
作者&投稿:自差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

On Going Home For Christmas

He little knew the sorrow that was in his vacant chair;
He never guessed they'd miss him, or he'd surely have been there;
He couldn't see his mother or the lump that filled her throat,
Or the tears that started falling as she read his hasty note;
And he couldn't see his father, sitting sor- rowful and dumb,
Or he never would have written that he thought he couldn't come.

He little knew the gladness that his presence would have made,
And the joy it would have given, or he never would have stayed.
He didn't know how hungry had the little mother grown
Once again to see her baby and to claim him for her own.
He didn't guess the meaning of his visit Christmas Day
Or he never would have written that he couldn't get away.

He couldn't see the fading of the cheeks that once were pink,
And the silver in the tresses; and he didn't stop to think
How the years are passing swiftly, and next Christmas it might be
There would be no home to visit and no mother dear to see.
He didn't think about it -- I'll not say he didn't care.
He was heedless and forgetful or he'd surely have been there.

Just sit down and write a letter -- it will make their heart strings hum
With a tune of perfect gladness -- if you'll tell them that you'll come.


By Sally Meyer (c) 1997 all rights reserved

It didn't begin in a stable and not in Bethlehem.

It started with an angel in Mary's native land.

'Twas in a town called Nazareth Gabriel came to the virgin fair.

Saying, "Blessed art thou among women," Our Father's Son you'll bear.

Then the angel visited the carpenter who Mary intended to wed.

He came to Joseph in a dream as he lay upon his bed.

"Fear not thou son of David," to take Mary for your wife.

The child of God will need you to tend him in this life.

The big day came, Jesus was born In a manger on a pad of hay.

The angels sang to herald the King on the very first Christmas day.

Then off to spread the happy news to shepherds attending their lambs.

The angel chimed, "Glad tidings I bring" and goodwill to all the land.

The frightened shepherds found comfort in the angelic heavenly chorus.

They sang of peace and joy and a babe who would someday come before us.

Herod sent his wisest men to find the infant King.

So off from the east they followed the star, and precious gifts did bring.

As they departed, an angel told of Herod's wicked plan.

He didn't want to worship the child, but destroy the Son of Man.

Joseph heeded the angel's words, and to Egypt they did flee.

Then listened again when Herod died, and returned to Galilee.

Many years before Christ's birth another prophet was told.

An angel talked to Samuel, a Lamanite of old.

Who were these herald angels chosen by God above?

What valiant servants they must have been to bring us his message of love.


By Sally Meyer (c) 1997 all rights reserved

Who am I, what am I? That He should think of me,

To bring His Son into the World and teach Him at my knee?

As there they sat with hay all strewn about them on the ground,

She pondered all that lie ahead when they'd leave fair David's town.

By candle light she held her son, and nursed him at her breast.

Then lay him on the golden hay so they could get some rest.

With stalwart Joseph at her side and cattle softly lowing,

She welcomed all, shepherd to king who came by starlight glowing.

In harmony the angels sang reverent hymns of glory.

Mary listened as they told her little one's sacred story.

The bleating of the fleecy lambs was His first lullaby.

A straw filled manger for a crib with animals standing by.

But Mary filled that nursery as only a mother could,

With love and hope and promise, as Father knew she would.


The Real Reason Excitement and joy are filling the air;The lights add special decor We're shopping for Christmas gifts everywhere,But are gifts what Christmas is for?


