
作者&投稿:典婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to improve English speaking To improve English speaking,we must first of all practise more.There is a saying:practice makes perfect.That is to say,we should talk with our partners in English as much as we can.Also,we should often listen to English stories in order to improve our understanding about English. Never be afraid of speaking English in front of others!This is quite important.Over and above,we should learn more English words.Only in this way,can we be good English speaker!

  一说到英语口语,很多人反应就是“多练“,事实上多练并不是解决方案。所有人都知道要多练,但为什么那么多人还是没学会英语,考试还是不及格?试想没有一套正确的方法,多练后一直没效果,只会让自己更容易放弃。  先在这里分享一节免费的在线英语口语体验课,是那种外教在线一对一的模式,跟着外教学口语效果才是最好的。点击这里免费领取:【免费领悟外教试试听课】,可以去试听感受下,看看外教怎么说口语,是否适合自己,找个专业的外教学口语,好过自己的在瞎琢磨要好的快。  而一般英语口语考试题目主要分为四大模块:  第一块是自我介绍,自我介绍是第一大块。  第二块是问答,就是老师跟你提问题你回答。  第三块比较难的就是话题的陈述,就是老师会给你一个话题,或者抽签,抽一个话题出来。  这个话题一般都是比较难的话题,不是一些日常生活的话题,往往是一些,尤其考研的考试是一些成人世界的话题,比如环境污染,气候,或者安乐死,比较严肃的话题,让你用英语说两分钟,这个你看起来特别复杂,特别难。  第四类题目是讨论因为特往往是两三个人一起考的,一个比较快,还有一个可以比较。  那么讨论也是一种很大的题目。最后一种是描述,会给你一幅图或者一个表格,或者漫画图之类的,让你用英语描述一分钟左右的时间,主要是这五类,当然不会都考。  如果各位大家还想了解更多干货,或者想了解vivi老师机构的师资力量、课程费用、自家娃最适合什么样的机构类型,欢迎找我进行深入交流,百度搜索vivi老师就可以找到我,我将会用多年的教育行业的经验给出最专业最诚恳的建议。

1. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was never happy, so he caught a bird and asked the bird to sing every day. One day, the bird said that it was unhappy because it didn't have any freedom. Therefore the king released the bird. Whenver the king was unhappy again, he called for the bird to sing for him.

2. A couple owned a farm. After hurdling the sheep one day, one sheep was found missing. Swam across the river, the man wanted to catch the sheep, but fell into the river carelessly.

3. There were a male police officer and a female police officer. They saw a big built man moving a huge luggage. When the man wasn't looking, they opened the luggage, and found a lot of money inside. Then they called the head quarters for help.

4. A scientist was thinking of a problem when a man came to visit him. The man waited for a very long time. At noon, the man went to have lunch. After he came back, the scientist went for lunch as well. But he saw an empty plate on the dining table, so he thought he must have also had lunch already, and went home to continue on thinking of his problem.

5. A boy went to the park with his mother. The boy saw a pear tree and wanted to pick some pears, but his mother would not let him. The boy saw many flowers and wanted to pick some, but his mother still would not let him. He saw water then went to play with water, but unintentionally got water onto a police officer. Then the police officer wrote: Do Not Play with Water.

6. A boy wanted to steal some pears. The farmer was very angry and wouldn't let the boy pick the pears. Therefore the boy stayed on the tree and ate pears without picking them down. When the farmer came back, he saw many pear cores on the floor.

7. A boy slept. When he woke up, he found that his shoes were missing. Then he saw a bird walking in his shoes.


1. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was never happy, so he caught a bird and asked the bird to sing every day. One day, the bird said that “she” was unhappy because “she” didn't have any freedom. Therefore the king released the bird. Whenver the king was unhappy again, he called for the bird to sing for him.


2. A couple owned a farm. After hurdling the sheep one day, one sheep was found "missed". "After swiming" across the river, the man wanted to catch the sheep, but fell into the river carelessly.

missing 改为 missed, 表状态

3. There were a "policeman and a policewoman". They saw a "strong" man moving a huge luggage. They opened the luggage "when he was inattention",and found a lot of money inside. Then they called the "headquarters" for help.

