邬倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请到这里下载:八年级新目标英语周报答案(2015-2016)第八期答案 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDdOC17 密码: ap7c 注: 下载后, 将文档放大300%, 就能看清上面的文字了.

班级: 姓名: 得分:

1.---May I speak to Jim, please?
A. I am Jim B. That is Jim C. This is Jim D. Speak
2. ---What's that in English
---It's ___ car. It's___ orange car.
A. a, an B. a, a C. an, a D. an, an
3. --- Do you like coffee?
---No, I don't like it________.
A. a little B. a lot C. much D. at all
4. Help ________ to some apples, Children.
A. youselves B. yourself C. yourselves D. you
5. He is thirsty. He wants _______ to drink.
A. cup of tea B. tea cup C. cups of tea D. cups of teas
6. ---What class are you in?
---I'm in _________
A. class 2, grade 8 B. Class one, Grade seven
C. Grade 6, Class 3 D. Class Two, Grade Seven
7. ---Who's this?
--- _______
A. She's Mary B. This is Michael
C. She's from the USA D. It's Maria
8. The girl has big eyes, a small mouth.
A. and B. but C. with D. or
9. Tom is full. He _____ any food.
A. needn't B. don't need C. doesn't need D. needs
10. ---Do you have___ friends here?
---No, I haven't ____.
A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some
11. It's late. It's time _____, my children.
A. to beds B. for beds C. to bed D. for bed
12.His mother often ________ early in the morning.
A. wakes him up B. wakes up him
C. waking up him D. waking him up
13. Let me _______ you find it.
A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping
14. ---________is it?
---It's eight yuan a kilo.
A. How much B. How money C. What time D. How many money
15. Do you know the girl _ green on the bike?
A. with B. in C. under D. over
16. Would you like ______ out for a picnic with me?
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
17. That's not picture. is on the desk.
A. his, His B. her, Her C. here, Her D. yours, Yours
18. Is the boy tall short?
A. and B. or C. but D. so
19. She my address and I hers.
A. know, knows B. knows, kn ows C. know, know D. knows, know
20. ---May I take your order?
---What about the same order_____?
A. as they B. as their C. as them D. as theirs
1、Zhang Jun likes the English Corner.(改为否定句)
Zhang Jun _____ _____ the English corner.
2、They are old women. (改为单数形式)
________ ________ _______ _______ .
3、The girl in red is Mary. (对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ is Mary?
4、She has supper at seven every evening. (改为一般疑问句)
________ she ________ supper at seven every evening?
5、They want to buy some apples. (改为同义句)
They ________ ________ to buy some apples.
6、We go home at five fifteen in the afternoon. (改为同义句)
We go home at a ________ ________ five in the afternoon.

1. Jim, let me ________( help) you carry the bag?
2. Why doesn't she want _________( go) out to eat?
3. ---What _______ he ______( do)?
--- He is a teacher.
4. What about _________( go ) there with me?
5. He _________( not do ) his homework at home.
6. ________your father _________( go ) to see you every day?
7. Let's _________( sing )this song in English.
8. Don't ________( play ) football in the street.
9. Would you like _______( have) tea with me?
10. Let me _________( help) you to do it.
1. 该是上学的时候了。
It's _________ ___________ __________ to school.
2. 这条裤子多少钱?
________ _________ is this _________ ________ pants?
3. 你在找谁?
Who are you _________ __________?
4. 翻后他们经常坐在树下聊天。
After dinner, they often sit under the tree and _________ _________ ________.
5. 你在医院照看病人吗?
Are you __________ _________ the patients in the hospital?
A. 请把右面的句子重新排序,使对话完整。将代表答案的字母填写在横线上。
1. __________ A. The one in the white shirt.
2. __________ B. Is he a teacher?
3. __________ C. Which man?
4. __________ D. Yes. He teaches English.
5. __________ E. Excuse me, Jim. Who is that man?
6. __________ F. Oh, that’s my father

A. Is that my sweater?
B. Here’s a grey one.
C. What color is your sweater?
D. Is that yours?
E. Is your sweater grey?
F. You must look after your clothes, I think.
G. How about that grey one up there on the wall?
Jack=J Kate=K
J:Can you help me, Kate? I can’t find my sweater.
K:Look! ________ 1_________.
J:Oh! It’s a very nice sweater! But it isn’t mine.
J:It’s grey.
A:All right! __________3_________ Is it yours?
J:No, it’s light grey. But mine is dark grey.
J:Yes, it is.
B:OK. Thank you very much.