The wreaths and the trees and the parties Aren't what we need to convey;It's the birth of our Savior, Jesus,The real reason for this holiday





圣诞节英语歌曲-Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer / 红鼻子驯鹿-鲁道夫

  Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
  had a very shiny nose
  and if you ever saw it
  you would even say it glows
  all of the other reindeer
  used to laugh and call him names
  they never let poor Rudolph
  join in any reindeer games
  then one foggy Christmas eve
  Santa came to say:
  "Rudolph with your nose so bright
  won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
  then how the reindeer loved him
  as they shouted out with glee (yippee)
  "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
  you'll go down in history."
  Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
  had a very shiny nose
  and if you ever saw it
  you would even say it glows
  all of the other reindeer
  used to laugh and call him names
  they never let poor Rudolph
  join in any reindeer games
  then one foggy Christmas eve
  Santa came to say:
  "Rudolph with your nose so bright
  won't you guide my sleigh tonight"
  then how the reindeer loved him
  as they shouted out with glee (yippee)
  "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
  you'll go down in history"

We Wish You A Merry Christmas / 我们祝你圣诞快乐

  We wish you a Merry Christmas;
  We wish you a Merry Christmas;
  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
  Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
  Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;
  Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer
  We won't go until we get some;
  We won't go until we get some;
  We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here

  We wish you a Merry Christmas;
  We wish you a Merry Christmas;
  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas / 快乐圣诞

  Have a holly jolly Christmas
  It's the best time of the year
  Well I don't know if there'll be snow
  But have a cup of cheer

  Have a holly jolly Christmas   And when you walk down the street
  Say hello to friends you know
  And everyone you meet
  Ho ho the mistletoe
  Hung where you can see
  Somebody waits for you
  Kiss her once for me

  Have a holly jolly Christmas
  And in case you didn't hear
  Oh bygolly have a holly jolly Christmas
  This year

  Have a holly jolly Christmas
  And when you walk down the street
  Say hello to friends you know
  And everyone you meet
  Have a holly jolly Christmas
  And in case you didn't hear
  Oh bygolly have a holly jolly Christmas
  This year

Jingle Bells / 铃儿响叮当

  Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
  Jingle all the way
  Oh, what fun it is to ride
  In a one horse open sleigh
  Jingle bells, jingle bells
  Jingle all the way
  Oh, what fun it is to ride
  In a one horse open sleigh

  Dashing through the snow
  In a one horse open sleigh
  O'er the fields we go
  Laughing all the way
  Bells on bob tails ring
  Making spirits bright
  What fun it is to laugh and sing
  A sleighing song tonight

有一篇叫Twas the night before christmas 的,喜欢吗?要就给你翻译这个

The song of the angels,
  The joy of that night,
  May it shine round your hearthside,
  And make your paths bright.
  Happy New year!


Christmas is a holiday for friends,
However they may be, or not, related.
Remember that the three wise kings were strangers
In search of one remote, uncanny dream.
So may we all be far more than we seem,
Together bound for dark and haunting changes,
More lovely for the loves we have created
Along the lonely paths from means to ends,
Stumbling towards that star of Bethlehem.

----William Wordsworth

The minstrels played their Christmas tune
To-night beneath my cottage-eaves;
While, smitten by a lofty moon,
The encircling laurels, thick with leaves,
Gave back a rich and dazzling sheen,
That overpowered their natural green.

Christ the Savior is born! 救主耶稣诞 (3)Silent night! Holy night!平安夜!圣善夜!Son of God, love's pure light 神之子,爱的皎洁光辉 Radiant beams from thy holy face, 从你圣颜上发出耀目的光辉 With the dawn of redeeming grace, 伴随着救赎宏恩的黎明,Jesus, Lord, at thy birth...

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著名经典英语诗歌篇二 今年我们不过圣诞节了 We Won't Have a Christmas This Year We won't have a Christmas this year, you say 你说,今年我们不过圣诞节了 For now the children have all gone away;因为孩子都全部离开了 And the house is so lonely, so quiet and so bare 家中很...

圣诞节配乐诗朗诵 中篇

20000多名学生和教徒从这一中心毕业。舒勒博士开办了著名电视广播节目《力量时刻》,每周大约有3000万人收看这一节目。 1980年,由著名建筑师菲利普?约翰逊设计的全玻璃式建筑落成,这就是闻名的“水晶宫大教堂”。每年有上百万人参观这一教堂,做周末祷告,参加各种集会,欢庆圣诞,复活节等。

Best wishes for the year to come!恭贺新禧!Good luck in the year ahead!祝吉星高照!May you come into a good fortune!恭喜发财!Live long and proper!多福多寿!May many fortunes find their way to you!祝财运亨通!I want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!Take good ...

