跪求大神用英语翻译以下句子: 「 睡眠对我们的健康非常重要。它有助于我们保持健康的体魄,提高记忆力

作者&投稿:令肾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

to keep your body healthy

You should stop smoking , as it can do good to you .

Sleep is very important for our health. It helps us for keeping healthy physique, enhance our memory, even can help us to relieve our stess and keep fit. A good sleep at night can make us feel refreshed. Sleep is especially important for youngsters. It can make them taller and stronger. So youngsters should have at least 8 hours sleep everyday. The should go to bed early and get up early. To keep healthy, youngters must have sufficient sleep everyday.

Sleeping is very important for our healthy. It helps to keep our health and improving our memory. It can even help us to reduse pressure and fat. Good sleeping at night can let us to feel clear in mind. It is especialy important to the youth. Sleepign can let them become taller and stronger. So, the youth must have 8 hours' sleep at least each day and should go to bed early and get up early. The youth must have enough sleep everyday if they want to keep their body healthy .

Sleep is very important for our health . It helps us to maintain good health and improve our memory. Sleep can even help us reduce stress and lose weight . A good night's sleep makes us feel refreshed .Sleep is especially important for young people. Sleep allows them to grow taller and stronger . Therefore , teenageers should sleep for at least eight hours per day , they should sleep and rise(wake up)early . If teenagers want to stay healthy , they should get plenty of sleep every day .

ach day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when

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在三月一日,我喜欢上了你。 求大神用英语翻译这句话,用英语!
I fell in love with you on the first day in March.或者直接说是(the March first ) 但是我觉得上面那句比较有意境。

However, it's just a thought though, but I still wish it would be true someday. At least, the opportunities are for those who are willing to seize, and I'm still young and I got nothing to loose.没用太多生僻词,你大概看下,估计有些拼写错误(平时用自动纠错用习惯了)...

求大神用英语翻译以下内容: 求大神用英语翻译以下内容: 我策划过员 ...
I had planned staff travel twice. The first step, according to the fund manager to the range to work in the travel agency to consult my friends, but also to listen to employees ideas. After several sets of design alternatives, take it to the manager, and decided to modify the...

In 1 days, I feel confused, feel everything around in the rotation. 2 I have no hesitation. 3 the only difference is, the bank run happened to be money, but the money was originally yours. 4 we received this morning announcement, said there was a villain of this month has...

s a main distraction for your daughter to concentrate on her asignment.As it's an important appointment,do not be late.As we have finished the course,you must do a lot of reviewing to make sure you keep the knowledge in mind 纯手译,可能有不大地道的句子……求共同讨论>< ...

请参考一下:A perfect campus green space system on the improvement of students' cultural quality and spiritual civilization has a subtle effect, at the same time, the campus green space system is the construction of campus landscape and environment and an important part of urban garden...

Six grades improve legislation, to ensure the authority and stability of the policy. Tax revenue legal principle is the world's most important basic principle in the tax law, which requires tax legislation must have a high degree of authority, which shall be formulated by the state ...

because后面的句子主干是 the definitions color the way. 理解color的意思很关键。在这里,他的意思是:影响(某人的观点) 。 柯林斯高阶双解词典的解释是:If something colours your opinion, it affects the way that you think about something.进一步分析:color the way. which way? the way we...

中国是举世公认的发明compass的国家。最初的指南针叫做 Sinan, a south-pointing ladle,出现在战国时期。一般在指南针上标有东南西北四个方位,并且还有刻度。北对应零度,刻度随顺时针方向而增加。作为中国古代的四大发明之一,指南针对人们的生活,尤其是航海业的发展,起到了重要的作用。指南针对西方世界...

内丘县19594928502: 求英语大神翻译下面的文字,跪求,明天就用了!我们每一个人都有梦想,我们的梦想就是一个伟大的中国梦,中国梦在我们心中,我的梦就是中国梦,中... -
正亲胆舒:[答案] Each of us has a dream, our dream is a great Chinese China dream, dream in our heart, my dream is China Chinese dream, dream is my dream, I can dream, in order to Chinese dreams, we have to refuel.

内丘县19594928502: 跪求大神用英语翻译以下句子: 「 睡眠对我们的健康非常重要.它有助于我们保持健康的体魄,提高记忆力 -
正亲胆舒: Sleep is very important for our health. It helps us for keeping healthy physique, enhance our memory, even can help us to relieve our stess and keep fit. A good sleep at night can make us feel refreshed. Sleep is especially important for youngsters. It ...

内丘县19594928502: 跪求英文大神帮忙翻译下短句 -
正亲胆舒: 还有更多的痛楚在等待着我 There is more pain is waiting for me 假如后会无期,那么祝你死得其所 If will be life after, so I wish you a fair death honors the whole life

内丘县19594928502: 求大神把下面的句子翻译成英语.1.十年之后的我们,上有老,下有小,若现在我们不增强实力,将来怎么能够照顾好这个家?2.朋友们,为了你的妻子和孩... -
正亲胆舒:[答案] we will bear a heavy burden of feeding children and supporting our parents in ten years.if we don't enlarge our fortune,how can we take care of them in the future? ladies and gentlemen,let's work hard for your wife and children,for your parents,and for ...

内丘县19594928502: 跪求英语大神翻译 -
正亲胆舒: Love her is to marry her,and promise to take care of the rest of her life.

内丘县19594928502: 求大神帮忙用英语翻译下面一句话“我最好的朋友,请允许我最后一次用这个词来称呼你,对不起,我累了,我选择转身离开.谢谢你对我的好,我还不了”... -
正亲胆舒:[答案] My best friend,please allow me to call you in this way last time,sorry,I'm tired,I choose to turn back to leave.Thank you for your kind to me,I can't give back.

内丘县19594928502: 跪求大神翻译一个句子:今夕何夕,但我依然再等你.用英语怎么说? -
正亲胆舒: Beg God sentence translation: lost track of time, but I still wait for you.

内丘县19594928502: 跪求大神英语翻译,多谢多谢!!!!!! -
正亲胆舒: 这样的通知,投资者应在 合理的细节作出这样的建议或询问的人的身份 这样的建议或询问的条款和条件.集团公司应立即停止 原因被终止所有现有的讨论或谈判的任何 进行了迄今为止相对于竞争交易双方.每一个集团公司同意不公布任何 第三...

内丘县19594928502: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
正亲胆舒:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

内丘县19594928502: 求大神翻译以下句子,最好专业点,急用 谢谢(不要Chinglish) -
正亲胆舒: consieder it in-depth, national recruitment exam sets an irreplaceable social example as the highest level of recruitment of talents .if this...

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