
作者&投稿:宿林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

二. 英汉互译。(15分)
1. 上课 __________________ 2. in the same class ______________ _
3. 每天早晨 _________________ _ 4.a letter for me________________
5. 我的英国朋友 _____________ 6.nice food __________
7. 拍照 __________________ 8. a bad cough ____________
9. 居住________________ 10. make beautiful dresses _________

三. 选择填空。(10分)
( )1. -Nacy dances beautfully.
-Yes,she .
A.is B.do C.does
( )2. Don’t speak in the reading room.
A.quietly B.beautifully C.loudly
( )3. -_______ is it today? -It’s Saturday.
A.What time B.What day C .What
( )4. You’ll get soon.
A .well B. better C .good
( )5. What’s wrong with ?
A.her B.he C.his
( )6. _______ you feel ill?
A .Are B.Do C.Can
( )7.Ben and I making model planes.
A. like B.likes C. can
( )8. What you usually in the afternoon?
A.do,doing B.do,do C.does,do
( )9. Mike basketball after lunch.
A.play B.playing C.plays
( )10. I still feel .
A.cold B.backache C.a headache

四. 用所给词的正确形式填空。(5分)
1. Show ( we) how to fly a kite.
2. Liu Tao has many ( beautifully) (stamp).
3. What (subject) (do) he (study) at school?
4. Tom ( wash ) his clothes (careful) every day .
5. My classmates (write) letters to their friends now .

五. 介词填空。(5分)
1.I play football school.
2.Welcome back school.
3.Can you make a pretty dress my doll?
4.We have five Maths lessons a week.
5.Jim wants to play table tennis Jack.

六. 看图完成对话。(5分)
A: Hello!May I to Miss Li?
B:Yes, speaking.
A:Hi,Miss Li.This Li Lei.I’m very sorry.I can come
this afternoon.
B:Why?What’s wrong with you?
A:I ill.I’ve got a cold and a fever.
B:I’m sorry to hear that.Are you medicine?
A:Yes, .
七. 阅读理解。(10分)
Helen is surfing the Internet in the reading room at school,she writes e-mails to her friends,and she looks for something to do on the Internet.Helen often reads books and plays sports at the weekend,but it is raining outside,so she can’t play basketball or go swimming. Tom comes in,but they can’t talk loudly in the library.There are students studying and doing homework.They both look at the computer and talk quietly.
( )1.Helen writes e-mails to her friends.
( )2.Helen is surfing the Internet in the library because it’s raining outside.
( )3.Helen and Tom are talking loudly.
( )4.There are only two students in the library.
( )5.All the students in the library are studying and doing homework.



一、 英汉互译。(10%)
1、做一个飞机模型________________ 6、the new term__________________
2、洗衣服________________________ 7、fly a kite_____________________
3、下棋__________________________ 8、ride a horse___________________
4、一间体育活动房________________ 9、a camping site_________________
5、在沙发和床之间________________ 10、listen to music________________
二、 按要求写出单词。(10%)
1、two(序数词)_________________ 6、doesn’t(完整形式)_____________
2、small(反义词)________________ 7、can not(缩写形式)_____________
3、there(同音词)________________ 8、child(复数)___________________
4、swim(现在分词)______________ 9、sun(同音词) __________________
5、cook (现在分词)______________ 10、dancing(原形)________________

三、 选择填空。(10%)
( )1. Are there __________ tigers in the zoo?
A. some B. a C. any D. one
( )2. How many __________ are there in the basket?
A. apple B. an apple C. apples D. the apples
( )3. What do ________ have?
A. he B. we C. Jim D. she
( )4. Lucy _______ making a cake.
A. is B. are C. am D. do
( )5. Is Kate cleaning the door?
A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she does.
B. C. No, she don’t. D. No, she doesn’t.
( )6. They are playing __________ piano.
A. a B. the C. / D. an
( )7. Listen! The girls _________ English songs.
A. sing B. sings C. singing D. are singing
( )8. It’s _____________.
A. a map of world B. a map of the world
C. a map of the China D. a map of a China
( )9. ______ you _______ a tape? No, thank you.
A. Are, need B. Do, need C. Would, need D. Does, need
( )10. Do you like _________?
A. skate B. skating C. skates D. skated

