英语翻译就这几句,求救! 200分

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英语翻译就这几句,求救! 200分~

Internet brings us both advantages and disadvantages. For the positive side, it provides us with a free access to resourceful information and various materials, which will contribute a lot to our academic work. Besides, it enables us to send e-mails, chat on line and so on in a quite convenient way. For the negative side, online games that go with it have the potential to do harms to our health and lead us onto a wrong way, especially when we become addicted to them. As a conclusion, we should utilize the Internet rationally.

言外之意一直是语用学研究的核心问题之一。而委婉语,作为一种间接语言形式,不是直接的,而是含蓄的把人们通常禁忌的,不愿接触或尴尬的事情转化为人们可以接受的言语,已达到最佳的交际效果。学会分析This dialogue, A hint B the phone rang and B replied that he is taking A bath, obviously B is telling A: I'm taking A bath, now can't answer the phone, please help me to pick up.
The implication in pragmatic research is always one of the core issue. And euphemism, as a kind of indirect language form, not directly, but the implicit people usually taboo, do not wish to contact or embarrassing things into people can accept words, has reached the best communication effect. Learn to analyze the euphemism, interpersonal very helpful委婉语,对人际交往非常有帮助


The Internet can bring us good, but also can bring harm, the network can make people understand useful information and may make people go bad,

上网可以让我们发邮件 聊天 查阅资料,帮助我们做作业,让我们更便利

The Internet can let us E-mail chat data access, to help us to do the work, make us more convenient


But the network game let people fall, health effects


So we should reasonable surf the Internet


を入(い)れてくれるか? お前(まえ)の淹(い)れた茶が饮(の)みたいと思(おも)ってな。喂,如果有空的话,给我倒杯茶好吗?我想喝你泡的茶。10なんだ、话(はなし)でもあるのか?いいぜ、话(はなし)してみろよ。啊呀,原来你有话要说啊?可以啊,你就说说看。

1.When you meet your friend,your face shines-you have found gold. 当您遇见您的朋友,您的面孔发光-- 您发现了金子。(遇知己,兴奋如遇黄金。)2.Friends are like wine;the older,the better.朋友如酒,越陈越好。3.A friend to all is a friend to none.交游满天下知心无一人。4.The...

1、こんばんは。罗马音:ko n ba n wa 中文翻译:晚上好。 2、おはようございます。罗马音:o ha yo u go za i ma su 中文翻译:早上好。 3、お休(やす)みなさい。罗马音:o ya su mi na sai 中文翻译:晚安。4、ごめんなさい。罗马音:go me n na sa i 中文翻译:对不起。5...

求几句西班牙语翻译 加急!
en un papel el numero y el titulo del libro ,y le entrego a un bibliotecario.五,她的一个叔叔是 理发师,五十四岁,住在上 海,这个星期天来看她。Quinto :un tio de ella es peluquero, cinquenta y cuatro anos,vive en Shanghai,este domingo vino a verla.希望能帮助到你。

第一段:hai trovato l'uomo della tua vita???你找到你生命中的男人了没有?gioia gioia 意思是喜乐,欢乐,但在这里只是一个开头语,对眼前的人说的,由某种可爱的感慨,可以翻译为欢心,这个词应该接着一个逗号,l'altro ieri ha rischiato di tutto...前天她冒了很大的险(tutto 字面意思是...

韩语翻译 很简单就几句话
英语的:I had a party with my friend last week we went shoping together after dinner we had not seen each other for long time we all changed very much just become very perrty and we will gratuate next year so,the time that we get meeting will become less and less because ...

日语高手进!跪求几句话的翻译!不要机翻的!! 在线等!
来月(らいげつ)の试験(しけん)までに、ここの単语(たんご)を全部(ぜんぶ)覚(おぼ)えなければなりません。6、直到有新的人来,我必须继续干这个工作 新人(しんじん)が来(く)る前(まえ)に、私はこの仕事(しごと)をやり続(つづ)けなければなりません。7、对你来...


这部电影我没看过 逐字翻译(我从来没有看过这部电影)I have never seen this film.如果是口语,最好不要说can not,要说can't 虽然语法上没什么差别,可是感觉上会很奇怪, 有时候,要看你到底要说什么, 不同的地方\/ 行动,有不同的表达方式。 像如果你要去网上购物,你就不能说from, ...

山南地区18540464810: 英语翻译能翻译几句就翻译几句 200分1.笑谈词穷 古痴今狂终成空 刀钝刃乏 恩断义绝梦方破 路荒遗叹 饱览足迹没人懂 自嘲墨尽 千情万怨已皆愁 2.零碎 枯死... -
强尝甘利:[答案] 我发现2个错别字,不知道我理解错误了没~有些地方是直译的,没办法翻出那个意境.将就用,总比机器译的顺口嘛.这些词很有感觉啊,弄得我边翻边感慨~1.笑谈词穷 古痴今狂终成空 刀钝刃乏 恩断义绝梦方破 路荒遗叹 饱览足迹...

山南地区18540464810: 英译汉句子在线翻译,高分求救!On 26th December,2004,a young girl called Tilly Smith was on holiday with her family in Phuket;Tailang.No one knew what ... -
强尝甘利:[答案] 2004年12月26日那天,一个名叫泰莉·史密斯的年轻小女孩与家人正在 普吉岛度假.没有人知道将会发生什么事——一场将要夺去20万人生命的海啸到来了.泰利之前在地理课上学习过海啸,并且还观看了一个海啸的视频.

山南地区18540464810: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.今天的上海与以前大不一样.(different)2.学生们应该养成按时交...
强尝甘利: 1.今天的上海与以前大不一样. 1.Today is Shanghai with previous great difference. 2.学生们应该养成按时交作业的好习惯. 2.The students should form the good habit of homework on.

山南地区18540464810: 英语短句翻译求救.
强尝甘利: My answer is as below:我的翻译如下: My classmate bought an MP4 from your website and he was satisfied with your product quality,so he recommended me to buy the same pattern from you.However, when I got it from you I found many ...

山南地区18540464810: 紧急求助:求英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.我们要利用这次机会来提高英语口语.(take advantage of)2.据我了解,那场车祸是由天气引起的.(as far as)3.... -
强尝甘利:[答案] 1 We must take advantage of this opportunity to improve our spoken English. 2 As far as I know, the car accident was caused by the weather. 3 The workers were all very much surprised at what the boss said. 4 The students should take an active part in ...

山南地区18540464810: 英语翻译!急!求救!
强尝甘利: 1. Microblogging first appeared on the stage in China in 2009. 2. He and his wife looked high and low anxiously, spreading their heartbreaking cry over a radius of kilometers. 3. Hearing the terrible news of death over the phone, the paternal ...

山南地区18540464810: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? -
强尝甘利: 1.周末我们俩去农场好吗?(what about) What about going to th...

山南地区18540464810: 英语翻译短语 向...求助 -
强尝甘利: 1、turn to sb. for help please turn to your teacher for help if you are in any difficulty. 你如有困难,可求助于老师. 2、ask sb for help To ask him for help was like asking a tiger for its skin 向他求助无异于与虎谋皮.

山南地区18540464810: 紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家...紧急求助:请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?... -
强尝甘利:[答案] 1.The old man was famous as a scientist and famous for his great books as well.2.Tom believes that he knows everybody's business more than themselves. 3.Ever since the beginning of this century, too m...

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