
作者&投稿:照兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. What would John say if he told you that lina's favorite subject is Biology
2. What would Xiaoming say if he said that he likes PE lesson since it is fun?
3. What would you say if you told mary that you are really good at swimming?
4.What would Sam say if he said that he wants to join Story Club?
5. How would you ask Sam if you want to know that when he eats breakfast?
你怎么表达需要翻译么 我在上面翻译了 如果不需要 我可以帮你重新翻译

15.从文中最后的一段中,我们可获知 Del Monte (这个人)正努力尝试去控制菠萝(出售)的市场。


11. 警醒吸烟者的图片
13. 欧盟国家还在使用老的警示方法
15. 最后一段里带下划线的句子指出由于吸烟导致的死亡是能够避免的

11. 图片来冲击吸烟者
13. 国家在欧盟仍然使用老的警告方法tha

回答和翻译如下:A car rushing in front caught him by surprise and he hit the brakes too hand.一辆汽车在前面疾驰而来,使他措手不及,他的手也刹车了。

1.我一定要感谢那些在我处境艰难时支持我的所有人(stick by)I am obliged to thank all those who sticked by my side when I was in such a difficult situation.2.这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。(see to it that)Please see to it that don't ever be late for the important ...

1. The weather will continue to be hot in the next few days.2. In a short while ,Jack becomes a proficient taxi driver.3. I have been living in the city for ten years.4. In autumn the leaves turn red.5. This machine is in good condition....

1.至少在未来的一两年里,那是不可能的。(impossible)At least___one or two years in the future or it is imposible.2.合同规定,我们必须在10月1日前完成。(must)The contract says that___we must cover it before 1th,OCT.3.有时候,他上网向其他朋友询问如何既不辜负所托又不惹出...

I'm usually too busy for breakfast, and sometimes don't get time for lunch.我经常草草对付早饭,有时因为时间紧吃不上午饭。I don't eat very well but I do cook.吃得不好,却会做饭。Because I live alone and work a lot, I try to make big meals that I can eat all week ...


面上失望的眼神而不能不感到关注。12. As long as I live,there will never be another Valentine’s Day which will be any more special to me.在我有生之年,将不会有一个对我更有特别意义的情人节了。很高兴能够帮到你,希望会满意,谢谢。答案由【英语精英团】与【英语牛人圑】提供 ...

1.All of this?\/Will you buy all of these?2.It can not be tilted for a long time,or it will be out of shape and couldn't recover.3.Gentleman\/madam,wait a minute,I have to make out an small ticket,you can take this tiket to check out first at the checkout counter,...

This new moon will give you a preview of the April, one month this year the most difficult. Will occur in two tough solar eclipse in April 15th April, in Libra, and the other in Taurus, April 29th. The second eclipse may affect you, especially if you have a October Scorpio...

3条件状语从句带有定语从句+ 宾语从句 As you play the video that\/which I sent to you on the another computer ,you shall know if it does't work nomally.4 条件状语从句中带定语从句+简单句 When you play the video that\/which I sent to you on other computers ,you will know ...

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译如下英语句子.谢谢! -
符兰海力: 1.我当然会……可是没有人是完美的……我不想在未来做出让你失望的承诺2.我努力了……但是睡眠质量相比起床的时间更重要.3.从很久以前开始,我就已经在其他公司做过第二和第三换班工作,因此午夜上班没什么大不了的.

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译两个英语句子,谢谢. -
符兰海力: 1.Please believe he said speech, because he has received the good education, is born in the command respect family, his manner is more importantly reliable.2.Is startled...

永春县18269031295: 帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢! -
符兰海力: 1.风神毁灭了沿途的房屋和庄稼.豪雨和洪灾也敲响了其尾随而来的警钟.2.他也在代表团内补充发布了关于重建的最新消息.3.星期天,在柏林黄金联赛只有她的第四场两圈以上的比赛中,帕梅拉·杰...

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译下这句话看看,谢谢! -
符兰海力: I've already got the draft, but could hardly see any difference in colour. Anway, I will double compare with the sample and feedback to you.

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面几句话,谢谢. -
符兰海力: 1, assembles computer. 2, takes away computer two from our place. 3, returns our place computer three. 4, replaces computer four. 5, tests computer five.

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译以下几个句子,谢谢!
符兰海力: I am very sorry to hear that he has failure for many times. Though he loose the satisefe of the boss,he still suppose cheerfui Through adventure he meet some people who are very interesting.

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译如下的句子!谢谢,第8章,1 - 5... -
符兰海力: 1.冬天游泳是特殊的,因为我们有“三次“寒冷的空气,冷水和太阳在同一时间. 2.当我们暴露在寒冷的空气,我们会有强烈的愿望去冷水. 3.冷的水游泳有时可以治愈我们的疾病. 4.人们过去认为冬天游泳违背了我们的生理性质. 5.在冬天游泳的人感到放松和温暖.

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译下列短句,谢谢!
符兰海力: test not satisfied me,feelings is going down.cheer me up, learn from the lesson, make a conclusion

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译下面的句子(中译英),急用,谢谢
符兰海力: I have filled in the form and sent it back by email, but didnt receive any feedback so far, could you please let me know if there is anything missing or to be changed? I plan to land in America on June 12th and will pay accommadation fees and other ...

永春县18269031295: 请帮忙翻译下面这句话,谢谢 -
符兰海力: 她会保护你,即使这意味着她冒着自己的生命.

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