
作者&投稿:范朱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求翻译 英译汉 外贸 急!!! 跪求! 在电脑前等着各位大侠!~

I'll send you the bill of lading again which is clearer than before,but it also has some spelling problems on it.And the NCM is wrong,the correct number is 520526. The client requested to show the FOB prices,freight and the premium on the Commercial lnvoice,concerning the freight ,I just can't offer it to you,because the freight will be shown after the shipping agent sign and issue it.And after that,the freight will be shown on the Commercial lnvoice.
This time we've only assembled two containers,and I've sent all of thses bills of lading to you,
if you need the producing area card ,I'll scan it to you tomorrow.

Hebei province, is located in north China, hebei referred to in north of Yellow River downstream. Ji "in Chinese, a DuoYiZi many meanings, one of which is" hope ". In Chinese written language, have "hope", "delusion", "hope" these words JiZhou ". So is expected, but now referred to as "ji" is expected to land in hebei province of hebei. Monsoon climate, temperate characteristics is cold in winter and summer heat much less snow; the spring rain, wind. More than a nation in hebei province is, except the manchu and han, hui, Mongolian, zhuang nationality, tujia and miao, 53, such minority ethnic minority population 4% of the total population.
Hebei province shijiazhuang hebei province of hebei provincial, as is the administrative and financial center. But as the qing imperial, hebei province, "" outing in the northeast of chengde is named one of the historical and cultural cities, here are the biggest qing imperial gardens chengde mountain resort, China's largest imperial temples," the qing imperial temple "eight and coordinating the paddock, mulan. Because in hub, the traffic is very convenient, so these are very nice tourist vacation place of hebei. Visit places is very good choice. Hebei has spawned numerous historical celebrities, such as general lian Po, medical, han dynasty literature textual history, concerning all the author cao xueqin red, etc.
Hebei recent international contacts frequently, in 1994, January 25, hebei and American Missouri friendly city. Eating in hebei province, the comparison between the dishes, mix, like liangpi, is relatively authentic effected. And because the hui people eat more, also easy to Muslim cuisine. Anyhow, I think China is a component in hebei, inclusiveness strong urban complex.

Manchester is famous and prosperous for its developed tourism and business system.But it doesn't mean the prices of goods in Manchester are high.
You can find lots of 1-POUND SHOP, the prices of goods in these shops are all nearly 1 pound,it's affordable.
在中央城区的阿黛利购物中心(Arndale Centre),可以进行一场丰盛的购物派对。
The tourists can make a big shopping in Arndale Centre in central city.
All European famous brands can be find in here , includes furniture , presents , flowers ,birds and so on.
 “北角”(Northern Quarter)最能体现曼城民间的文化创造力和独立精神,里面有“艺术家村”和名为“唱碟交换”的著名的二手唱片店,还有充满奇思妙想的设计小店等。  
Northern Quarter is full of culture creativity and independence of Manchester .There are a ' Artists Village' and a famous records flea market named 'Records Exchange' and a lot of other novel shops.
 有名的Wilmslow路又名“Curry Mile”,是一个销售亚洲珠宝和纱丽的市场,在这里你既可以在街边市场选购本地的手工艺品,也可以在现代化的购物中心买到名牌服饰,或看看精美的手工上色的器皿、老船员风格的家居用品、小杯子以及餐具等。
Wilmslow Road is famous and it has another name 'Curry mile'. It's a market for Asian jewels and sari trading. We could buy some brands clothes or take a look at some artistic pots , Old Crew Style pots ,small cups and so on in modern shopping center.
What a short day in Manchester.

曼彻斯特的繁盛得益于其发达的旅游和商业系统,但这并不意味着昂贵的价格!在曼彻斯特,你会找到很多1镑店,这些店里面的商品几乎都在1镑左右,所以很实惠。在中央城区的阿黛利购物中心(Arndale Centre),可以进行一场丰盛的购物派对。
The flourishing prosperity of Manchester derived from its thriving tourism and commercialism, but this does not imply exorbitant prices. You can find many one-pound stores in Manchester; practically all the items in the stores cost about one pound, very economical and a boon to the tourists. And tourists can have a bumper shopping party in Arndale Centre located in the central urban area.

游客可以在这里找到欧洲的各色名牌,以及家居、礼品、花鸟虫鱼等。   “北角”(Northern Quarter)最能体现曼城民间的文化创造力和独立精神,里面有“艺术家村”和名为“唱碟交换”的著名的二手唱片店,还有充满奇思妙想的设计小店等。   
They can find various branded products from Europe, as well as household products, gifts, flowers and pets. There is no better place than the Northern Quarter where the cultural creativity and independent spirit of Manchester’s folks can best be demonstrated. There is an “Artists Village”, a renowned second-hand record shop named “Disc Exchange”, and there are small stores filled with many designs of strange and wonderful ideas.

