请帮忙将下列句子翻译成英文,不要用翻译器,要正宗的美国英语 谢谢=v=

作者&投稿:窦盛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
把下列英文句子翻译成中文~谢谢 不能用翻译器~

In spite of the rain, she liked the trip

2 He is like his dad,He's an optimist

3 Why don't you go away for the weedend? A short break would be good for you.

4 I gave them a copy of your report and I told them that we needed to have the website redesigned.

5 It was a traditional wedding,and it took place in a church rather than in a register office.

Audience to the politician's comments with laughter

1. Hurry up, the game to the exam

2. You see her

3. Do not look down upon women's tennis, their skills in fact than male nets consummate many

4. Her brother is your next opponent

5. A good look

6. The girl......

Legs are long

7. No, no, no, I of course not pull you come to see the beauty, don't be angry

8. The bubble to your own bubble go, I go

9. The next time...

Is that you,

10. Don't force yourself

11. Cut, need not your tube, old woman

12. Die, bastard

13. I lose, you win

14.402 waiver, contestant number, size 36 players into the title in the NBA finals

15. You, no

Come on,the match is going to have an exam
How about her?
Don't look down on the women tennis,in fact,their technology is much better than the men's
Her elder brother is your next competitor
Watch it carefully
This girl's leg is so long.
Nonono,of course I actually don't want you to watch beautiful girl,don't be angry.
You get the girl by yourself,I am going back.
The next .......is you?
Do not do what you can't do
qie,it's none of your business,old grandma
Go to hell ,asshole
I failed,you won
The number of 402 has given up,the 36 get the chance to the last competition
You,no way

Come on, the game is about to start...机器人真多啊

1. Hurry up, the game to the exam
2. You see her
3. Do not look down upon women's tennis, their skills in fact than male nets consummate many
4. Her brother is your next opponent
5. A good look
6. The girl...... Legs are long
7. No, no, no, I of course not pull you come to see the beauty, don't be angry
8. The bubble to your own bubble go, I go
9. The next time... Is that you,
10. Don't force yourself
11. Cut, need not your tube, old woman
12. Die, bastard
13. I lose, you win
14.402 waiver, contestant number, size 36 players into the title in the NBA finals
15. You, no

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翻译完了,请放心采用。there is some greenvegetable left between your teeth.you need a toothoick to get it out.你的牙缝里有一些蔬菜叶子,你需要用牙签把它清除。2 teenagers are young people who are between 13 and 19 years old.青少年是13岁到19岁之间的年轻人 3 according to our ...

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帮忙翻译下列句子 急急急!!!
7.在他们的父母们的帮助下,学生们终于圆满的完成了任务。8.事实上,最成功的是这个女人能够供的起她的女儿上哈佛。9.-教授来吗?- 嗯。。。他也许没有时间。10.-派特是一个电视迷。(我在这里先翻译为电视迷,事实上couch potato的解释为:Couch 指的是沙发,Potato就是指土豆。Couch Potato 是...

新证据的发现帮助了人们抓到了小偷。11.being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.在阳光下暴晒时间过长,对皮肤会有伤害的。12.——how do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? ——the key to solving the problem is ...

have to spend more time in studying English.8 你妈妈很不安,这全是因为你。(because of)Your Mom feel worried just because of you.“Change these sentences using the active voice 将下列句子变成主动语态 答案仅供参考哈,不过还是要自己动脑筋哦,英语学习是个日积月累的过程,干吧嘚~~...

54、Today’sweather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday , is it?今天的天气没有昨天的冷,不是吗 55、This book is for students whose native language is not English .这本是书是给母语不是英语的学生用的 56、You may not go out until your work is done .在你工作(作业)没完成...

8.请把所有的书都放进你的书包里。Pleases put all the books in your bag.9.这位著名的网球运动员什么时候出生的?他出生于1990年九月一日。When was the famous tennis sportsman born? He was born on September,1st,1990.10.上周末你和谁看的海豚表演?和我朋友。Whom did you go with to...

1. 我们应该学着去把问题看作挑战并喜欢面临挑战。-> We should learn to regard the problems as challenges and like to face the challenges.2. 当你遇到生词时,不要停下来去用词典查阅它们。相反,你应该尽量去猜一下它们的意思。-> When you meet new words, don't stop to look them ...

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1.虽然安德森出生于一个不幸的家庭,但是他在他的时间仍然作为最伟大的作家之一结束。2.太多工作和太少休息经常导致病。3.他是要由于来自摩托车的下降走的unabie。4.不要抛弃那些袋; 我们迟早能重新使用他们。5.在旅行期间,库珀和我轮流开车,以便我们两个都不将感到疲倦。6.可以确信森林能对沙漠...

10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? === 英文: 1. The sad memories always in my mind refuses to go away 2. When I was *** all and that many children often hang around the open space now ...

浙江省17723424653: 英语翻译请将下列句子翻译为英文(不要用翻译器)(1)我在这里上学已经一年了(2)我交了一个朋友叫玛丽(3)我们将在这个周末举行运动会,我会尽... -
巴狗安拿:[答案] I have studied here for a year.I have made a friend named Mary .We are going to have a sports meeting at the end of this week and I &...

浙江省17723424653: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下句子.(最好不要用翻译器) Tell me about yourselfWhat are your goals and career plans Tell me about you strong points and you ... -
巴狗安拿:[答案] Tell me about yourself 说说你自己What are your goals and career plans 你的目标和职业规划是什么?Tell me about you strong points and you weaknesses 说说你的强项和弱项Why are you interested in working fo...

浙江省17723424653: 请将下列的语句翻译成英文、不要用翻译器、谢谢.
巴狗安拿: Hg,You are my life and my support. If I have no destiny with you ,I wll continue our love story when we are reborned . This life ,I love you forever,so is it the next life

浙江省17723424653: 请帮忙翻译以下一句成英文,不要用翻译软件直译...
巴狗安拿: Pls proceed with the payment for the actual QTY you received. Pls deduct the payment for the goods of short shipment from the payment.

浙江省17723424653: 请英语高手翻译句子请大家帮忙翻译下面句子,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢!1:得马上请医生来.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤... -
巴狗安拿:[答案] 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday.4:不能把这些...

浙江省17723424653: 请帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文,请不要用翻译软件,好的会继续加分! -
巴狗安拿: 我已经跟朋友谈好(商量好),由另外一...

浙江省17723424653: 大家帮忙把下面的句子翻译成英文.不要直接翻译!急用!赏15分 -
巴狗安拿: One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝.

浙江省17723424653: 把下列句子译成英文?请不要使用词霸翻译.
巴狗安拿: 友谊是每个人生活中最重要的事情之一,没有朋友,人会孤独的. 翻译:Friendship is one of the most important matter in everyone's life. People get lonely without friends.多与人交流,让朋友知道你想与他交朋友以及你对朋友和友谊的理解 翻译...

浙江省17723424653: 请帮忙把下面文字翻译成英文,但是别用翻译机哈,谢谢 -
巴狗安拿: From Qiqiao Cao to See the Characterization in Eileen Chang's NovelsAbstractQiqiao Cao is a rare femal character with abnormal personality in Chinese Fiction. To build this character, Eileen Chang is mainly through setting specific ...

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