4. A scientist was thinking of a "difficult" problem ,when a man came to visit him. The man waited for a very long time. At noon, the man went to have lunch. After he came back, the scientist went for lunch as well. But he saw an empty plate on the dining table, so he thought he must have "already" had lunch , and went home to "go" on thinking of his problem.

continue=go on. 所以应该改掉

5. A boy went to the park with his mother. The boy saw a pear tree and wanted to pick some pears, but his mother "didn't allow" him. The boy saw many flowers and wanted to pick some, but his mother "didn't allow him ,either". He saw water then went to play with water, but unintentionally got water onto a "policeman". Then the policeman wrote: "No playing" water.

“不准”的表达法为“ not allow"

6. A boy wanted to steal some pears. The farmer was very angry and wouldn't let the boy pick the pears. Therefore, the boy stayed on the tree and ate pears without picking them down. When the farmer came back, he saw many pear cores on the floor.

7. A boy slept. When he woke up, he found that his shoes were missing. Then he saw a bird walking in his shoes.

1. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was never happy, so he caught a bird and asked the bird to sing every day. One day, the bird said that “she” was unhappy because “she” didn't have any freedom. Therefore the king released the bird. Whenver the king was unhappy again, he called for the bird to sing for him.
2. A couple owned a farm. After hurdling the sheep one day, one sheep was found "missed". "After swiming" across the river, the man wanted to catch the sheep, but fell into the river carelessly.
3. There were a "policeman and a policewoman". They saw a "strong" man moving a huge luggage. They opened the luggage "when he was inateention",and found a lot of money inside. Then they called the "headquarters" for help.
4. A scientist was thinking of a problem when a man came to visit him. The man waited for a very long time. At noon, the man went to have lunch. After he came back, the scientist went for lunch as well. But he saw an empty plate on the dining table, so he thought he must have also had lunch already, and went home to continue on thinking of his problem.
5. A boy went to the park with his mother. The boy saw a pear tree and wanted to pick some pears, but his mother would not let him. The boy saw many flowers and wanted to pick some, but his mother still would not let him. He saw water then went to play with water, but unintentionally got water onto a police officer. Then the police officer wrote: Do Not Play with Water.
6. A boy wanted to steal some pears. The farmer was very angry and wouldn't let the boy pick the pears. Therefore the boy stayed on the tree and ate pears without picking them down. When the farmer came back, he saw many pear cores on the floor.
7. A boy slept. When he woke up, he found that his shoes were missing. Then he saw a bird walking in his shoes.

1, we used to have a king, he has been unhappy, so he caught a bird, so that only the birds singing every day. One day, it said that it is very unhappy bird, no freedom at all. So the King put it. When the King and when he put birds come to sing it to the king.
2, there is a husband and wife have a farm. Released after one day after the sheep, one sheep lost, and swim across the river, the men and the sheep farmer efforts to go across the river, the river fell to step carefully.
3, there is a male and a female police saw a very strong man to move a big box, take advantage of attention when he opened the box and found that there are a lot of money, so they call to headquarters for assistance.
4, there is a scientist in a very difficult question of want, a man went to visit him, and so on on the outside for a long time. By noon, a man to eat, came back, scientists have to eat, to see the restaurant's plate is empty, feel that they have eaten a meal, they then think the problem home.
5, a little boy and his mother to the park, the little boy to see the pear tree, want to pick pears, but not his mother. The little boy to see a lot of flowers, want to pick, but pick from his mother. He saw the water to play water, accidentally sprayed onto the police, the police wrote: not allowed to play in the water.
6, there is a little boy wanted to eat pears, very angry to see the farmer, not to let him pick. Boys do not pick and then, eating in the trees. Wait until the farmer came back and saw a pear core.
7, a small boy to sleep, wake up, see the shoes are missing, and then saw a bird wearing his shoes in the walk.

1. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was never happy, so he caught a bird and asked the bird to sing every day. One day, the bird said that it was unhappy because it didn't have any freedom. Therefore the king released the bird. Whenver the king was unhappy again, he called for the bird to sing for him.
2. A couple owned a farm. After hurdling the sheep one day, one sheep was found "missed". "After swiming" across the river, the man wanted to catch the sheep, but fell into the river carelessly.
3. There were a male police officer and a female police officer. They saw a big built man moving a huge luggage. When the man wasn't looking, they opened the luggage, and found a lot of money inside. Then they called the head quarters for help.
4, there is a scientist in a very difficult question of want, a man went to visit him, and so on on the outside for a long time. By noon, a man to eat, came back, scientists have to eat, to see the restaurant's plate is empty, feel that they have eaten a meal, they then think the problem home.
5. A boy went to the park with his mother. The boy saw a pear tree and wanted to pick some pears, but his mother would not let him. The boy saw many flowers and wanted to pick some, but his mother still would not let him. He saw water then went to play with water, but unintentionally got water onto a police officer. Then the police officer wrote: Do Not Play with Water.
6, there is a little boy wanted to eat pears, very angry to see the farmer, not to let him pick.
7. A boy slept. When he woke up, he found that his shoes were missing. Then he saw a bird walking in his shoes.

建议:不仅仅在写作中注意,平时说话的时候也应该条理清楚! 四、 短语优先原则 写作时,尤其是在考试时,如果使用短语,有两个好处:其一、用短语会使文章增加...本文已经固化的单词数超过140词,当场只需写一个完整的句子、三个半句、五处单词替换,具有中学英语水平足以完成。引用的句子已经有足够的闪光点,自己写的句子...

求助一篇英语口语演讲作文,100字以内(笑话,故事等均可)急急!_百度知 ...
hey Are Directly from America Not long after an old Chinese women came back to china from her visit to her daughter in the Sates, she went to a city bank to deposit the U.S. dollars her daughter give her . At the bank counter ,the money was real.It mady out of patience...

而且,我最好的朋友菲利普和奥斯卡总是和我说英语。每次他们都让我大吃一惊。他们帮了我很多。由于他们的帮助,我的英语口语变得越来越好了。我不知道如何感谢他们。不断的学习也让我很开心。 高中英语作文带翻译:我喜欢旅行 The ancient said the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one...


三、口语作文和强化训练 一种方法是找一个题目或话题,作一篇小的口语作文,同时将其录音,回头反复听录音,找出不足和错误再就同一题目说一段较长的录音,重复听录音,继而再找出不足和错误。另一种方法是复述自己听到的英语故事或看到的课文,特别要注意英语短语和单词的运用。美式英语和英式英语中充满活泼、生动的短语...

英语提建议的句型 第一句:If I were you, I would not smoke. 我要是你的话,就不抽烟。 这句话的意思直接建议对方不要抽烟,是一个非常好的提建议的句子。 第二句:What can you make a person happy, in your opinion? 在你看来什么可以使一个人幸福呢? 或者可以说In ...

(句中am不能用are来代替。) 句型4. It is high time (time\/ about time)+ (that) 主语+should do \/ did+其它。(从句中的谓语动词用的是虚拟...学英语还是要靠自己的努力的,英语学习中心只是辅助,这是我的经验,我有参加过意格英语、ABC添下英与的口语辅导,感觉.好.挺不错的。那里有针对不同的人开设...

交谈的英语作文 关于沟通技巧的英语作文~~~
如何成为一个好的交谈者英语作文 学习英语有捷径 培养兴趣最重要 在现今分秒必争,资讯发达的时代中,语文能力的培养将不仅是学校的一门功课而已,无论贸易、...因此在学习英语时,首先应先训练自己多听,习惯正确的英语发音及口语化,并试著去模仿,不要怕、多听敢讲,才是最重要的,至於学习「读与写」是其次,也就...

A Letter of Self-recommendation Dear XXX,Hello.This is Li Hua,a boy student from Senior Three of the school.I am writing to apply for the position of the English host of the Learning Club of the School Radio Station.Thanks to a good knowledge of English,I can speak fluent ...


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超天环尔: 1. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was never happy, so he caught a bird and asked the bird to sing every day. One day, the bird said that it was unhappy because it didn't have any freedom. Therefore the king released the bird. Whenver the ...

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