
作者&投稿:弥习 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)








王叔叔今年五十岁.他有两个儿子,王雷和王飞,他们是双胞胎.王叔叔爱造东西.今天他造了一架机器.他要像骑单车一样骑着它,也要像 驾飞机一样把它飞上天.
王雷根本不喜欢制造东西.他非常喜欢阅读和看电视节目.他希望能成为一个演员.(He Sunday and Sunday)句子有错.王飞喜欢踢足球.他希望能成为一位足球员.王雷也喜欢足球.王叔叔爱他的两个儿子.他们彼此相爱.(相亲相爱)

In countryside,there are many young people want to live in the city. The reason is that it is eaiser to find a job and live a better life. However, the expense in city is very high. Besides, there are many other problems, like, the air is not fresh, the traffice jam. While in the countryside, the life is quiet and the air is fresh. Many old people are not used to living in city, so they move to the countryside. I want to live in the city to make my family live a better life.


Many young people living in rural areas want to move to the city because there are more job opportunities and better living conditions. However, the costs in cities are higher, too, Moreover, there are the problems of air pollution and traffic jams in the city. Rural areas enjoys a quiet life and the air is fresh in the country, As many old folks are not accustomed to the urban life, they have moved to the countryside. I want to go to the city and let my family live a better life.

In rural areas, there are many young people want to live in the city. Because in the city can find a job easier and better life. However, city life consumption is also very high, and the air is not fresh, traffic congestion and other problems. Rural areas have a quiet life, the air is also very good, there are many old people are not accustomed to the city life, move to the country. I want to go to the city life, let my family live a better life.
祝你学习更上一层楼 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

In rural areas, there are many young people want to live in the city. Because in the city can find a job easier and better life. However, city life consumption is also very high, and the air is not fresh, traffic congestion and other problems. Rural areas have a quiet life, the air is also very good, there are many old people are not accustomed to the city life, move to the country. I want to go to the city life, let my family live a better life.

In the countryside, there are many young people want to live in the city. Make
it easier to find work and a better life in the city. However, urban living is
also very high, and there is no fresh air, traffic congestion, and so on. Have a
quiet life in the countryside, the air is also very good, with many elderly
people are not used to the city life, moving to the country. I want to go to
city life, better life for my family.

梅西你别哭,你的眼泪我们替你来流,我们想要那个一直坚强的孩子永远坚强。Dear Messi, please don’t cry. We are crying for you. We want you to always be strong.梅西你别哭,如果我们看到穿着十号球衣的阿根廷男子红眼眶,会难受的。Dear Messi, please don’t cry, for we will cry along...


这并不重要,他需要在高中,只要他能达到最佳等级可能,真的,并确认其中包括第3级别的文学主题,如英语,历史,艺术史(也许地理,我不是太肯定的一个)和一个科学或数学科目,如微积分,统计,物理,化学等这些只是最低要求米确信他没有必要担心的最低入学要求非盟,只是提醒人们,他需要的“ n ”...

求英语高手帮忙翻译下这一段文字啦 谢谢您 高分悬赏 O(∩_∩)O_百度...
(a) background English is one of the most widely used international language in the world, it is common toevery part of the world, no matter what is your native language, people basically can useEnglish to communicate with each other. In English speaking countries, USA British, ...

在过去的十年中,这个地区发生了翻天覆地变化。(happen)In the past decade, the region has happened dramatic changes. (happen 他那深邃的哲理将对未来产生巨大的影响。(effect)His profound philosophy will effect the future enormously.他的英语口语很好,能就各种话题表达自如。(express his oral ...

请英语高手 帮忙翻一下这个首歌的歌词!
今晚我想我会独自一个人走 我会发现自己的灵魂,在回家的时候 Each way I turn, I know I'll always try To break this circle that's been placed around me From time to time, I find I've lost some need That was urgent to myself, I do believe Up, down, turn around Please ...

来作为参考单位,我们使用“标准车轴(Standard Axles)”来计算。“标准车轴”是一个用于确定路面平均负载的参考单位。这个参数一确定,路面在整个工作寿命期间的总负载也随之确定,计数单位通常使用“百万标准车轴(msa)”。】1 pcu\/h=1 客车单位\/小时 手译,部分专业名词有待考证,希望回答对你有帮助 ...

Xian, northwest shaanxi provincial capital for the east gate, the traffic status is important. Xi 'an railway station is the biggest passenger northwest area, the new station building 1.6 million square metre, can accommodate more than 7,000 passengers waiting. Xian west station is ...