四、 按要求改写句子。(10%)
1. I’m flying a kite. (划线部分提问)
________ are you ___________?
2. There are two chairs in my bedroom. (划线部分提问)
________ _________ chairs _______ _______ in your bedroom?
3. Is there a reading room in your school? (作否定回答)
No, _______ _______.
4. There are many sweets on the table.(改为否定句)
There ________ ________ sweets on the table.
5. I can play the violin. (划线部分提问)
What _______ you _______?
6. I like rabbits. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ you like rabbits?
7. What are you doing now? (用run回答)
_________ ___________ now.
8. come, my, can, with, you, and, help, English, me (连词成句)
Can you come and _______ me ______ my English?
9. I have a chair. (用Tom改写句子)
Tom _________ a chair.
10. The sun is a circle. (划线部分提问)
________ ________ is the sun?

五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10%)
1. Look! The bus is ____________.(come)
2. My sister _________(have) a red skirt.
3. Can you _______ (put) the apple on your head?
4. What ________ (do) he have?
5. I’d like ________ (draw) a picture.
6. There _______ (be) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.
7. The Music room is on the __________ (one) floor.
8. The boys is learning how ____________(read) English.
9. I have some ______ (tin) of chicken and fish.
10. There aren’t _______ (some) pictures on the wall.

六、 阅读理解。(10%)
Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn’t know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write.
One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Mary?” She asks. “I’m writing to my friend, Rose.” “But how can you? You don’t know how to write.” Says her sister. “Well,” says Mary, “It doesn’t matter. Rose doesn’t know how to read, either.”
( )1. Is Mary a schoolgirl?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. We don’t know.
( )2. Who can read and write?
A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan
( )3. What’s in Mary’s hand?
A. There’s a pen. B. There’s a pencil. C. There’s a crayon.
( )4. What’s Mary doing?
A. She’s drawing. B. She’s writing to her friend. C. She’s singing.
( )5. Can Rose read and write?
A. No, she can’t. B. Yes, she can. C. We don’t know.

1.hear(过去式) 2.before(反义词)
3. photo(复数) 4.say(过去式)
5. write(过去式) 6.child(复数)
1.穿过马路 2.出去跑
3.下棋 4.在操场上
5.唱得不好 6.a fantastic goalkeeper
7.stand on one’s hand __________

1. He wants to wore it. ( )

2. I like Sam skip with me. ( )

3. You shouldn’t ran in the road. ( )

4. Do you feeling sad? ( )

5. I’m going to make a cake to you. ( )
( )1、When you come back? Next week.
A. did B.will C.do
( )2. Did you in London yesterday?
A. lived B. lives C. live

( )3. When you come back? Last Monday.
A. did B.will C.do
( )4. When you come back? Every week.
A. did B.will C.do
( ) 5.Please ________ careful.
A. is B.be C. are
( ) 6.There _____ enough time.
A. are B.aren’t C. isn’t
( ) 7. I control the ball_____.
A. well B. bad C. good
( ) 8. He likes _______ on the bed.
A. jumps B. jumping C. jump
( ) 9.Tom is ___________ a cake.
A. making B. makes C. make
( )10. Thank you very much.
A. No, you don’t. B. It’s wrong. C. That’s all right.
Sam and Amy are _______(argue) now.Amy says Sam _______(take) her T-shirt yesterday and he wanted to ________(wear) it.Sam says it isn’t ________(she) .Then Ms Smart says ________(they) T-shirts are on the line.Ms Smart washed ______(they) ,but she didn’t _______ (wash)________ (Lingling) .Amy and Sam say sorry to Lingling together.

Tom and his brothers, Jack and Bob, are playing. Their mum comes in and says, “Here is a box of sweets for you. Tom, Share it with your younger brothers.” “Thank you, Mum!” Tom says happily. “There are eighteen sweets.” Tom says to his brothers, “Let’s share(共享) them.”
“One for Jack and one for me. One for Bob and one for me. One for Jack and one for me. One for Bob and one for me…” Tome is dividing( 分) the sweets. “ON, no, Tom, that’s not fair(公平)!” His brothers cry.
( )1. Jack is Bob’s ________.
A. sister B. brother C. father
( )2. Mum give them _______.
A. a bottle of milk B. a bag of apples C. a box of sweets
( )3. There are________.
A. 18 sweets B. 80 apples C.80 sweets
( )4.Tom divided(分开) the sweets. Was that fair?
A. Yes B. No. C. We don’t know.
( )5 ________ felt sad.
A. Jack B. Bob C. Jack and Bob
The sky is grey today. Little Bear is really bored. He takes his colours. He paints a strawberry with his red colour. He paints a lemon with his yellow colour. He paints a leaf with his green colour. He paints jeans with his blue colour. The sun comes out again. Little Bear sees a rainbow with all the different colours. How beautiful it is!
1.The sky is blue today. ( )
2. Little bear feels very bored. ( )
3. He paints a lemon with his yellow colour. ( )
4. He paints a leaf with his yellow colour. ( )
5. Little bear sees a rainbow with the same colours.( )
a Day of Bob
Bob is a fine boy. He does everything very carefully. Every day,
he_________________________________ at 6:00. He____________________ at 7:00. He__________________________ at 8:00.
He _________________________ at 5:00.
He __________________________ at 7:00.
He __________________________ at 9:00.
Bob is a real great boy, isn’t he?



