最后一句翻译 大家集思广益 谢谢!新年好!

作者&投稿:栾钟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请翻译一句话 大家集思广益 谢谢!新年好!~

译文:“Rationally conducting and honest being are the best personalities for everyone to have. ”

36. Alice was 【having A】 trouble 【to control B】 the children because there 【were C】 so 【many D】 of them.
([B] controlling)
解释:固定词组have trouble (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”
类似的词组还有:have difficulty (in) doing sth做某事有困难
have a hard time (in) doing sth. 做某事很辛苦
have a good time (in) doing sth做某事很开心
have a problem (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难
37. We were very much 【surprised A】 that 【the B】 village was 【such C】 long way 【from D】the road.
([C] such a)
way 意思是“路线,路程,路途”是单数可数名词,要带冠词。
又如:The school is a long way off. 学校离这里很远。
38. John’s chance 【of being elected A】【chairman B】 of the committee is 【far C】 greater than 【Dick D】.
([D] Dick’s)
解释:前后比较的范围要一致。前面是John’s chance作主语,than后面的比较部分也应该是chance而非Dick这个人。
比较:John has a greater chance of being elected chairman than Dick.
那么这句话前后比较的就是John 和Dick了。
39. “We 【have won A】【 a B】 great victory 【on C】 our 【enemy D】,” the captain said.
([C] over)
解释:词组搭配:win a /the victory over sb 战胜…
类似的搭配:have an advantage over sb比…有优势
have control over/of sth/sb 控制…
40. There are 【many valuable services A】 which the public are willing 【to pay for B】, but which 【does not bring C】 a return 【in money D】 to the community.
([C] do not bring)
解释:这里是由but连接的两个并列的定语从句,修饰先行词services。定语从句的谓语动词的数要和先行词一致,所以用复数do not.
41. The law I am 【referring A】 requires that 【everyone B】 who 【owns C】 a car 【have D】 accident insurance.
([A] referring to)
解释:refer to sth/sb 是词组,意思有很多,在这里表示“提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到”
又如:Don't refer to the matter again.不要再提这件事了。
注意:1)I am referring to 是定语从句修饰先行词law,其关系代词that/which在定语从句中作宾语所以省略了。
2)require 后接宾语从句要用should do 表示虚拟,should可以省略。所以D项have =should have
42. “I considered 【it A】【a honor B】 to be invited to 【address C】 the meeting of 【world-famous D】 scientists,” said Professor Leacock.
([B] an honor)
解释:名词的第一个音素是元音时要求用冠词an 修饰,注意不是第一个字母是元音。如:an hour,an egg
拓展:address the meeting向大会致辞...
address the crowd/the audience on the subject
43. He 【was seeing A】 somebody 【creeping B】 into the house 【through C】 the 【open D】 window last night.
([A] saw)
解释:last night 要求句子用一般过去时。如果表示过去某一时刻或者阶段正在进行的动作才用过去进行时。
如:He was watching TV at this time last night.
44. The reason 【for A】 all 【the B】 changes 【being made C】【has not explained D】 to us yet.
([D] has not been explained)
解释:主语是the reason,所以应该用被动语态表示理由被解释
注意explain的搭配:sb explains sth to sb.
45. 【Even though A】 the children pretended 【asleep B】, the nurses were not 【deceived C】 【when D】 they came into the room.
([B] to be asleep)
解释:这里考查pretend的用法,pretend to do sth 假装做某事
拓展:pretend及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 意思是“假装, 伪装,佯装”
So you don't need to pretend, do you? ( pretend作不及物动词)
所以你不必装假了, 对吧?
He pretended illness.
He pretended to fall over.
They pretended that they were tourists.
从以上例句可以归纳pretend作及物动词的用法:pretend to do/sth/that-从句



Win and loss is born at the same time.

Success and failure are brothers.

Where there is a success,there is a failure.

where there is a sccess,there is a failure.
模仿句子"有志者事竟成":where there is a well,there is a way.

Where there is a success,there is a failure.顶楼上的

Where there is a success,there is a failure

where there is a success ,there is defeat.
Succuess comes with failure

久治县15840939248: 精心设计 铸就优质工程,请大家集思广益对应下一句,谢谢各位. -
正风蝎毒: 巧妙管理,开创百年伟业!

久治县15840939248: 请帮忙翻译最后一句话,谢谢各位高手 -
正风蝎毒: Women(妇女)have been discriminated against(受到歧视)and they (他们)have been (一直有耐心)patient, but now they are (但现在他们都抱怨),and their cause is just(和他们的事业是正义的) 可以翻译成: “女人一直遭受着歧视,可她们始终隐忍着,而如今,她们开始抱怨了,她们完全有理由抱怨.”cause: 是“(某种行为、感情等的)理由,缘由,缘故;动机;根据”的意思.现在完成时和现在进行时在这里的用法.那意思是:她们过去受歧视,现在仍然受歧视,所以,她们现在还在抱怨着……(而不是“曾经……”)

久治县15840939248: 请大家集思广益翻译成英文 -
正风蝎毒: I units to build roads and cultural ecology, with the focus on the comprehensive strengthening of the existing highway daily conservation, and ensure the traffic flow and clean the United States. While improving the signs, marking, strengthening ...

久治县15840939248: 集思广益的意思 -
正风蝎毒: 成语集思广益详细说明.成语:集思广益拼音:jí sī guǎng yì 搜索关键字:jsgy.成语解释:, 思:思考,意见;广:扩大.指集中群众的智慧,广泛吸收有益的意见.成语出处:, 三国·蜀·诸葛亮《教与军师长史参军掾属》:“夫参署者,集众思,广忠益也.”

久治县15840939248: 集思广益是什么意思? -
正风蝎毒: 集思广益:集中并广泛吸收大家的智慧和有益的意见.

久治县15840939248: 集思广益什么意思嘛 -
正风蝎毒: 同学你好! 集思广益:集中群众的智慧,广泛吸收有益的意见. 详细解释如下: 【成语】:集思广益 【拼音】:jí sī guǎng yì 【解释】:集:集中;思:思考,意见;广:扩大.指集中群众的智慧,广泛吸收有益的意见. 【出处】:三国·蜀...

久治县15840939248: 大家集思广益一下 这是干什么用的 -
正风蝎毒: 集思广益的意思是:集中大家的智慧和建议,以便作出正确的决定. 因此,这句话一般是单位主要领导在开会或集体活动中,征求单位其他领导或员工的意见或建议,解决单位难解决的问题.

久治县15840939248: 英语翻译1:集思广益2:失败乃成功之母3:讲得好,不如做得好集思广益是 Put our heads together 请大家自己翻译,不要用机器哦 -
正风蝎毒:[答案] 1:集思广益 To pool all the minds together Put our heads together 也是对的 2:失败乃成功之母 Failure is the mother of success. 3:讲得好,不如做得好 Action speaks better (louder) than words.

久治县15840939248: 百炼成钢 发愤图强 坚持不懈 迎难而上 集思广益 群策群力 革故鼎新 标新立异 独出心裁 举一反三 意思啊 -
正风蝎毒: 百炼成钢:比喻经过长期锻炼,变得非常坚强.发愤图强:决心奋斗,努力谋求强盛.坚持不懈:坚持到底,一点...

久治县15840939248: 最后一句翻译 -
正风蝎毒: 他努力在一个大工厂里找到了一个工作.祝你学习愉快,谢谢.

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