
作者&投稿:窦虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


英文:I have a cute little cat, its head round, top with a pair of sharp, small ears, big green eyes like two small lights. The cat likes to play it, put Mao Xiangun on the floor, rolling back and forth. At this time, it would have screamed, issued a "meow" sound. I ate something, it always with that bright eyes looked at me, I want to say: "I also want to eat!" I will offer half of it. It uses the lick, eat with appetite to eat. I really love this cat!



I have a dog. He is my favorite pet.
He's cute. His name is Peter. He's two years old.
His fur is long and white, a pair of big black eyes, his nose is very good, smell is very good.
He is very small and weighs about 2kg.
Peter's favorite food is meat. He also likes bones.
Peter is very friendly. I feed him every day and he never barks or bites.
Peter likes a lot of sports. If you want him to be healthy, it is necessary to walk his dog in the park every day.
So he and I play in the park every day.
Do you like my dog?

I have a cute little cat, its head round, top with a pair of sharp, small ears, big green eyes like two small lights. The cat likes to play it, put Mao Xiangun on the floor, rolling back and forth. At this time, it would have screamed, issued a "meow" sound. I ate something, it always with that bright eyes looked at me, I want to say: "I also want to eat!" I will offer half of it. It uses the lick, eat with appetite to eat. I really love this cat!

朋友嫌品种不纯不好卖,送了我一只。 我欢天喜地收下,带回家才半天,小猫就和家里的狗打得满室狼藉,于是我只好把猫寄养在朋友家。 这只黄色的小猫,实在...下面,我就来给你们介绍一下吧!霸王龙:脑袋很大,前肢短小,后腿大而有力,每只脚有三个脚趾,走路时用两条腿,跑得很快,每个小时的速度达到30英里,它的视...



My Little Dog Hello,everyone! Here,I'd like to tell you something about my pet dog named Handsome. It is a white cute dog with a black circle around its neck. It has four clever legs and sometimes it can stand with its two hind legs or make interesting gestures with its...

I have a cute little cat, its head round, top with a pair of sharp, small ears, big green eyes like two small lights. The cat likes to play it, put Mao Xiangun on the floor, rolling back and forth. At this time, it would have screamed, issued a "meow" sound. I ...

本文主要介绍各种宠物的特点和肆养心得,家具选择、家庭环境管理将在下一篇文章和大家探讨(在给自己挖坑)。 猫 二十年养猫经验简单粗暴地总结:所有的...最后祝所有住友都能成功打造适合自己需求的家,有可能的话,养一只喜欢的宠物。 以上内容由好好住用户:开动物园的J同学分享,希望可以帮到你~ 详情 官方...

星期天中午,吃好午饭我正在门前玩耍,突然看到自己家的小狗身上全是泥,脏极了。我想这样的小狗怎么能够讨人喜欢呢?现在我还是给它洗一个澡吧!说干就干,我立刻动手给小狗洗澡了。 我找来一只大脚盆,在里面倒了一些温水。然后,我把小狗叫过来,让它跳进去。正在我想给小狗洗澡的时候,它却从脚盆里面逃走了。我厉声...

大熊猫这么可爱,我真想把它带回家。篇三:可爱的大熊猫400字作文 提起大熊猫,大家一定都不生疏。因为它可是我国的国宝啊!现在我来介绍一下大熊猫:大熊猫猫科动物,又名“猫熊”。身体胖软,头圆颈粗,四肢粗壮,特别是那“八”字型的黑眼睛,像戴着一副墨镜,炯炯有神。它有时也象征着“和平...


爸爸上班那我只带猫猫去过一次,它竟然认得路。 这就是我家可爱,又像猫,又聪明的"猫猫"。 2. 《我的发现》作文 最好是说发现了动物的秘密 每个人都可能发现某种事物的某些奥妙,在发现的过程中也会有许多经历,当然,连我这个不爱发现的人也会发现事物的奥妙,如果不信,请你仔仔细细地来听一听。 那是在一个...

成华区19371099930: 你或你朋友家里有什么宠物,它们会干什么?请用英语写一篇60词的短文进行介绍.
宫希甘风: 中文:我家有一只可爱的小猫咪,它的的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿灯.小猫咪喜欢玩毛线,把毛线滚在地上,来回滚动.这时,它会兴奋地叫着,发出“喵喵”的声音.我吃什么东西时,它总是用那...

成华区19371099930: 介绍自己的宠物,用英语.短一点就行,是小学作业. -
宫希甘风: This is my (pet) 这是我的宠物 She is a (cat) 她是一只猫 She is (brown) fur. 她有咖啡色的毛毛 She has (two white) ears. 她有两个白色的耳朵 She has a (long black) tail. 她有一个很长的黑色尾巴 She has (shiny blue) eyes. 她有两只蓝色的眼睛 可爱的猫咪~

成华区19371099930: 假设你有一只心爱的宠物狗,它叫豆豆,请向你的朋友介绍它一天的生活.英文60字 -
宫希甘风: Dodo like(love) clean! The morning always keep waiting for me at the door and walk it, it is love sweet my hand, for others to give the food it is always to ask me to eat, every evening, it is always waiting for me at home, after dinner it will sleep lying at...

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宫希甘风: My Favorite Animal I'm a happy boy(girl),I like animals very much !答 My favorite animal is dog! I think it is very cute ,and it is very beautiful!It can make everybody happy, it can take care of babys,it can mind house ,it can look for crime suspects etc.But it doesn't hope any reward!And it is so loyal!

成华区19371099930: 初一英语小作文50字带翻译介绍我的宠物 -
宫希甘风: I have a cat .Its name is Maomao. It's white and black. Its eyes are big. It has a small mouth and a long tail. Its fur is very soft. It like to play with a ball. It always plays with me .It likes to eat fish very much. I like it very much.英语作文范文带翻译:我的宠...

成华区19371099930: 求一篇英语作文,关于宠物狗的!急!!! -
宫希甘风: My dog is white.Short hair.The dog like sleep in the day.The dog ear very big.The tail and hair is brown.It like piay with me.It is my good friend.

成华区19371099930: 写一篇介绍猫的英语短文 -
宫希甘风: My Cat I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me....

成华区19371099930: 谁能给一篇介绍自己宠物的英语作文? -
宫希甘风: My Little Dog Hello,everyone! Here,I'd like to tell you something about my pet dog named Handsome. It is a white cute dog with a black circle around its neck. It has four clever legs and sometimes it can stand with its two hind legs or make interesting ...

成华区19371099930: 用英语写一篇作文 关于自己家的宠物
宫希甘风: I want to raise a dog, the dog am the human best friend. In even occasion nobody's time, the dog may accompany the child to play, accompanies old person, reduces their lonely. Evening in family's person has slept, the dog will defend in the entrance, she will be our humanity most loyal friend.

成华区19371099930: 以“我的宠物”为题目用英语写一篇60左右词的作文 -
宫希甘风: My Pet I love Bruno, he is a lovely tiny dog. My father brought it home 6 months ago. And now he is one of our family members. My mother feeds the dog, my father washer the dog, and I play with him! Bruno likes playing balls with me. I throw the ball, ...

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