
作者&投稿:娄知 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Travel security, is not only related to his own life and safety, also respect others life to reflect, it is to build the harmonious society's important factors. Through the flow traffic, "loving the life, safe travel" eight words in my mind appears more prominent.
  Mention travel security, it is hard to let a person think of traffic safety. In daily life, traffic safety always around us. As long as you travel with traffic safety, and hit the idea.
  An absent-minded, when walking when crossing the street when a fluke, drive a violation, is only a little oversight, all these will make a life is transient. Fly xuan wheels will mercilessly devoured the pedestrian's life.
  Ever seen a story: "national every 6 minutes will have one person died of a wheel under". This is not true. Bitter facts once again give us was a wake-up call: "civilized journey, civilization walk".
  Modern traffic developed although has brought people endless facilities, but also increased a lot of security lapses. Someone once said traffic accident for "modern social traffic war", traffic accidents like an invisible killer, lurking in the road waiting for illegal illegal person appear. Therefore, people should learn to protect themselves, make a civilized journey, civilization walk habit.
  "Human life only have once," "the most precious is life", the blood tragedy told we must abide by traffic regulations, accomplish truly "loving the life, safe travel".
  Safe travel, builds the good traffic running environment for the harmonious society's construction unconscious, and building a harmonious society and to the construction of traffic safety hold up a blue sky.
  This is a win-win wisdom. As an ordinary pupil, abide by traffic regulations, maintain traffic order is we should have the social morality. "Civilization walk, to construct harmonious", this requires each citizen starts from oneself, from small start, let "peace avenue" more unimpeded!

上班路上扶盲人老奶奶过马路 清晨去上班,803上遇到了一位盲人老奶奶,和我在同一站下,售票员扶她下了车,我扶她过了马路.
儿,甭管真的假的,人家至少还乐意装一下儿,而且装得挺像. 而现在我只想说说内售票员.
儿,甭管真的假的,人家至少还乐意装一下儿,而且装得挺像. 查作文书或上小荷作文网查查看! 367 回答者: chhp166325 - 一级
2009-2-12 15:37 我来评论>> 相关内容 高分!帮忙写一篇关于盲人过马路的作文400字的 2009-3-1 英语作文
假设你是一个警察,被邀请去一所中学做一次交通规则的讲座.至少写40字 16 2009-8-29 我扶盲人过马路作文200字 72
2009-11-11 大手拉小手 遵守交通规则的作文杂写啊···? 115 2009-12-27
六年级下册第1单元作文第3道题看《假盲人》漫画写作文要500字上 354 2009-3-1查看同主题问题: 遵守 交通规则 过马路 盲人 作文
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英语 作文 生日 第25届奥运会会徽的含义是什么 关于初二年级下.政治的视频或者图片
急需大学生运动会走方阵的解说词,要300字左右,不要复制的!好的还有追加哦 求篇作文!好心人帮帮忙. 其他回答 共 1 条 检举
你可以参考以下几篇. 交通安全 宽

 I go to school from Monday to Friday .I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning .I must cross two busy roads .If the traffic light is red or yellow,I know I can’t cross the road ,so I wait.
  If the light turns green, I know it means “Go”, and then I walk across the road .I always ride on the right side of the road .I am never against the traffic rules.


英语作文。在我回家的路上。1遵守交通规则不闯红灯不打闹 2举止文明不...
To comply with traffic rules, not to run the red light Eat safe food, dont eat junk food Exercise, don't hurt yourself, don't attempt to swim in the river

Obeying the Traffic Laws 「遵守交通规则」I am often very afraid to cross large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened. When the light changes to green, I still need to look both directions to check the ...

话说,我写好久的。求采纳!!xxx Nowdays,There have been an increasing number of traffic accidents. Traffic safety, fastens the end house. According to reports that many accidents are caused due to people for violating traffic rules. In order to keep everyone's security, we must ...

