
作者&投稿:豆卢咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The master chemical engineering, chemical technology, applied chemistry subjects such as basic theory, basic knowledge

Master chemical plant technology and equipment design method, grasps the chemical process simulation optimization method;

Has to new products, new technology, new technology and new equipment research, development and design of the preliminary ability;

Familiar with countries to chemical production, design, research, development and environmental protection policy and rules and regulations.

Understand chemical engineering theory front, to understand new technology, new technology and new equipment development dynamic;

Master document retrieval, information query basic method, has the certain scientific research and practical work ability;
7. 具有创新意识和独立获取新知识的能力;
Has innovation consciousness and independent acquire new knowledge ability;
Familiar with gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, infrared spectrometer, ultraviolet spectrometer and the use of the instrument;
9.能熟练使用office办公软件,具有使用vfp、turbo pascal等编程软件编译简单程序的能力;
Able to skillfully use office software, has the use of VFP, turbo PASCAL programming software such as compiling simple program ability;

Familiar with autoCAD software chemical mechanical drawing.

显然发现了新的应用或使用的产品可以增加或延长其profitability.Not不仅会创造更多的收入,但由此产生的增加生产规模,可导致较低的单位成本和提高profit.An的例子是聚氯乙烯,其用途包括早期记录和塑料raincoats.Applications其中包括后来的塑料袋,特别是工程使用的管道和guttering 。
变化的R & D活动整个化学工业
双方的性质和数额的R & D进行差别很大各个部门的化学工业,在涉及部门大规模生产的基本化学品和在化学,产品和技术的变化,因为只是缓慢的过程是成熟的, R & D支出是在低端的范围为化学industry.Most这将致力于工艺改进和污水treatment.Examples包括合成氨,化肥和氯碱生产无机一方,基本石化中间体,如乙烯的有机一方。
在另一端的规模谎言药品和农药(或植物保护产品) 。这里是巨大的和持续的努力,以合成新的分子而产生所期望的,特定的生物effect.A单一公司的方式创造10000个新化合物筛选每年。无怪乎一些个别的制药公司的年度R & D支出现在已接近一十○点零亿美元!这表示以不同的方式,他们花费超过14 %的销售收入(注意不是利润)研发

Prepared by the sol - gel cobalt blue ceramic ink and blue ink on the basis of the doping of Zn2 + and Cr3 + metal ion system too complex. Experimental Investigation on the impact of the different amount of metal ion formula of ink coloring and ink stability, viscosity and electrical conductivity of the analysis of the physical and chemical properties, the last part of the calcined sample, the X-RAY spectra and SEM-shaped The Maung Figure. Experimental results show that have a composite of blue ceramic ink of the physical and chemical properties can meet the requirements of inkjet printing system, and sintering the crystal size is about 10μm, the crystal structure is very small, making the ink in the tile surface of hair color uniformity, grain has spinel structure, hair color, material CoXZn1-XAl2O4 Co2Al2O4-Cr2O3.

Undergraduate graduation thesis abstract translation! Translate well to the100branch!!This paper prepared by sol gel method of cobalt blue ceramic ink, and on the basis of doped Zn2+, Cr3+ metal ion prepared composite type blue ink. Experimental study of different metal ions on the ink formulation of the coloring effect, and the ink stability, viscosity and conductivity are the physical and chemical properties analysis, finally to partially calcined samples were X-RAY spectrum and SEM topography analysis. The experimental results show that, the prepared composite blue ceramic ink physicochemical properties can meet the requirements of ink jet printing, and sintered crystal size is about 10 μ m, the crystal structure is very small, so that the ink on the tile surface color uniformity, grain with relatively complete spinel structure, color phase for CoXZn1-XAl2O4and Co2Al2O4-Cr2O3.

This cobalt blue ceramic prepared by sol-gel ink, and on this basis Zn2+, Cr3+ metal-ion compound doped with blue ink. Experimental study on the effects of different formulations to ink color of metal ion and stability of inks, viscosity and conductivity of the physico-chemical properties analysis, sample after the last partial calcination and SEM morphology analysis of X-RAY spectra. Experimental results show that the physico-chemical properties of composite ceramic blue ink are able to meet the requirements of inkjet printing, sintering and Crystal size of about 10 μ m, crystal structure is very small, making the ink in hair color evenly on the surface of the tiles, grain with spinel structure complete, color phase for CoXZn1-XAl2O4 and Co2Al2O4-Cr2O3.

In this paper, using sol-gel method cobalt blue ceramic ink, and based on this Zn2 Cr3 + + doping, metal ion of complex blue ink. Experiments discusses different metal ions formula of ink color rendering of the influence of the stability of the ink, viscosity and conductivity physical-chemical properties of the analysis, the last part of the samples metakaolin X-RAY spectrum diagram and SEM morphology diagram analysis. The experimental results show that the composite blue ceramic ink the physico-chemical properties can meet all the requirements of ink-jet printing, and sintering crystal size in 10 μ m or so, crystal structure is very small, make the ink in ceramic tile surface hair color even, grain has the quite complete spinel structure, hair color object is CoXZn1-for XAl2O4 and

Prepared by the sol - gel cobalt blue ceramic ink and blue ink on the basis of the doping of Zn2 + and Cr3 + metal ion system too complex. Experimental Investigation on the impact of the different amount of metal ion formula of ink coloring and ink stability, viscosity and e...

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应用的发展。显然发现了新的应用或使用的产品可以增加或延长其profitability.Not不仅会创造更多的收入,但由此产生的增加生产规模,可导致较低的单位成本和提高profit.An的例子是聚氯乙烯,其用途包括早期记录和塑料raincoats.Applications其中包括后来的塑料袋,特别是工程使用的管道和guttering 。重点已放在一个...

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郝功复方: 3 .结果和讨论 3.1 .压降 在文学的压降数据经常报告 作为Z型的因素,这是deBned的ratioof PPSM = PPEM ,那里PPSM和PPEM是压力 下降的静态混合器,并为空管, 分别(老板及Czaskiewicz , 1982年) .这些价值观 都是基于同样的...

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郝功复方: (图3总结了计算混合时间的数据.在 0号,该商标可能达到1000年时的ReEM = 66 .这种不合理的 结果是由于固有的限制 纳入模型(刘,林,与李, 1999年) .我们在此 忽略此信息.更大ReEM的( 663 ,说) , 商标下降约0点11分秒(...

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郝功复方: 将程序情况最佳化, 一系列的实验 是运行与不同的起始 H2 O2 的集中(在范围 0.30-0.55个摩尔 L 中?1) 在 11 molL?1 Fe2+ 集中,扩充来自 3 到 6 h 的发光时间. 增加 H2 O2 起始集中有禁止效果在雪上 移动. 那最好结果 (90.5% 雪移动)...

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郝功复方: 1. This chart according to the general design institute in October 2011 the surveying of the topographic map drawn into.2.This chart elevation system USES 1985 nati...

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