
作者&投稿:公蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急急急~~~帮忙翻译回答一下 谢谢 (汉译英)~

雪花帮你解答!希望你的英语能更好哦 !
1.I like reading, because reads can increase knowledge; I like listening to the song, because listens to the song to be able to relax the mood; I like playing the badminton, because plays the badminton to be possible to exercise the body;
2.Our family has four people: My daddy my mother my younger brother and I; My daddy is the police may maintain the social order I mother is doctor may help the patient to reduce the ache; My younger brother is an elementary student

SW Group Ltd是一家在荷兰注册的专业花卉苗木进出口技术服务公
司,并与世界著名的玫瑰培育家族Lens roses有着密切合作关系,公司
2007年,SW Group Ltd进入中国XX市场,公司潜心于XX地理环境、
SW Group Ltd is one special field flowers and plants nursery stock import and export technical service company registering in Holland , the famous rose cultivates and clan Lens roses with the world having the relation working together closely , the company long range carries out high-end new good product breeding , experiment , extension and technical service , owns one with China The student studying abroad is good the main body quality , special field administration type technology team. SW Group Ltd enters the Chinese XX marketplace in 2007, the company concentrates on XX geographic conditions , the climate characteristic composes in reply a flowers and plants mode of production's studying on the spot, have accumulated the pertinent data and experience. The good successively with XX north nursery stock base , XX city company agriculture biotechnology develops Ltd. , the seedling and rose having carried out highest grade China rose seed are sure to spend a technology's introducing an experiment. The company cultivates a base at present in two of XX , domesticates and cultivates the cuttage already having accomplished the new breed rose successfully in XX to breed a job. The rose female parent that XX nursery stock bases among them cultivate already has a more than 20 kind. Accordingly has establish new overseas breed rose basis and ability giving birth to a child in large scale in XX. This item is dropping XX a hint of starting Chinese rose new era soon successfully , some inherence breeds are appearing at the

2008年,SW Group Ltd与XX市花木集团进行了高档鲜切玫瑰的引
SW Group Ltd and XX city flowers and trees Corp. have carried out introducing to of eager fresh top grade rose in 2008, working together project. 40,000 species seedling of XX city flowers and trees Corp. already enters a growth period at present , estimates that the second half of the year in 2009 will may mass-produce. Japan is second largest in the world flowers and plants marketings centre , is fresh by all means multicolored exit strategic point. The relation contacting with each other , this project cropping relying on the company and almost important Japan flowers and plants auctioneer's and selling business long-term stability business are in the cards become China pushing against the body in the international completely being foreboding XX successfully.

SW Group Ltd致力于研发适合中国国内种植条件的技术体系,基于XX
Flowers and plants market new gateway. SW Group Ltd devotes in the research and development suits the Chinese domestic planter condition the technical system, based on XX peasant household universal use's self-made big awning, sunlight greenhouse this situation, at the beginning in 2008, the company with XX city XX agricultural center cooperation, has carried on the overseas modernized greenhouse rose new variety in XX city ordinary sunlight greenhouse introduction cultivation domesticated experiment. During the company depends on the world the numerous partners the service support, after setback and defeat, basic success. Looking from the present situation, in does not use under any upscale equipment and the medicament auxiliary premise, already initially screened 5 kinds the category which suits XX peripheral peasant household to plant. This research and development's significance lies, by low investment gain high level output, thus lets the suburb be engaged in the flowers and plants production the enterprise and the farmer profits directly. .

Company's goal: Under the Chinese government's support, resolves to promote XX rose the grade as well as XX in the international rose market status and the image. Company's management idea: The autonomy market rule, protects the variety property right, serves the suburban farmer, the promotion international communication, realizes the scientific progress, to progress together


Yehiel capital in ruins. Qing emperor Kangxi twenty years (1681), Emperor
Kangxi inspecting ancestors birthplace, boarding Yehiel City Dongcheng site. The
face of the ruins, feel an upsurge of ups and downs, Nur Ha Che sighed in
ancestors have tremendous courage and wisdom, this poem "the waste City Yehe"
expression of inner feelings, "segment base new grass, empty is wild flowers.
Cuihua today fortunately, Ming Jia Gu Yue move".

Nur Ha Che combined Yehiel tribe, only the complete reunification of the
Jurchen members of the tribe, established Houjin and powerful empire.

However, there are always some coincidence of history. We talked about
Yehiel's history, it can not be avoided and the thought of 3 important women
about the fate of Yehiel in Qing dynasty. Way back when, in 1575, Beller Yang
Jinu Yehe female in Yehe Dongcheng be born, she is Men Gu Greg. 14 years later,
she walked out of the city of Wangcheng, married statehood, become Nur Ha Che
fujin. Her beautiful and dignified, beautiful, broad minded, by the favor of Nur
Ha Che of the Qing Dynasty, birth of Huang Di Huang Taiji, mother with son
expensive, become the first country to Qing Dynasty China mother - kind high
empress. Two hundred years after the end of the Qing Dynasty, the core yehenala
another woman in the Qing Dynasty's right, her beauty and talent both fairly
calculating, proficient in politics, the power behind the throne, took the helm
for 48 years, she is the famous empress dowager Ci Xi. Ci Xi, niece of the
empress dowager empress dowager Longyu again the power behind the throne for
three years, and in February 22, 1912 issued by the Qing emperor to abdicate the
edict, the history of this period should be precisely and Yehiel Belle Kim de S
dying oath.