Don't cross when the red light is on.Don't play in street.Wait until the light is red for cars.Obey the traffic rules,don't break-in the red light!Stop at a red light .Go at a green light. Wait at a yellow light....

骑车 开车 要遵守交通规则 英语作文 示范 有翻译
nowadys,more and more students like to go to school by bike,but we should traffic rules must we observe?the following is the answer.first,we should ride on the right,then ,when the traffic light is red,we shouldn't go,until it turns to green.besides,we should not ride too...

After school go back home immediately,do not play on the road.when crossing the road,obey traffic rules.


正确理解汉语原文是汉译英的基本要求。这句话看似是一个长句,其实用英语表达是两句话。一句话是“在校外,我们要遵守交通规则”,另一句则是“过马路走斑马线,不闯红灯”,两句话的关系可以说是总分关系,英语最好加上for example或者for instance(比如,举例)等插入语,以清楚显示句与句之间的逻辑...

1. When walking, walk on the sidewalk and walk on the right side.2. when crossing the road, walk on zhe crosswalk,first look out for the car coming from the left side, then the right side.3. Red stop , green walk.4. don't play or run in the street.5. don't cross...


岱岳区17231202266: 英语作文六年级上册第一单元《Don' Be Against the Traffic rules》 -
计通三磷: a good citizen should obey the rules ,we are student who should do better than what we do befer. traffic rules is not only about ourslves but also about others .for example,we have to stop for the red lamp.because we never know if there will be a car ...

岱岳区17231202266: 求一篇在过马路时应遵守交通规则的英语作文.拜托了学霸. -
计通三磷: Traffic Safety (交通安全)Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless and ...

岱岳区17231202266: 英语作文《遵守交通规则》70词左右 -
计通三磷: Traffic safety is everybody's business.Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However,most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving,and could be ...

岱岳区17231202266: 交通安全的英语作文:1.遵守交通规则.2.别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球.3.劝父母不能酒后驾车. -
计通三磷:[答案] Traffic safety is very important to us because if we don't pay attention to it, we may get injured and there will be accidents. First, we should obey the traffic rules. We should stop walking when the...

岱岳区17231202266: 本人需一篇有关“珍爱生命,自觉遵守交通规则”的英语作文,希望各位帮帮忙啊,今晚就要啊,先谢谢啦! -
计通三磷: Consciously abide by traffic regulations Broad road, road safety facilities, advanced has been updated traffic laws, is really to the traffic safety plays a role of persistent? If so, then why still constantly year after year of frequent traffic accidents? Visible...

岱岳区17231202266: 遵守交通规则 英语作文 带翻译 -
计通三磷:[答案] Traffic Safety 交通安全 With the rapid development of the society,people can live a better life in general.So because of the improvement of people' s living standard,more and more people own cars.Traffic jam comes to life.While people in order to be ...

岱岳区17231202266: 发挥想象,写一篇有关遵守交通规则的英语小短文.不少于五句话.六年级水平,急用 -
计通三磷: Obeying the Traffic LawsI am often very afraid to cross-large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened. When the light changes to green I still need to look both directions to check the ...

岱岳区17231202266: 交通安全的英语作文加翻译100词左右 -
计通三磷: With the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in general. So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own cars. Traffic jam comes to life. While people in order to be punctual, they ...

岱岳区17231202266: 一篇关于学生安全的英语作文,80词左右内容如下:1.遵守交通规则,不闯红灯… 2.吃安全食物,不吃垃圾食... -
计通三磷: To comply with traffic rules, not to run the red light Eat safe food, dont eat junk food Exercise, don't hurt yourself, don't attempt to swim in the river

岱岳区17231202266: 交通安全英语作文,带翻译,80词左右 -
计通三磷: School is our home,we are all live and study here. In order to make ourselves safe,as a student,we should obey the school rules,we should go to school on time and be never late . We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn't go swimming alone.we ...

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