请大家帮我解答几道英语题 ,谢谢了

作者&投稿:浑武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. as much as possibl /as often as possible
2. won't...until
3. it useful to learn
4. won't...until
5. makes great effort to learn

1 D “你穿这件裙子看起来真____”“谢谢,我上周买的(这条裙子)。”。回答了“谢谢”表明第一个人在夸第二个人,因此在选项中有漂亮意义的BD更合适;而look在这儿是系动词,表示“看起来”,后面要直接加形容词,因此选D
2 A "我认为这本书非常地_____",谓语是is,后面应该加形容词,AB都是,interesting与interested区别在:interesting意思是“(某物)令人感到有趣的”,主语常是物;interested是“(某人)感到有趣的”,主语是人,本句中的主语是这本书(the book)
3 C “____地看着他的妈妈,小男孩看起来 ____ ”,第一个空的词修饰动词,应该填副词,第二空同第一题,填形容词,下列选项中C项符合。happy是形容词,sadly是副词

1. 是句中含有行为动词的陈述句,要把这样的句子变成一般疑问句,要借助于助动词do ,does 或did,构成是,DO/Does/Did+主语+谓语动词原型+宾语+其它?根据情况分析
Does he want an ice-crem?
2.含有be 动词构成Be +主语+谓语/表语+其它?
Are they listenning to music?
Must he be a docor?
4.Did Tom see an old man?
5,Has she already been to tokyo?
6,Has your brother gone to the librar?
7.Are you good frends?
8,Does Linda often do the housework on the weekend?

1. Does he want an ice-cream?
2. Are they listening to music ?
3. Should he be a doctor ?
4. Did Tom see an old man?
5. Has she already been to Tokyo?
6. Has your brother gone to the library ?
7. Are you good friends ?
8. Does Linda often do the housework on the weekend ?

1.what does she do// what's her job?
2.what does he often do?
3.how many times have you seen this film?
4.when will the train leave ?
5.which city will you go next month?
6.where did you go yesterday?
where did you go yesterday?

1. Does he want an ice-cream?
2. Are they listening to music ?
3. Must he be a doctor ?
4. Did Tom see an old man?
5. Has she already been to Tokyo?
6. Has your brother gone to the library ?
7. Are you good friends ?
8. Does Linda often do the housework on the weekend ?

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

1. Does he want an ice-cream?
2. Are they listening to music ?
3. Must he be a doctor ?
4. Did Tom see an old man?
5. Has she already been to Tokyo?
6. Has your brother gone to the library ?
7. Are you good friends ?
8. Does Linda often do the housework on the weekend ?

提问的:what's she?
what does he often do?
how many times have you seen this film?
when will the train leave ?
what will you do next month?
where did you go yesterday?

请大家帮我解答几道英语题 ,谢谢了
1. 是句中含有行为动词的陈述句,要把这样的句子变成一般疑问句,要借助于助动词do ,does 或did,构成是,DO\/Does\/Did+主语+谓语动词原型+宾语+其它?根据情况分析 Does he want an ice-crem?2.含有be 动词构成Be +主语+谓语\/表语+其它?Are they listenning to music?3.是含有情太动词的要把...

1.B are needing need 是需要,want 是想要,有思维的生物才能“想”所以CD排除,而sheets是复数,排除A。(其实这里用need就可以了,不过根据选项,只能选B)2.B. persuade A. 建议,搭配为advise (sb.) sth.advise doing sth.advise sb.(not) to do sth.advise sb. against doing sth.B.说...

1. better take 解释:You'd better do sth.你最好做某事 2. How old 解释:这道题很简单的 你的年龄是多少=你多大了 3. Would go 解释:How about是征询意见的问法 would也是 而且较为礼貌 4. Let's evening 解释:Why not表建议 而let's也是 只不过语气略为生硬 tonight=今天晚上=this...

1.They are the most important food for us.2.We have four kinds of food every day.3.Dose Mike like eating the sea food?4,Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?5.I think pizza is more delicious than hamburgers.6.Today we are going have lunch at Jimmy's.判断题 分母是8的所...

1.(B)Lucy, why not go on a picnic if it___tomorrow?A.didn't B.doesn't rain C.won't ruin D.hasn't rain 解释:Lucy,如果明天不下雨的话,我们去野餐怎么样?正常来说,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。本句中,主句用了why not提建议,但从句仍用一般现在时。(B)2. He ...