有名的Wilmslow路又名“Curry Mile”,是一个销售亚洲珠宝和纱丽的市场,在这里你既可以在街边市场选购本地的手工艺品,也可以在现代化的购物中心买到名牌服饰,或看看精美的手工上色的器皿、老船员风格的家居用品、小杯子以及餐具等。一不留神,一个白天就过去了。
The famous Wilmslow Road is a market selling Asian jewelries and saris, it is also known as the ‘Curry Mile’. Not only you can buy local handicrafts in the roadside market here, but also designer garments from modern departmental stores; or you can look at the exquisite hand-painted wares, household products in old-crew style, small cups and tableware, etc. Before you know it, the day has passed by.


曼彻斯特的繁盛得益于其发达的旅游和商业系统,但这并不意味着昂贵的价格!在曼彻斯特,你会找到很多1镑店,这些店里面的商品几乎都在1镑左右,所以很实惠。在中央城区的阿黛利购物中心(Arndale Centre),可以进行一场丰盛的购物派对。
The flourishing prosperity of Manchester derived from its thriving tourism and commercialism, but this does not imply exorbitant prices. You can find many one-pound stores in Manchester; practically all the items in the stores cost about one pound, very economical and a boon to the tourists. And tourists can have a bumper shopping party in Arndale Centre located in the central urban area.

游客可以在这里找到欧洲的各色名牌,以及家居、礼品、花鸟虫鱼等。   “北角”(Northern Quarter)最能体现曼城民间的文化创造力和独立精神,里面有“艺术家村”和名为“唱碟交换”的著名的二手唱片店,还有充满奇思妙想的设计小店等。   
They can find various branded products from Europe, as well as household products, gifts, flowers and pets. There is no better place than the Northern Quarter where the cultural creativity and independent spirit of Manchester’s folks can best be demonstrated. There is an “Artists Village”, a renowned second-hand record shop named “Disc Exchange”, and there are small stores filled with many designs of strange and wonderful ideas.

有名的Wilmslow路又名“Curry Mile”,是一个销售亚洲珠宝和纱丽的市场,在这里你既可以在街边市场选购本地的手工艺品,也可以在现代化的购物中心买到名牌服饰,或看看精美的手工上色的器皿、老船员风格的家居用品、小杯子以及餐具等。一不留神,一个白天就过去了。
The famous Wilmslow Road is a market selling Asian jewelries and saris, it is also known as the ‘Curry Mile’. Not only you can buy local handicrafts in the roadside market here, but also designer garments from modern departmental stores; or you can look at the exquisite hand-painted wares, household products in old-crew style, small cups and tableware, etc. Before you know it, the day has passed by.

The prosperity of Manchester is received benefit to its flourishing tour and business system, but this doesn't mean expensive price!In the Manchester, you will find out a lot of one pound stores, these merchandise in the store are almost about one pound, so is very substantial.In the central city area of Dai benefit shopping center(Arndale Centre), can carry on a flourishing shopping party.The visitor can find out each color famous brand of Europe here, and home, gift, flowers and birds insect fish etc.."North Cape"(Northern Quarter) can embody the cultural creative power and independent spirit of Man city folks most , in have"artist's village" and be named "sing a disc of commutation" of famous second-hand record store, also have be full of strange think strange notions of design small store etc.."Curry Mile" of well-known Wilmslow road and then is a sale Asian jewelry and yarn beautiful market, here you since can the market purchase local handicraft article by the side of the street, also can buy famous brand dress in the modern shopping center, or see the household product, small cup and cutlery etc. of container, old seaman style that the elegant handicraft applies color.On doing not be careful, it is getting paster for a daytime.

Manchester 's thriving thanks to its developed tourism and commercial systems, but it doesn't mean that expensive price! In Manchester, you will find a lot of1pound shop, the shop inside the commodity at almost 1pounds, so very affordable. In the central city of Adeli Shopping Centre ( Arndale Centre ), can be a wonderful shopping party. Here visitors can find Europe various famous brand, and home furnishing, gifts, such as flowers and birds. " The north" ( Northern Quarter ) can best embody the city folk cultural creativity and the spirit of independence, there are" Artists Village" and named" CD exchange" famous second-hand record shop, and clever design shop etc.. Famous Wilmslow road also known as" Curry Mile", is a sale of Asian jewelry and Sari market, where you can buy in a street market local handicrafts, also in the modern shopping center to buy brand-name clothes, or have a look exquisite hand-painted utensil, old crew style home furnishing supplies, small cups and utensils. A little, a day has passed.


