
作者&投稿:达奚温 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I haven't met him since I left the elementary school.自从我小学毕业以来,我一直没有见过他。
How long have you had the cold? 你已经感冒多久了?

How many times have you been to Beijing? 你去过北京几次?
I have learnt English for four years.我已经学习英语四年了。
He has met her at the library. 他在图书馆遇到过她。
We haven't met since then.自那以后我们再没见过。
Has your father gone to America? 你的父亲去过美国吗?
Tom has skated for five hours.TOM已经滑冰五个小时了。
I have read a book these days.这几天我一直在看一本书。
Have you had your lunch yet?你已经吃过午饭了吗?


1.The Great Wall is known all over the world.
2.This city was liberated in 1948.
3.The matter will be discussed tomorrow.
4.The question is being discussed at present.
5.The boy was being operated on when his parents hurried to the hospital.
6.The bridge has been built this month
7.The tickets had been sold out before I came to the cinema
8.He said the book would be returned as soon as he finished it.
9.The door is locked.
10.My bike was repaired yesterday.
11. The bridge is being built.
12.A new school will be built here.
13.The price has been raised.
14.The baby is well taken care of.
15. I'm told that the boy won the race.
1.I have just finished my work.
2.Have you ever been to Beijing?
3.I've done it already.
4.He has closed the door.
5. She has opened the door.
6.I have lived for ten years.
7.I have been in the city for ten years.
8. We have finished the task.
9.How long have you been here?
10. Have you been to Beijing?
11.We have studied here since 2003.
12.He has left.
13.He has been away for an hour.
14.Can I borrow that book?
15.How long can I keep the book?
1.She was pleased with the way in which he had accepted her criticism.
2.They didn’t do it in the way that we do now.
3.Let’s discuss only such questions as concern everyone of us.
4.I never heard such stories as he tells.
5.I’ve never seen such a clever man as he is.
6.As is known to all, the earth moves round the sun.
7.He didn’t speak the way I do.
8.As was expected, he performed the task with success.
9.As he predicted, the wind changed.
10.The meeting is very important, as indeed it is.
11.Mr Brown, who is our English teacher, lives near our school.
12.Yesterday I met my son’s school master, whom you saw at my home last year.
13.He has finished the difficult exercise, which is easy for you.
14.The factory is headed by a 35-year-old man, whose wife is from America.
15.They will fly to Qingdao, where they plan to stay for two weeks.
16.In these days, when I was a child, the city had no industry to speak of.
17.They have invited me to visit their country, which is very kind of them.
18.Yesterday afternoon we arrived at his log cabin, in front of which stood a tall
19.There are forty students in their class, thirty of whom are League members.
20.Yesterday I saw a man whose shirt was very dirt.

He has just come back from England.
I have already finished reading the book.
Have you had dinner yet?
They have worked on the farm recently.
He has never been to Beijing.
We have learned 3000 new words so far.
I haven't seen the film before.


I have just had lunch.
I've already read this book.
I haven't finisihed my homwork so far.
I've never been there before.

1.I saw this film just now.
2.He has already obtained a scholarship.
3.I haven't seen much of him recently .
4.I have never heard Bunny say anything against her.
5.Peter has written six papers so far.
6.We have seen that film before.

He has just come back from England.I have already finished reading the book.Have you had dinner yet?They have worked on the farm recently.He has never been to Beijing.We have learned 3000 new words so far.I haven't seen the film before....

The spring festival has became the most important day in China, espicially for the people working far away, because the family member could get together during these days.Upload Many people have uploaded their MV on the internet, just because they want to become famous.Transforming ...

求"完整"的 小品 台词...给我弄2个就行了..谢谢啊.老一点也行
求"完整"的小品台词...给我弄2个就行了..谢谢啊.老一点也行老一点的...别太现代...哥们...们..有没有断点的呢,,,我也在找呢...帮个忙帮我划拉一个短点的...别是赵本上的... 求"完整"的 小品 台词...给我弄2个就行了..谢谢啊.老一点也行老一点的...别太现代...哥们...们..有没有...


一般过去时 I walked to school this morning.My mother went shopping yesterday.My father ate noodles this morning.一般现在时 I am having supper.My dog is sleeping.My sister is doing homework.一般将来时 I will go to school tomorrow.My brother will play football the day after ...

杜立特空袭 1942年4月18日 杜立特尔中校率领16个B—25轰炸机的机组人员从海军的航空母舰大黄蜂号上起飞,成功轰炸了东京。这次空袭给日本造成的物质损失微不足道,但在心理上极大震撼了日本朝野,直接导致了后来的中途岛战役。中途岛战役 1942年6月3—6日 美国方面损失了一艘航空母舰,一艘驱逐舰,307...

