
作者&投稿:员顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In recent years, packaging and printing companies in the fierce competition in the market economy condition, the traditional cost management concept already can not adapt to the modern cost concept, content of modern enterprise cost management is not only to reduce costs, and isolation should be based on the overall strategic goal and external environment, from the cost and benefit for minimizing the total cost of the contrast. The cost of establishing an effective management system for the enterprises, the cost accounting methods, to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and economic benefits have realistic significance.

From the modern packaging and printing enterprise cost management present situation and the profit condition, this paper analyzes the characteristics of packaging and printing enterprise, discusses the modern enterprise cost management theory and the packaging and printing enterprise cost management method and cost management mode is discussed in details, packaging and printing enterprise complex cost forecast, cost accounting, packaging and printing enterprise cost accounting is cost management is the most important link, according to the characteristic of packaging and printing enterprise, through the packaging and printing enterprise cost accounting method, especially order cost accounting method, and a detailed study of the use of packaging and printing enterprise combining orders and actual cases of cost accounting method analysis of cost accounting method is currently studys the packaging and printing enterprise ideal cost accounting method, the proposed model of order cost accounting. Also show that the order of cost accounting method of packaging and printing enterprise has achieved remarkable economic benefits and social effects.
Packaging and printing enterprise cost management, we must establish the new idea, change the idea, full cost management consciousness, Establish printing enterprise cost management system, To strengthen the printing and optimization of logistics management and use of printing equipment, to strengthen the printing material cost control, make whole packaging printing enterprise cost as low as possible. The new development of cost management aims to introduce the latest development of the cost management, in order to create conditions for further study.

Through the analysis and study, can make the management of China packaging expert printing enterprise cost management attention in China, and packaging printing enterprise cost management work in a view to play a valuable role.

Business negotiation plays a more and more important role in the production and operating activities of the enterprises and the full preparation is very fundamental to the successful business negotiations
Only full and systematic preparation has been made can we have confidence and easiness to deal with things, thus laying the foundation for successful negotiation.
This paper mainly focuses on the brief introduction to early preparation for business negotiations.
It includes information gathering before the negotiation, related information of the negotiation party, nationality of the negotiators, strategy making before the negotiation, psychological quality of the negotiators, basic quality and etc. so as to explain the importance of the preparation before business negotiation.
If no preparation has been made, fear will come up during the negotiation.
So, we have to pay attention to the preparation before business negotiation.
Copyright@2010 Lawrence. All rights resered


故事发生在不久前,爸爸因为3岁的女儿浪费了一卷金色的包装纸(个人认为这里应该是golden wrapping paper, 因为下文说他家没钱,没钱就不可能会有金子做的包装纸,虽然在最后提及了"金盒子")而批评她. 家里已经没有多少钱了,女儿要用包装纸打包一个盒子,要放在圣诞树下, 父亲看到后大发雷霆.
即使这样,第二天早上,小女孩还是带着盒子来到父亲面前,说:"给您礼物,爸爸". 父亲由于之前的发火而感到羞愧,但当他看到盒子是空的时,马上又怒火中烧, 冲着女儿嚷道:"当你给别人礼物的时候,盒子里是不是应该有东西呢."
小女孩满眼念泪,抬头对爸爸说:"哦,爸爸,盒子不是空的,盒子里装了我的好多吻,全是给您的, 爸爸"
父亲被震惊了. 他抱起小女孩,请求她的谅解. 据说,他把盒子一直珍藏在床边,当他不如意时,就会拿出盒子想像女儿的吻,怀念女儿倾注的爱.
事实上,每个人都有一个由子女,朋友和家人充满了无私的爱的金盒子. 世上没有再比它更珍贵的财富了.





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