四会单词:English英语,in English用英语(表达),do(助动词,无义)做,干,don’t=do not, kite风筝 ,love喜爱;热爱,car汽车.bus公共汽车,bike自行车,plane飞机,OK好;对;不错;可以,That’s OK.没什么,不要紧。三会单词:puppet木偶,puzzle拼图,Me,too.我也是。Balloon气球,doll玩具娃娃,very...


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牛津小学英语5A教材分析- 牛津教案 1 个帖子-1 个作者-新贴子:2005年5月11日发表新帖 发表回复 添加到收藏 牛津小学英语5A教材分析 楼主 keen 积分: 76767; 等级: 牛津小学生; 身份: 系统管理员; 地区: 上海普陀 牛津英语教材5a最新增加5000 http:\/\/soucang.baidu.com\/%c3%ce%d6%d0%d4...

三台县13518441366: 谁有牛津小学英语5A期末模拟试卷及答案和苏教版五年级(上)的试卷? -
塔彪苦碟: 一、词型变化(12分)1.hear(过去式) 2.before(反义词) 3. photo(复数) 4.say(过去式) 5. write(过去式) 6.child(复数) 二、英汉互译(14分)1.穿过马路 2.出去跑 3.下棋 4.在操场上 5.唱得不好 6.a fantastic goalkeeper 7.stand on ...

三台县13518441366: 牛津小学英语5a试卷 -
塔彪苦碟: 牛津小学英语网上可能也就是最近才有一些出现,还很不完整,所以很不容易找到,不下载就只能自己去出一份了,辛苦一些吧.

三台县13518441366: 牛津小学英语5a 练习与测试 period1
塔彪苦碟: 明极

三台县13518441366: 哪里有牛津小学英语试卷?
塔彪苦碟: http://www.wdabc.com/Index.html 这个网站 你看看 应该有的 或者去图书大厦 或新华书店还可以在网上查

三台县13518441366: 小学牛津英语5A can like 练习 -
塔彪苦碟: to make sing make , can put swimming,don't rabbits,do pandas play listening,don't1reading Do , horses swim ,skate skating , skiing make , can't find to play maskes reading,watching horses,monkeys tigers,lions flowers to buy to go play ride

三台县13518441366: 给我来几张小学生六年级6A英语期末测试卷 -
塔彪苦碟: http://www.jxzyw.net/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=6962 http://www.bhe.cn/jxyj/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=5000 http://anzhiyi.bokee.com/4342205.html http://school.jytom.com/Article/yytd/xxln/200604/2117.html

三台县13518441366: 谁有上海版小学牛津英语4a 的期末试卷? -
塔彪苦碟: 牛津小学英语4Aunit9单元测试 听力部分(40) 一、 听录音,找出你所听到的单词或词组,将其序号填入题前的括号内. ( )1、A、hungry B、hundred C、angry ( )2、A、tie B、tiger C、tired ( )3、A、cold B、old C、coat ( )4、A、kite B...

三台县13518441366: 2011牛津小学英语毕业模拟试卷改错(五)改错(5分)br/
塔彪苦碟: ABCD的位置标的都不对啊,只能给你写修改的部分了.1, on 改:/2,C write改:writes3,前半句改为Ben on foot goes to school every day4,C fly改flies5,play 改playing希望你能采纳.

三台县13518441366: 牛津小学英语6b期末试卷题目选择Miss Gao______chinese next yearA.teaches B.teaches our C.is going to teach us -
塔彪苦碟:[答案] C

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