
作者&投稿:禾岸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Some milk and a pie,please.(翻译)~


Please give me some beef.

A pie and some milk, please.

【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问

Some milk and a pie,please.

A pie and some mild please.

Some milk and a pie, please.

Some milk and a pie ,please.


The Navy maintains a training area on Tinian, the island used to launch the two atom bombs that ended World War II. Training on Tinian occurs within the Military Lease Area, with limited activities in San Jose Harbor. The proposed action also includes construction or installation of facilities ...

不知道什么原因这几天发动车子的时候总是先显示这几个字,SERVICE IN...
The Navy maintains a training area on Tinian, the island used to launch the two atom bombs that ended World War II. Training on Tinian occurs within the Military Lease Area, with limited activities in San Jose Harbor. The proposed action also includes construction or installation of facilities ...

谢通门县19276519852: please,some,and,pie,a,mi1k连词成句 -
鱼元呋喃: A pie and some milk, please.句子意思:请给我拿一块肉馅饼和一些牛奶 【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问

谢通门县19276519852: 在否定句中some要变成 any吗?如Have some juice,please.为什么? -
鱼元呋喃: 一般来说是这样子的,要变成any,但是向你的那句话中,have some juice,please?这个里面用some 是因为,是对方对你的一种邀请,问要不要喝点果汁,不确定要不要的时候,就会用some ,而不是any.any用在疑问句中只是对于不可数名词的一种疑问.例:is there any water in the bottle?意思是,我不知道瓶子里还有没有水了?do you have any money?我不知道你有没有钱了.那么,如果说do you have some money?那么我知道你有钱,但不知道有多少,或是够不够借我的.希望可以帮到你.

谢通门县19276519852: Give Tom some apples,please.同义句 -
鱼元呋喃: 1. Give Tom some apples, please.=Give some apples to Tom, please.=Please give some apples to Tom.2. I like red best.=I like red better than any other colors.=I like red better than the other colors.=Red is my favorite (color).=My favorite (color) is red.=I like red most.

谢通门县19276519852: please - ----some salt to the soup and it will
鱼元呋喃: add 搭配to,put 这里应该搭配into,mix应与with搭配.这里应用add

谢通门县19276519852: 请剃给我一些土豆和牛肉 Pleasepass me ( ) ( ) and( ).括号里面要填什么 -
鱼元呋喃: some potatoes beef

谢通门县19276519852: 改错:Please get a pen to write and some paper to write on -
鱼元呋喃: 在第一write后加with 因为不定式作定语时,不定式和前面的名词构成动宾关系,如果是不及物动词就需要加适当的介词. 又如:I have a small room to live in.(注意有in) He is a pleasant fellow to work with . 他是个很好共事的人 I have a lot of things骇丁粪股荼噶讽拴釜茎 to do.(这个句子中不定式的动词do是及物的,不用加介词.) 祝学习愉快!

谢通门县19276519852: Please: sometime, some time, sometimes, some times. 怎区分? -
鱼元呋喃: sometime、some time、sometimes、some times这些词或词组在初中我们就都接触过了,但是未必所有的英语学习者都能够清楚地进行区分和准确无误地运用.许多人对它们的理解都还很模糊.现在,我们来逐个击破. sometime (1)副词:某...

谢通门县19276519852: your,please,some,camera,warm,take,clothes,and这些单词 -
鱼元呋喃: your,please,,take some ,your warm clothes,and camera

谢通门县19276519852: Please give me some cake. cake 为可数名词为什么不用复数形式?解释一 -
鱼元呋喃: cake既是可数名词,又是不可数名词.有这样的词,某种情况可以用作可数,某种情况下不可数.have some cake 表示这种物质,东西,不可数 还有 a piece of cake, 也是这种情况.I need to buy a cake for my son, for it is his birthday today....

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