
作者&投稿:戚爱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.I wrote two letters this morning.
2.Ann passed the exam easily.
3.Jenny doesn't speak French very well.
4.Do you know London well?
5.I explained the problem carefully.
6.We met some friends at the airport.
7.I like football very much.
8.I saw a beautiful bird in the garden this morning.
9.Are you going to the cinema tomorrow evening?
10.My parents have been to the United States many times.

I can help you with your math. 我可以在数学上帮助你。
It's really harmful for you to smoke.吸烟对你有害。
I have to take care of my grandpa.我不得不照顾我的祖父。
He can't get along well with his classmates./ with his English.他不能很好地跟班上同学相处。/他学不好英语。
Parents should encourage their children to be brave.家长应该鼓励他们的孩子去变得勇敢。
I've spent two days on this essay but still haven't finished it yet.这篇文章我应经花了两天的时间,但到现在还是没有完成。

1.My teacher help me with my english.
2.it is easy foy my sister to clean the room.
3.I must take good care of my biother.
4.Iget along with my classments
5.mymother encourage my sister to be confidence
6.i spend 30 yuans on this shirt.

is Tiskd jkfus skso bisng 这是一个私家车

ahd obk cbuh sqwb qsafk 我才不会放弃

sjf jew sjcd sajhd 这样会是肌肤白皙

asdh ujhfj jdhssn blieiwe 笨蛋才会相信

4.分类记忆:把单词进行分门类 如:动物,植物等,进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 5.卡片记忆:自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 6.词典记忆:即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的...

在教学中,对于能成为积极词汇的词,要认真进行讲解,包括单词的词类及其转化,词的常见搭配,同义词和反义词,并给出例句和练习。教师要有意识地带领学生留意英汉语不同的语言表达形式,通过各种方式帮助学生尽快将消极词汇转变为积极词汇,为学生今后的写作奠定基础。 3.句子操练 (1)时态语态 汉语的直觉性思维和英语...

3. 题目中单词的大小写 每个单词的第一个字母要大写,但是下列除外: 冠词,少于四个字母的介词,并列连词如and, or, but, nor, for, to 等。 题目的第一个单词必须大写。4. 题目中的标点题目可以是问句;论文题目,直接引要加引号;书名要用斜体。5. 段落缩进每段第一行要缩进4-5个字母;练习时,隔行写便于...

解释:文辞;词和短语的合称,包括单词、词组及整个词汇;字眼。 范例:新词典词语丰富,信息量大。 词是由语素组成的最小的造句单位。 从构成方式来看,可以分成: ①单纯词:由一个语素组成的词,自由的单音节语素和所有的双音节、多音节语素都可以组成单纯词。如:山、水、天、地、人、有、土、红、凑;仿佛、苍茫...

你首先要搞清楚这些个语法成分可以怎样用,譬如说,可以做主语的哪些词性,(名词,名词性短语,不定式。。。)。然后造句也是非常重要的一部分,你说你的单词还可以,那就把你所学的每个新单词都先按照中文思维造句,然后再英译 首先先你要端正心态,不要急躁,不管别人考多少分,你做你自己的事,这样才能静下心来学习。

过去,我们的许多教师和学生对造句教学法很不重视,而我认为造句是记忆、积累和掌握单词的最好方法。 (2)加强作文教学与练习: 作文历来是锻炼和检测一个人遣词造句、有章法地表达自己能力的最有效方法之一,应当在英语教学中积极认真地运用和贯彻这一原理。同样,在作文问题上也存在基本词汇教学中存在的问题,即时间分配...

每单元1中5个重要单词选择填空,再让学生模拟造句。第二部分则是写作练习。(见powerpoint 12)到了八年级在后面增加了具有跨文化内容的阅读材料及相关的练习。二、教材内容的整理及其分析本教材内容看似众多而不易归纳整理,实际不然。现从教学目标和语言结构两方面做一扼要的融合。(一)教学目标:(学生应学会的各种话题...


并且它在每一章词汇学习的最后还有一个情景剧,情景剧中包括两个学习内容:一个是阅读,另一个是配音,配音的内容主要是针对刚刚学习的单词和例句,而且情景剧中的法国小姐姐好美丽哦,太喜欢啦~ 三.难学的板块——语法 学习了一些词汇之后,接下来你会开始学习专门的法语语法知识点。其实语法的学习也是从易到难,也...


德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 英文造句:用下列单词或词组分别造一个句子(最好是复合句) 1.update 2.interview sb 3.have an in... -
朝伏阿洛: With the news updated,people get into a panic. I am happy that I will interview you. I will have an interview with her. You'd better take the umbrella in case of rain. It demands your insist.

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用下面的单词造句 -
朝伏阿洛: 1.The small girl can't get on the tall elephant. 2.Although the boy is strong,he does not carry the elephant. 3.The gate is not wide enough so that the fat elephant can't get though the gate. 4.The bananas are not near and the monkey is far away from ...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用下列所给单词或词组造句.1.tow letters,I,this morning,wrote2.Ann,easily,the exam,passed3.Jenny,very well,French,doesn't speak4.London,do you know,well5.... -
朝伏阿洛:[答案] 1.I wrote two letters this morning.2.Ann passed the exam easily.3.Jenny doesn't speak French very well.4.Do you know London well?5.I explained the problem carefully.6.We met some friends at the airpor...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 试着给下列的单词或短语造句1.next to 2.beside 3.far -
朝伏阿洛:[答案] The tree is next to the building. He is beside Lisa. My home is far from school.

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用以下单词短语造句1.not many2.not…until3.a few4.a little5.enough -
朝伏阿洛:[答案] not many students knows him well i won't go to bed until i finish my work he has a few friends here there is a little water in the bottle Do you have enough money to buy this kind of shoes

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用以下十个英语单词造句(每次一句) -
朝伏阿洛: 1.Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world2.The apple is the biggest on this table3.The box is the largest in the room4.The mountain is the highest in this city5.The mouse is the smallest in the hole6.The pairs of shoes is the lightest in the ...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用下列短语造句 -
朝伏阿洛: 1.First you should switch the machine on. 你得先把机器打开 2.When the clock struck twelve, I switched off TV and went to bed. 时钟敲响十二点时, 我关了电视上床睡觉. 3.Many factories are switching over to a shorter working week. 很多工厂都...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用以下英语单词造句
朝伏阿洛: 1、She is my neighborhood. 她是我的邻居. 2、I just like the orange flavor. 我就是喜欢香橙口味的. 3、Welcome to visit our new home,i'll be your tour guide. 欢迎来到我们的新家,我来给大家当向导吧. 4、That T-shirt is yours. 那件体恤是你的...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用下列所给单词或词组造句.1.new,live in,house,they,a2.like,jacket,I,that,green3.music,like,do,pop,you?4.had,wonderful,a,I,holiday5went to,restaurant,a,Chinese,... -
朝伏阿洛:[答案] 1.They live in a new house. 2.I like that green jacket. 3.Do you like pop music? 4.I had a wonderful holiday. 5.We went to a Chinese restaurant.

德宏傣族景颇族自治州19842493956: 用下列英语短语随便造个句子. -
朝伏阿洛: 1.I finish the homework at ease.2.The age of the students here on average is 10.3.The ticket is offered for free.4.We must pay attention to the car.5.I informed him of the homework.6.We will attend assembly here on 9:00.7.You must be responsible for...

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