曼彻斯特的繁盛得益于其发达的旅游和商业系统,但这并不意味着昂贵的价格!Manchester is famous and prosperous for its developed tourism and business system.But it doesn't mean the prices of goods in Manchester are high.在曼彻斯特,你会找到很多1镑店,这些店里面的商品几乎都在1镑左右,所以...


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汉译英 侠(大侠 侠客 飞侠)翻译成英文单词是什么
因为中西方文明的差异,不容易将两者直接对等的翻译过来,我理解有时Knight——骑士风度,在有时比较近似于中国的大侠风范,但又有不同。具体的说:游侠是 Ranger,剑侠:Swordsman,侠盗:Thief等等。所以要看具体的使用环境,才能找到合适的词汇,如果是广泛的说“侠”,可以参考《七侠五义》的翻译Seven ...


求大侠 翻译

He had a near escape, gathered Chester, Ming Yi Jian Qi,He has ten times the uprising, to wake up people and once again failed to rise ... ...The last great success,Chu Lookout gunfire,Has ignited a raging fire of the 1911 Revolution.Revolution of the horn,Response has ...

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利川市15081932185: 急求汉译英,请大侠帮忙,谢谢!
岑宇金果: The possibility of articles two postal packet to send, and were priced at US $50, I am willing to pay an extra $10 postage, if you like, please give me a $110 PayPal invoice望采纳,谢谢

利川市15081932185: 汉译英.求大侠帮忙
岑宇金果: In a word,British is a beautiful country.

利川市15081932185: 求大侠翻译!! -
岑宇金果: 背景 在1996年,美国预防服务工作组(USPSTF)建议对肺癌筛查(D推荐).专责小组现在使用一个明确的过程中,利益和危害的平衡的质量和大小唯一确定的证据.因此,目前的等级与1996年的相比是基于不同的标准来说的.

利川市15081932185: 求大侠帮忙翻译成英语! -
岑宇金果: 您好,很高兴为您解答如下: 我是个优秀的聆听者,也是个善于沟通容易相处的充满活力的热心人. I am an excellent listener, and also a enthusiastic person with good communication and full energy. 我热爱音乐,热爱生活,注重品质,关注细...

利川市15081932185: 求大侠翻译英文
岑宇金果: From the day I met you, my heart doesn,t belong to me any more. Wherever I am, you are always in the front of my eyes and the missing for you never leave me.

利川市15081932185: 汉译英,求大侠帮忙,谢谢
岑宇金果: This item can't be shipped to your selected destination 这个项目不能被运送到您选择的目的地I tried to place an order, but the system shows "that amazon.com item can 't he shipped to take," shall your you can help me to finish my order? I live in ...

利川市15081932185: 英语翻译求大侠翻成英文~PS:我在非常了得看到的. -
岑宇金果:[答案] 该典故出自于《晋书.应贞传》:“位以龙飞,文以豹变.” 大致意思就是:“位置的升迁就像如巨龙腾飞一样的迅速,而文章的华美却是如同豹子从幼小到成年的花纹那样变化.其中豹变解释 1.豹子的花纹那样变化.比喻润饰事业...

利川市15081932185: 英语翻译'每个人的一生中都会遇到许多有趣的事情,有趣的人,令我一直难以忘记的是来到美国后的某一天“求大侠翻译这句话不要从网上翻译的! -
岑宇金果:[答案] Everyone will meet many interesting things and people in his/her life.What made me unforgetable was the day after I came to USA.

利川市15081932185: 英语翻译请安排在3月5号之后到港,或者到港日期请安排在3月5号之后求大侠翻译, -
岑宇金果:[答案] 到港日期请安排在3月5号之后. Please kindly arrange the date of arrival to be after 5th of March. 希望可以帮到你 纯手写,望采纳

利川市15081932185: 中英翻译 急求英语大侠麻烦帮我翻译成英文: 我们已经认识很长时间了,你应该懂的我,我的心里只有你. 我想去看望我哥哥.我也想去医院看看我的眼睛.这... -
岑宇金果:[答案] We have known a long time,you should understand me,only you in my heart. I want to look in my brother.I also want to look-over my eyes.These all need money,Can you give me? You know my present place,I love you but my life is very passive,I do not like...

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