《快乐圣诞节,浪漫安夜》作者:kikisan 快乐圣诞节,良漫平安夜。快乐圣诞节,浪漫平安夜。我们相聚在这快乐的节日里。我们相聚在这温著的夜晚里。因为缘我们相遇在这里。因为情我们相聚在平安夜。我们用热情和双手建设未来。我们用汗水和智慧开拓事业。我们用情缘和爱心创立团队。我们用勇气和希望打造品...

《神圣夜晚》是法国一个酒场主1847年写下的赞美诗,后流传到美国,由波士顿一个牧师翻译而成。现在听到的这个版本是由Mariah Carey重新诠释的,荡气回肠,一首圣诞经典圣诗!● 圣诞节现代流行歌曲推荐 ☆ When Christmas Comes To Town 真的有圣诞老人在吗?——这就是电影《极地快车》的插曲,干干...

关于圣诞节的英文故事 带中文

额济纳旗15229085937: 圣诞节英语朗诵诗 -
保卸复方: 朗诵诗如下: The Real Reason Excitement and joy are filling the air;The lights add special decor We're shopping for Christmas gifts everywhere,But are gifts what Christmas is for? 圣诞节的真实含义,空气里充满了喜悦和兴奋;灯饰增添了独特...

额济纳旗15229085937: 圣诞节英文诗歌朗诵稿 -
保卸复方: On Going Home For Christmas He little knew the sorrow that was in his vacant chair; He never guessed they'd miss him, or he'd surely have been there; He couldn't see his mother or the lump that filled her throat, Or the tears that started falling as she ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 关于圣诞的英语诗!急用!!! -
保卸复方: every body pauses and stares at me these two teeth are gone as you can see i don't know just who to blame for this catastrophe! but my one wish on christmas eve is as plain as it can be! all i want for christmas is my two front teeth, my two front ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 关于圣诞节的英文诗 -
保卸复方:[答案] 自己挑吧 都是一些好的短诗 像是Christmas is a time for love and fun, A time to reshape souls and roots and skies, A time to give your heart to everyone Freely,like a rich and lavish sun, Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs Show need of such ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 谁能给我几首简单易学的圣诞节英语小诗?深度在小学五六年纪就行了,要配翻译.急用急用! -
保卸复方:[答案] Could there be angels waiting in the wings, How might we call upon their ecstasy? Rainbows are mere garnish on the days In which we are the glory and the light. So may we hear the songs our sunshine sings, The words which will the wonder of our ways...

额济纳旗15229085937: 找关于圣诞节的英文诗! -
保卸复方: 自己挑吧 都是一些好的短诗 像是Christmas is a time for love and fun, A time to reshape souls and roots and skies, A time to give your heart to everyone Freely, like a rich and lavish sun, Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 有没有关于圣诞节的诗歌?英语的 最好 -
保卸复方: White Christmas 白色圣诞 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know.Where the treetops glisten And children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow I'm dreaming of a white Christmas with every Christmas card I write May ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 求大家推荐一首英文圣诞颂诗,最好是庄重大气高雅点的,想打印出来送给一位朋友的~做好能打印到一张A4纸以内. -
保卸复方:[答案] Ode to the West Wind(西风颂) I O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence ... And, by the incantation of this verse, Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 关于圣诞节的英文诗 -
保卸复方: A good time is coming,I wish it were here, The very best time in the whole year; I'm counting each day on my fingers and thumbs-- the weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes.Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down, And the ...

额济纳旗15229085937: 关于圣诞节的英语诗歌? -
保卸复方: 光皎洁. 平安夜, 救主今夜降生, sleep in heavenly peace. holy infant so tender and mild,在旷野, 多少慈详也多少天真! shepherds quake at the sight, 照着圣母也照着圣婴, holy night:平安夜, at thy birth! 万暗中, 圣容发出来荣光普照...

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