One day, a grandmother stays at home and looks after her 14-month-old grandson. The boy is __1__ with her white car key. At that time, the phone rings __2__ the grandmother goes to answer the phone. After the grandmother comes __3__, she can't find the key. She thinks that the little boy puts __4__ somewhere(在某处).
She looks __5__ it in the room, but she can't find it anywhere. Then she has a __6__ idea(主意). The grandmother __7__ the child a yellow key and pretends(假装) not to look. After a few __8__ the boy goes into his grandmother's bedroom and he carefully puts __9__ white key under her bed, next to the white __10__.
1. A. playing B. watching C. putting

2. A. or B. and C. but

3. A. down B. out C. back

4. A. it B. them C. that

5. A. at B. after C. for

6. A. well B. good C. bad

7. A. gives B. buys C. draws

8. A. minutes B. days C. years

9. A. a B. an C. the

10. A. phone B. key C. shoes


( A )
Every morning Jim goes to work by train(火车). He has a long way go to. So he always buys(买) a piece of newspaper(报纸). It helps Jim to spend(度过) the time on the train.
Jim likes sport very much. One morning on the train he is reading something about the world football match. The match is very interesting. So he forgets to get off the train at his station. He doesn't know it. When he finishes reading, he sees outside. It is far from his station. He gets off at the next station. He has to go back by train. Of course, he is late for work.

1. How does Jim go to work? ____________.
A. By bike B. By bus C. By train D. On foot
2. What does he buy on the way? _________.
A. A book B. A piece of newspaper C. A story-book D. A TV
3. What does Jim like very much? __________.
A. Football B. Reading C. Basketball D. Sport
4. What does he forget? _________.
A. He forgets to get off the train B. He forgets the time
C. He forgets to buy a book C. He forgets the train
5. Where does he get off?
A. At the station B. At the next station C. At the bus stop D. At the shop

( B )
I have a good boy friend. His name is Mike. He lives in America. He speaks English. He is the same age as I. We are both 14 years old. He often goes to the English Corner. He likes it a lot. He has a small family. His parents are both teachers. They work in the same school. They teach English in their school. They all want to come to China. They all like Chinese food and Chinese people.

6. Where is your friend from? _______________________________________
7. How old is Mike? ________________________________________
8. What do Mike's parents do? ________________________________________
9. What language does Mike speak?________________________________________
10. How do Mike's parents like China?________________________________________

( C )
Peter is an English boy in our class. He is tall and handsome (英俊的). He has a big nose and two big blue eyes. His hair is light brown. He likes music (音乐). He likes to play basketball. He is on our school basketball team (队). He can speak some Chinese, but he can't write(写)it. We help him with his Chinese. He helps us with our English. We are good friends.

11. Peter is from __________.
12.He isn't ________ and handsome.
13. Peter is a basketball _____________.

九、写作 (10分)
个人资料:姓名:王林 性别:男 籍贯:重庆合川 年龄:13岁
就读学校:合川中学 班级:初一年级二班
Dear Jim,
I'm very happy to be your pen pal.

1 My classmates lent me a dictionary two weeks ago.
I__borrowed_a dictionary _from__ my classmates two weeka ago.
注意:时态为过去时。另外lend sb sth=lend sth to sb, 而borrow sth from,介词搭配注意。

2 People use knives for cutting things.

3 Not only Jack but also Mike has been to that island.
__Both__Jack and Mike _have___ been to that island.

4 She takes care of young animals in the zoo.
She__looks__ _after___the young animals in the zoo.
注意:第三人称单数。take care of =look after 照顾/料

5 Mrs Green began to teach French in our university in 1999.
Mrs Green__start__ __learning__French in our university in 1999.
begin/start + to do 或者+ doing,表示开始做。。。

6 To finish that work is very difficult.
_It___ _is___very difficult__to__ _do___that work.
句型:it is + 形容词+ to do sth

7 While I was watching TV ,the telephone rang.
I was__watching__TV___while_the telephone ___rang_.

8 My favourite subject is maths.
favourite:最喜欢 =like best= like most

9 I spent five thousand yuan on that new computer.
I_paid___five thousand yuan__for__that new computer.
注意:spend on = pay for 支付。。。,一定要人做主语

10Tom is taller than any other student in his class.
tom is ___the_ _tallest___ __student__in his class.
注意:最高级:the + 形容词-est形式


borrowed from
cut with
Both have
looks after
began teaching
It is to finish
watching when rang
like best
spent buying
the tallest student

1 My classmates lent me a dictionary two weeks ago.
I_borrow__a dictionary __from_ my classmates two weeka ago.

2 People use knives for cutting things.

3 Not only Jack but also Mike has been to that island.
_Both___Jack and Mike __have__ been to that island.

4 She takes care of young animals in the zoo.
She__looks__ _after___the young animals in the zoo.

5 Mrs Green began to teach French in our university in 1999.
Mrs Green_has___ _taught___French in our university in 1999.

6 To finish that work is very difficult.
__It__ _is___very difficult_to___ _finish___that work.

7 While I was watching TV ,the telephone rang.
I was_watching___TV_while___the telephone _ringing___.

8 My favourite subject is maths.

9 I spent five thousand yuan on that new computer.
I__cost__five thousand yuan__to__that new computer.

10Tom is taller than any other student in his class.
tom is _the___ ___tallest_ _student___in his class.

1.borrowed from
2.cut with
3.Both have
4.looks after
5.bagan teaching
6.It is to finish
7.watching when rang
8.like best
9.paid for
10.the tallest student

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