1、make up his mind 杰克觉得卖了自己的房子。2、ever since 我们在1974年来到了英国并一直生活到现在。3、be fond of 这个著名的艺术家在他还是孩子的时候就很喜欢画画。4、care about 我不在意价格,只要这车的条件好。5、change your mind 使用铅笔这样你就可以在你改变想法的时候用橡皮擦改掉...

二,英译中 1, 今天大家怎么样\/都好吗?2, 如果你放弃了学业,你就不仅是放弃了你自已,你也放弃了你的国家。1, 那么你的贡献将会是什么?你准被解决什么问题?你能发现什么?2, 从那天起,我们就是豌豆和胡萝卜。3. 你保证 4, 在我的一生中,我从没见过这么美丽的东西。

my mother always supported my d . --- devotedly the train station was too to move. --- kids will study at home on c . -- Christmas i don't like living a . --alone what a bad day! i a with my best friend,tom. --agree everyone else in my class has been invited ...

(2)Thank you very much ( for )your books.(thanks sb for sth)(3)英译汉:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 (4)A bill will be sent to you at the end of the month (5)Each student( is) very happy (6) A two-thousand-word (7)The( women )(woman) teachers ...

strives for is an excellent in conduct and academy student to have to cherish the class and grade the public property work to complete on one's own pays between schoolmate to have on time to live together in peace and harmony attends class listens earnestly, cannot be absent-...

乌达区19883184728: 大家能帮我解决几道英语题目吗?非常感谢!选词填空:(用for/at/on/to/like/in front of/form 填空)1 here's the weather report______tomorrow.2 mr.smith has ... -
越锦心荣:[答案] for on in front of to 是十二点还差五分的意思,即上午11点55分的意思,超过用PAST

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越锦心荣: 1.一样 2.基本一样 3.就这样理解吧 4.第一个更远 5.差不多是这样 希望你能满意

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越锦心荣:[答案] 1.ages(年龄) 2.He wants to have a hot dog.(他想要一条热狗.) 3.A whole world.(整个世界.a world of difference 天壤之别) 4.The bridge of a nose(鼻梁) 100%正确

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越锦心荣:[答案] 1.B 翻译:去拿你的书吧.它在你拉下它的地方. 此题用where引导表语从句,where可翻译“在...的地方”,它不但引出该表语从句,而且在该从句中充当地点状语. A there可以充当was的表语,但是它没法和后面的you left it连接; C there是副词,不能...

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越锦心荣:[答案] 1.最高级+ 先行词+ that- 2.任何不定式的否定形式都是 not + to do sth,词序错位了. 3,will 表示已定的将来计划,就是普通的... do sth,而不能像B那样直接后加not 完事! 5.如肯定回答:B.Yes,let's. 原来的 Let's...就包含你与我(我们),而B只说I,答...

乌达区19883184728: 请帮忙解答3道英语题 O(∩ - ∩)O谢谢1 You were late again ,Peter. Sorry , I - _ - to be here on time ,but the traffic on the road - _ - heavy A wanted ,was B had ... -
越锦心荣:[答案] B 原本想准时到的 可是交通太拥堵了~ A 其他人成绩太不好了,毫无疑问她是最好的 B 百分之三十五的公司声明他们电邮工作

乌达区19883184728: 谁能帮我解解几道英语题1.This magnificent hotel, - ___ - at the turn of the century, has got over 200 beautifully decorated first - class rooms and spacious ... -
越锦心荣:[答案] 1.本题考非谓语,这个hotel已经建好了,选D A只可以用作状语,且用于此不必要 B表将要建 C为正在建 四个选项皆为被动,酒店是被人建造的 2.risk doing sth take the risk of doing sth 疾病摧毁希望为主动,希望被摧毁 3.你可以邀请任何一个想去的...

乌达区19883184728: 几道英语题~~帮忙解析一下!~~~重谢谢!~请详细解释一下对每个选项选择和不选的理由43. I cannot give you - __ - for the type样式 of car you sell because ... -
越锦心荣:[答案] 43.D 我想我没法订购你所卖的这款车,因为市场对其没有需求 an order53.C rather than means but not to65.C Think about it in this way:her brother is not as good as her in music68.C 从句不能用their,否则就是...

乌达区19883184728: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
越锦心荣:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

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