
作者&投稿:迟钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1___do you like China? ----Very much.
A what B how C what about D Why
2.---Which is ____season in Chongqing?
____I think it's Spring.(春天) Agood B better C best Dthe best
3.Who bought these apples,Lily?
---John___. A bought B does C did D is
4.Excuse me,look at the sign NO SMOKING!
Sorry,I___it. A don't see B didn't see C haven't see D won't see
5._____a handsome boy he is!
A what B how a C D how D where
-------I have a sore throat.
A What's the up ? B What wrong with you C What's the matter D Can I help you
7.---What's today ?
A It's sunny B It's Sunday C July 1st D Tomorrow
8.The boy_____is in a red is my brother.
A which B what C who D whose
9.I have two pen ,___is red,___is black.
Aone ,another B this ,that C one,other D one ,the other
10.Mr Wang doesn't feel well,and the boss tells him ___working.
A stop B to stop C stop to D stop
11The hotel is _______ the market and the bank.
A. both B. in C. next to D. betwee 12.What _______ you like ________ a pizza?
I’d like mushrooms and onions on it.
A. will; on B. do; in C. would; in D. would; on 13.I like beef and I _________ like pepperoni.
A. too B. don’t C. to D. also 14Today it’s very hot. Would you like a cup of __________
A. icy B. ice C. iced D. ice’s 15.What subjects do you have ____________?
A. in Monday morning
B. in the Monday morning
C. on Monday morning
D. on the Monday morning
16._________ is the pizza? It’s just $2.50.
A. How many B. How much
C. How old D. How often
17.What does your sister do? She’s ___________. She works
for CCTV.
A. a shop assistant B. an English teacher
C. a reporter D. a doctor
18.Thieves are afraid ________ policemen.
A. to B. of C. in D. at
19. Canadians __________ English and French.
A. say B. speak C. talk D. teach
20 .We played _________ guitar on Saturday morning.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
Dear Mr. Smith,
My name is Linda Alice, and I want to be an exchange student in China. I’m 15 years old. I’m from England. And I live in London. I like swimming and dancing. I’m outgoing.

Application Form
1.Lily usually __________(do) her homework at home.
2._________ you _________(watch) TV last weekend?
3.We __________(have) six classes every day.
4.Nancy likes ____________(listen) to music.
5.It’s 7:00. They __________(have) breakfast.
6.Look! The girl ___________(swim) in the river.
7.I ___________(be not) writing. I’m doing my homework.
8.Let’s __________ (clean) the blackboard.
9.What about____________(go) out?
10.Can you ___________(speak) English in class?
打篮球( ) 感冒( )
看医生( ) host family( )
do morning exercise ( ) 在……的前面( )
你是怎样去学校的?( )
你多久锻炼一次( )
( )1)Which’s the way to the park?
( )2)What did your brother do?
( )3) How was your weekend?
( )4)What’s your address?
( )5)Thank you for your help.
A. It was great.
B. It’s just in the neighborhood.
C. You’re welcome.
D. He was a doctor.
E. Just turn left and then go straight.
Today is Sunday. Kate and her father are in a big bus. ① are many people in ② bus. Some of ③ come from England, and some come from America and Canada. The people in the bus ④ their friends. They ⑤ to the Great Wall.
There are two Chinese in the bus. ⑥ is a woman. She is driving(驾驶) the bus. The other is a young man. He can ⑦ English. Now he ⑧ about the Great Wall. They ⑨ him. They want to ⑩ it very much.
( )1. A. They B. There C. Those D. Here
( )2. A. a B. the C. one D. /
( )3. A. they B. their C. them D. theirs
( )4. A. are all B. all are C. is all D. all is
( )5. A. go B. come C. are going D. are coming
( )6. A. One B. She C. This D. That
( )7. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell
( )8. A. says B. talks C. is saying D. is talking
( )9. A. listen B. listen to
C. are listening D. are listening to
( )10. A. see B. look C. watch D. look at
Specials on Pizza at pizza Express
Look! Look! Look at the great specials! The Californian pizza with onions and green peppers is just $2.15. The cheapie, for $1.5 has cheese and tomatoes. A large lemonade is 90¢ and a small lemonade is only 50¢. Hot dogs,$1.25 each.
The pizza and salad lunch special is $3.50. What are you waiting for? Press number 8978394, order a pizza, order a surprise.
Remember: only Friday and Saturday.
( )1.Where can you buy specials?
I can buy them_________ ___________ __________.
( )2.How much is the Californian pizza with onions and green
It’s $__________.
( )3.How much are two hot dogs?
They’re $___________.
( )4.If you want to order a pizza and salad for lunch, what
number can you telephone?
I can telephone____________.
( )5.If you want to order a cheapie, a hot dog and a small
lemonade, how much are you going to pay?
I’m going to pay $_____________.
Look at this class. There are forty students in the class. Some students come from America, others come from Canada, Australia or England. All of them can speak English.
All the teachers of this class are Chinese, but they can speak English, too. They teach the students in English. They are very friendly. They work hard.
The students in this class study very hard. They say Chinese people are friendly. Thy like Chinese food. They like Chinese people. They like China very much.
( )1.The students in that class come from different countries.
( )2.Many students in that class can speak English.
( )3.The teachers are from America.
( )4.Some teachers are Chinese.
( )5.All the teachers can teach in English.


What's good for me?
Get plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water .
That'll make you healthy.

What's else is bad for me?
Too much junk food is unhealthy!

翻译测试: (10分)
Hi, I’m Liu Yun. I’m going to have a busy weekend! First, I’m going to the supermarket with my mother. We’re going after school. Then, at eight o’clock, I am going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! On Saturday, I’m going to the mall by subway. I’m going to buy a new CD. Then, I’m going to go home and read (The Adventrues of Tom Sawyer.) What about you? What is your weekend like?



----Wu Yi fan, let's go to the supermarket this afternoon.
----Great! ①___________ ?
----I go there by foot, it's not ②___________.
----Can you go by bus?
----Yes, ③___________.
----Can you go by taxi?
----No, I ④___________, it's too expensive
----OK, let's go there by bus.
----Zhang Peng. Let’s go to the park this morning.
----Great! How do we go to the park?
----It’s easy. Come to my home by bike, then we can go there by bus.
----OK! Where is your home?
----Ride your bike to the post office near the subway station. I live in the apartment building.
----OK! Goodbye!
1) Where is Zhang Peng’s home?

2) How do they go to the park?
3) When do they go to the park?

4) Where is the post office?

1. I go to school by subway. (对划线部分提问)

2.Can you go to Canada by plane? (作肯定回答)

3.The three colours of the traffic lights are _____ ______ ________.
4. going, am, to, walk, lake, a, near, I (连词成句)







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