『初中英语』需要一篇说明文,以:如何成为受欢迎的中学生 为题的英语作文,本人初中,字数在80-12

作者&投稿:段芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
怎样成为一个受欢迎的中学生 英语作文~


My DreamWhen I was a 6-year-old boy, I dreamed of being an English teacher. Now ten years has passed and I am now a junor middle school student. I've grown up a lot and many changes have taken place around me in my life but my dream has never changed. I like English very much. In order to make my dream come true, I will try my best to learn English well. I listen to the English teacher carefully in every English class. In the future I will continue to work hard in school. I believe I can. 本文为原创,请尊重作者的劳动成果哦。加油。祝你梦想成真

1, love the motherland, love people, love the communist party of China. 2, abide by the laws and regulations, strengthen the legal consciousness. Obey the school rules, abide by social morality. 3, love science, study hard, diligent, good q, willing to explore, take an active part in social practice and beneficial activities. 4, cherish life, pay attention to safety, do exercise and pay attention to health. 5, self-esteem, self-love, confident, healthy living habits civilization. 6, take an active part in labor, thrift is simple, do what you can do yourself. 7, show filial obedience parents, respect teachers and be polite. 8, love the collective, unite classmates, help each other, care about others. 9, honest and trustworthy, match words with deeds, mistakes and change, has the sense of responsibility. 10, love nature, love life environment



『初中英语』需要一篇说明文,以:如何成为受欢迎的中学生 为题的英语...
love nature, love life environment

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