
作者&投稿:五枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Product introduction in chinese:

1, innovation:

This is to high-end design sweethearts money business card holder. General business card holder is made of plastic parts processing production comes out, although the cost is low but the workmanship and the effect is difficult to meet the high-end demand. This business card holder broke through the limitation, it is fronted by aluminum alloy plate surface anodic oxidation treatment, etching the pattern and LOGO processing to complete! While it's on the back with plastic pieces of fine patterns matte surface treatment, two kinds of materials with different processing complement each other, and with perfect detail design force significantly the high-grade and out of the ordinary! Another set of business card holder for couples, using the same design but with high-grade black and gorgeous red to distinguish, the more its atmosphere and the same sense of balance.

2, utility:

Structural design using the rotation of the rotating shaft, just open the gently slide out! The positive use of etch LOGO and pattern, so we do not consider the long-term use does not occur after the traditional screen printing pattern brings the tread wear or disappears, convenient operation and safe and durable! Use the back of frosting processing, increases the human touch and friction!

3, economic:

Due to positive use of different materials and various surface treatment combination, so the cost will be higher than the ordinary business card holder. But it is precisely because of these design makes this kind of business card holder is more effective, more outstanding, more suitable for high-end users! Although increased costs but to enhance the price, so this card holder more cost-effective, but also enhance the company's brand image and is currently hot brought good market returns.

4, environmental protection:

This kind of business card holder material of aluminum alloy and plastic pieces of aluminum alloy ABS, recyclable and durable, not easy to wear, prolong the service life of the product! ABS plastic materials for environmental protection, but also processing recyclable and put back into production.

5, technology:

The surface of aluminum alloy anodic oxidation and etching treatment at home has been used on a large scale, and the technology is already quite mature, fully applicable to the mass production. This product because of facing the high-end crowd, so various countries are to achieve the safety standard requirements.

6, aesthetics:

This kind of business card holder with two kinds of materials with different treatment combination, coupled with perfect detail design to reveal the unique charm and quality of products! Design of using traditional Chinese motifs -- FRET FRET embellishment, uniform and continuous rich, later will give it had far-reaching significance, long. As a kind of lucky, a symbol of wealth. In addition to this set of business card holder for couples, using the same design but with high-grade black and gorgeous red to distinguish, the more its atmosphere and the same sense of balance!

①他们喜欢通过自己的努力来展现自己。(on their own feet 是自力更生的意思)


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