Dear friends, let us out of the Yehiel heavy history, look easy


1.他们的新房子离学校很远。(far)Their new house is far from the school.2.不在房间的时候别让灯开着(when)When you leave the room, please turn out the lights.3.说到那家公司的福利和工作条件,所有的雇员都闭口不谈(speak of)As for the welfare and working condition of the ...

生津promote secretion of saliva或者enriching the saliva,我觉得第一个较好。Clinical Application of Shenmai Injection Abstract Object: evaluation of the clinical application of Shenmai injection Methods:collected the clinical data of this medicine applied in more than ten diseases including ...

奥运会马上就要开幕了,到时候我们有可能会放假,所以这段时间都比较忙。我表姐前几天回国了,她说有一个月左右的时间玩,你有没有时间到中国看看啊,顺便来看看我,哈哈。到时可以让她做你的免费导游!现在中国的天气也是非常炎热的。有个不太好的消息要告诉你,我的英语水平没有很大提升.The Olympic ...

一年四季你们都放除秋天不放假外…We have vacations every season except autumn.我们每天早上6:30上课,晚上10:00放学,We begin our class at 6:30 in the morning and school is over at 10:00 in the evening.中午有2个小时休息时间,每周六下午放一个晚上,一个月放一次月假。There are ...

拜托 帮忙翻译一下 英语高手 英译汉
I have been forwarded your contact information through a colleague of mine, Jason Rieger.我已经提交你的联系信息,通过我的一个同事,杰森Rieger。As I understand it, your factory currently produces work wear for the domestic and export markets and you would like to pursue a relationship ...

100分中译英 请帮忙翻译一小段话.
Dear Sir\/Madame,My name is xxx. I am a student from China currently studying in the University of Manitoba. I would like to apply for a Return Visa because I plan to go back to my country during Christmas holidays after the final exams and return to Canada to continue my ...

human communicates, the Chinese character inherits unceasingly as the Chinese native place culture and develops, fuses coexisting mutually gradually with the Western culture, their common load bearing convey ideas is enlightening the common people the function.ps:就给我一面小红旗吧。。

1.很多教授认为汤姆所写的文章值得认真研究 Many professors think that Tom's article is well worth serious study.2.警察弯下腰,捡起了一个纸袋,发现里面有一把枪。(bend)The policeman bent down to pick up a paper bag and found inside it a gun.3.在这场战斗中,你们的任务是击沉...

他说明年的暑假将会来中国,我非常期待那一天的到来。Three years ago he went to Canada for study and we've kept in touch with each other by Email. He said that he would come to China in the next summer holiday. I am looking forward to that moment.非机器翻译,保证质量。

Pumping concrete pump is driven along in the pipeline transportation and construction, therefore, request except meet design strength and durability, and also to meet the performance of concrete mixing process of pipelines and the requirements for good pumped. Pumping agent has water, ...

黔西县13181804315: 【求助】汉译英,帮个忙翻译一段文字,谢谢! -
郁中鼻咽: 前面那几个人都是使用翻译器的,语法很有问题!我纯手工翻译的,或许会有少许错误,但应该基本没什么问题啦!希望楼主可以采纳.People who works hard lives longer than others . As a student, we should study hard and live happily . I agree ...

黔西县13181804315: 帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,麻烦大家了,谢谢 -
郁中鼻咽: sorry,i did't mean it. but my English isn't good, so i can't express it clearly..XX ,i have it. do you have anything else to exchange.

黔西县13181804315: 请帮忙翻译一段汉译英,谢谢. -
郁中鼻咽: Thanks for your greetings. This is my new mobile phonenumber, which would instead of the old one. I will not use the new number until charges used up.The reason for me to...

黔西县13181804315: 汉译英——请大家帮忙!谢谢! -
郁中鼻咽: 1.那个办公楼里的机器都是最新的.2.她这个学期上了几门课?3.我的好朋友每天晚上都会打乒乓球.4.有很多学生在图书馆看书.5.她喜欢在晚饭之后到餐厅和同学聊天.

黔西县13181804315: 汉译英 急急急!
郁中鼻咽: Everything will be fine.Girl.Come one! There are lots of friends with you.

黔西县13181804315: 请帮忙汉译英.谢谢. -
郁中鼻咽: 答案All things will be solved, I will always behind you.请采纳,谢谢

黔西县13181804315: 汉译英求助,请帮下,谢谢!!!
郁中鼻咽: 您好! 翻译为:I like them very much,but my money is limited. Would you please provide some fine woodcarvings which prices are between $1~$200? If it is possible,please send their photos and prices to me.Thank you! 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

黔西县13181804315: 汉译英,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢. -
郁中鼻咽: 1-Thank you for your help. 2-Give me a call or send an E-mail.

黔西县13181804315: 帮忙翻译一下,汉译英.
郁中鼻咽: The next time please take my feeling into consideration.Thank you. 下次请考虑到我的感受.谢谢

黔西县13181804315: 急求大家帮忙翻译几个句子(汉译英),谢谢啦!
郁中鼻咽: Dear Customer: In order to avoid waste, my restaurant meal in both the volume of per capita allocation of fresh meals, if you dine at the process of appetite and food are inadequate, we may think that you are free to add. Telephone complaints: XXXXXXX Asked by: aitianniu

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