
作者&投稿:班昨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

From time to time, we can see a lack of respect for the laws. There are laws against dumping in the towns but not obeyed. Going to any vacant lot and looking around, you will find old tires,rusting sinks, junked refrigerators, and other trash under the “no dumping” signs. And laws about how to care of dogs still seem to be ignorant by some dog-owners, as they let their dogs run loosely and do not clean up after they relieving the bowels. Meanwhile,to put out garbage in open containers is against the law yet we find uncovered garbage cans almost everywhere. Animals tend to get into these cans and knock them over, creating an unsightly and unsanitary mess. Perhaps the most disregarded of all laws is on our traffic regulations. More and more drivers are speeding, going through red lights, and double parking. And some drivers, apparently not even afraid of being fined, have been parking in places where clearly marked as reserved for the disabled.
小小地改了一下,原文在同水平学生中应该算不错的了。建议:多用非限制性定语从句可以使文章显得更书面化;there be 句型会弱化句子结构,应尽量少用;注意部分词语和短语的恰当运用。

OK.Now let's start.
Today I want to talk about a band,its name is Love Psychedelico.It is form Japan.
I first heard it because of a song named Last Smile.This song shocked me.
After that I gathered many songs and information about it.From the information I know a lot.
For example,it is composed by two people,one is a girl called KUMI ,the other one is a boy called NAOKI.They haven't attractive faces or sweet voice,and unlike many Japanese singer dressing up too much,but they are individual.

The style of Love Psychedelico is as if rock and roll of in the 70s,their music style is called Punk-Pop.They often use English and Japanese in the lyrics.
When you hearing the song you can feel the happiness,sadness,angry or melancholy,the more time you hear it,the more feeling you will get.

So,I hoped that you can listen to their songs,if you love them after that , don't Surprise.


First at all,congratulate on your success in the exam.I heard that you will get back soon.So I want to inviteyou to come to the party that I prepared for you in my home .Sunday.I hope you can come.

On the one hand,you mentioned that you made such great progress in your studies .We all take pride of you.On the other hand,it was so nice of you to help us to study English.By the way,we miss the time that we spent together.

eventually,I hope you can go there on time.

Best wishes to you!


first of all,congratulations on your success in the exam.i hear that you will be back.so please accept my invitation that i will hold a party in my home with you on sunday. Thanks for your coming.
secondly,you mentioned that you made such a great progress in your studies and we all sincerely proud of you.on the other hand,it was so nice of you to help us in our english studies.by the way,we miss the time that we all together with you.
eventually,i hope you can on time.
best wishes to you!

Dear XX,
I am writing to congratulate on your success in the exam.I hear that you have got back and I want to invite you to have a party with my family on sunday .Last time you mentioned that you had made great progress in your studies and we all sincerely take prides of you .Of course it was nice of you to help us in our English studies.We miss the time when we were together.I am waiting for you and hope you can come on time.
Best wishes for you!

First at all,congratulate on your success in the exam.I heard that you will get back soon.So I want to inviteyou to come to the party that I prepared for you in my home .Sunday.I hope you can come.On the one hand,you mentioned that you made such great progress in your...

Recently we had a in-class debate about if it would be better to purchase the entry tickets to the attractions at the travel agency in advance than purchasing at the admission office. Everybody brought up an opinion.Those who are for purchasing ahead of visiting said that pre-pur...



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