急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!
英翻中:As I mentioned last email to you that I would like to import about tempered glass. Here is the size:...正如我上封信告诉你的,我想进口一批钢化玻璃,规格如下:I want to have the best price that you offer to me.If the price is reasonable, I want to buy small amount...

第二段翻译中,呵呵不过要先做饭了...留学生也都很不容易啊可以的话都多帮帮忙嘛,何必非要出言不逊呢。我翻的也不一定非常确切,请按照你想表达的意思再稍微看一下吧 2.I like this course very much. It is so interesting and I can learn a lot of knowledge, which is definitely not ...

昌吉市15939995373: 求会英语的高手帮忙翻译一下下面短文.初中水平就行. -
陟疯小儿: In the countryside, there are many young people want to live in the city. Make it easier to find work and a better life in the city. However, urban living is also very high, and there is no fresh air, traffic congestion, and so on. Have a quiet life in the ...

昌吉市15939995373: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一个文章 -
陟疯小儿: Many is thinking about such a few words: don't start out in on the old really deep on the same wavelength. Youth should incisively and vividly has been back on the bag is my dream on the university a lack of motivation, feel life is very dull. Like most ...

昌吉市15939995373: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下短文, -
陟疯小儿: 一天,史密斯先生穿着非常旧的衣服去参加一个宴会.他进入室内时,没有人正眼看他,或请他就坐.尽管很不高兴,他没有说任何话.史密斯先生迅速回到家中,穿上他最好的衣服后回到了宴会.房间里的每个人都起身注视着他,并给他美味的食物.他脱下了外套,将它放在了食物上说:“吃吧,外套!” 其他人非常讶异问道:“你在干什么呀?干嘛这样做呀?” 史密斯先生答道:“我在请我衣服吃东西呀.当我穿着旧衣服来时,你们不理睬我,也不请我入座.现在我穿着这些所谓漂亮衣服,你们却给我好的事物.我是明白了,你们是将食物呈给我的外套的,而不是我.”

昌吉市15939995373: 跪求英文高手帮我翻译下面一个小短篇~!拜托..急需啊. -
陟疯小儿: 想要翻译得很有文采不太容易,尽力而为了.翻译如下:灯的含义要比其基础的照明功能丰富的多.我们热爱灯饰行业,是因为灯对我们的家庭的贡献.无论是坐落在您心爱的读书椅旁的地灯,或是优雅的嵌在壁炉架上洒满一屋温柔的餐厅饰灯...

昌吉市15939995373: 寻求英语高手帮助翻译下面的这段文字,谢谢!我们从贵公司购买的设备,充电一天后,只能使用5分钟左右就黑屏,再也无法开机,再充一天电后,才能... -
陟疯小儿:[答案] 我按照邮件的格式重新组织了一下,希望把问题说清楚了. We found a couple of problems using the equipment we purchased from your company as follows: After first 24 hours power charge,the equipment only ran for nearly 5 minutes and its screen ...

昌吉市15939995373: 紧急求助,英语高手帮忙翻译一下这篇短文,急用,谢谢!最好不要少于50个词. -
陟疯小儿: My holiday will plantomorrow is Saturday, daddy buys two to me to die the abundant garden ticket, one 100 Yuan, another 160 Yuan, we rode the bus to go, altogether spent 4 Yuan, when 7:00 pm went home. the day after tomorrow will be Sunday, ...

昌吉市15939995373: 恳请高手帮忙英语外贸翻译请帮忙翻译一下下面的短文:很高兴再次和您联络,希望你每天都过得开心.这次我很高兴给您推荐几款我们公司出的新产品,我想... -
陟疯小儿:[答案] Dear Sir/Madam,I am very happy to receive your message.I wish you to be happy always.I am glad to introduce you our company's new product.I am sure that you will satisfy for our products.As per your u...

昌吉市15939995373: 请英语高手来帮一下忙,把下面的短文翻译一下 -
陟疯小儿: Dear students:May in Wenchuan County on the 12th at 14:28, Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province in a rare magnitude 8.0 earthquake, to Wenchuan as the center of the surrounding area has also been seriously affected. Wenchuan County's ...

昌吉市15939995373: 哪位高手帮我把下面的短文译成英语?多谢! -
陟疯小儿: When I was a kid, I was shy. I was afraid of chatting with others, therefore I always play lonely. In order to help me to develope my confidence, my mum send me...

昌吉市15939995373: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这篇短文 在线等 急急急 感谢!!! -
陟疯小儿: 我最喜欢的一个衣服店是我们镇上的一个折扣店.里面卖新的和二手衣服,但是质量都很好.所有衣服都挂着供你去看,有童装区,男装区,女装区.如果你看到喜...

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