‘蔷薇之恋’保留了原始故事的角色设定与故事架构,并加强突显角色性格,详细刻划剧中人物心情转折,期望在娱乐之余,能给观众更多感动,并带领观众对爱情、亲情与友情有更深一层的思考空间 2千金百分百 影片名称: 千金百分百 影视类型: 连续剧 主要演员: 温兆伦 林韦君 [影片介绍] 竹芳是个「代理孕母」,在怀孕的过程...

帮我介绍几个韩国组合,thank you
在哪里可以见到他:SM公司、学校、家里 如果来了个不知道是谁的电话:常给我打电话啊! 想打电话给是谁:学校朋友 比别人做的好的是:装可爱 现在想做的爆笑动作:把电子琴当作吉他弹 现在写的最好的中文是:晟敏、请多多关照 看到粉丝会想到什么:很感谢,想爱惜 最想对歌迷们说的话:我们会不断努力,希望...

一、以下这几个是基本时态,应该没什么悬念。1.一般现在时:he is a pilot.2.一般过去时:he was a pilot.3.一般将来时:he will be a pilot.9.现在完成时:he has been a pilot.(一直做了10年飞行员直到今天。)二、这几句不妨一说:场景:老爸对邻居说:10年前,就是阿呆30岁时,我就...

未捅破的秘密 父亲是个搓澡工。我已经很大了,也没有人喊我的大名,只是说,他啊,是搓澡工家的小子,学习不赖。即便是在夸我,我也会远远地走开。记得有一年夏天的晚上,我在用水冲凉澡,父亲说:“小子,来,我给你搓搓背!”我有些不冷不热地说:“你给别人搓去吧,我用不着你搓。”说完...

淳化县18553044605: 现在完成时的句子 -
鲜店布地: 现在完成时的用法简单说是---完了,结果.肯定句1 She has written the letter.她刚写完信.2 I have eaten the cake.我刚刚吃完蛋糕.3 I have finished my homework. 我刚刚做完了我的家庭作业.4 They have left just a minute ago.他们一分钟前刚离...

淳化县18553044605: 用现在完成时造一个句子 -
鲜店布地: I have just come back from the supermarket.

淳化县18553044605: 现在完成时的句子要六个,带翻译!请大家踊跃回答! -
鲜店布地:[答案] I have had my breakfast.我已经吃过早餐了. My mother has finished her work.我妈妈已经完成了她的工作. You have eaten the fruit.你已经吃过水果了. They have done their assignment.他们已经完成了作业. Lucy has bought that bag.露西已经把那个包买...

淳化县18553044605: 谁帮我用英语造10个现在完成时的句子,急用. -
鲜店布地:[答案] I haven't met him since I left the elementary school.自从我小学毕业以来,我一直没有见过他. How long have you had the cold... 这几天我一直在看一本书. Have you had your lunch yet?你已经吃过午饭了吗? 现在完成时常与for+一段时间,或since+过去...

淳化县18553044605: 英语造句用现在完成时造5个句子句子里包括肯定,否定,疑问 -
鲜店布地:[答案] 1. I have just washed my clothes. 2. Have you finished doing your homework? 3. They haven't cleaned the classroom yet? 4. Have you ever been to Beijing? 5. She has taught English for two years.

淳化县18553044605: 急求、 现在完成时的 10个句子 要简单的 、有翻译 -
鲜店布地: 希望帮到你,望采纳 现在完成时 1. Have you ever traveled on a plane? 你坐飞机旅行过吗? 2. Have you ever been abroad? 你出国过吗? 3. I've just finished reading the book. 我刚读完书. 4. I've never been there. 我从来没去那里. 5. I'...

淳化县18553044605: 造5个现在完成时2个句子用:gone,been.造2个用肯定句:一个用have,一个用has.造1个用否定句造. -
鲜店布地:[答案] He has gone to Beijing. He has been to Beijing. I have studied English for three years. He has worked since two years ago. I haven't had dinner yet.

淳化县18553044605: 10个简单的现在完成时的句子,各位帮帮忙了 -
鲜店布地: 1. He has turned off the light. 他已把灯关了. 2. Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 3. He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿. 4. I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年...

淳化县18553044605: 用现在完成时 造五个句子 -
鲜店布地: I have already made a big start in his direction.在他的方向我已经有了一个大的开始.They haven't started yet.他们还没有动身Have you ever sung this English song?你曾唱过这首英文歌吗?He has just had his meal.他刚吃过饭.The train has left before I arrive at the station.在我到达车站之前火车已开走了

淳化县18553044605: 现在完成时句子 -
鲜店布地: has+过去分词(p. He left home at 18 and hasn'Jared has been off work since last Thursdday. My boss has told me several times that I will be getting a raise, but I haven', 自己再造一些吧~ 主词+ have/. Kevin has just moved here from Japan. Beth ...

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