
作者&投稿:宥燕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
毫无疑问的英语翻译 毫无疑问用英语怎么说~

[词典] beyond (all) question; beyond [without a shadow of] doubt; beyond [past] (all) doubt; as sure as a gun [death; out of question;
These economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of financial markets

毫无疑问:no/beyond doubt
1、There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn't just playing around.
2、They would no doubt welcome the action with open arms.
3、There is no doubt now that her marriage is beyond repair.
4、Their ability to win the championship was beyond doubt.
5、She convinced me that Paul was, beyond doubt, innocent.

have doubts about 怀疑
without a doubt 无疑地
beyond doubt 无容置疑,确实地
benefit of the doubt 假定其无过失或无罪(因无充分证据证明某人有罪);裁判员对可疑情况无把握时不对有关运动员作不利判定
cast doubt on 引起对…的怀疑;对…产生怀疑
reasonable doubt 合理的怀疑
beyond all doubt adv. 毫无疑问地
shadow of a doubt 辣手摧花(电影名称,又名心声疑影)
hang in doubt 悬而未决;还不能确定

There is no doubt that the teacher thought highly of students' performance."当时"不用翻出来,过去式已经表明了这层意思^~^

We absolutely have no doubt about the fact that the teacher spoke highly of our presentation.
There was no doubt that the teacher spoke highly of our presentation.
目前直译就是这样 有什么不满的或疑问尽管提

There was no doubt that the teacher spoke highly of the classmates' performmance at that time
毫无疑问 老师 对同学们的表演评价很高 在当时

Undoubtedly, the teacher thought highly on the students' performance at that time.

no question of 到底是“毫无疑问”还是“不可能”?
1、no question of的翻译:无…的可能性。例句使用:1Oh, you'll be with me,no question of that.噢,你们会和我一起的,毫无疑问。2、out of question[英][aut ɔv ˈkwestʃən][美][aʊt ʌv ˈkwɛstʃən]毫无疑问; 不成...

翻译无疑问是英语 No doubt, it is English.

undoubtfully, everyone is not an independent entity, but a part of the society.毫无疑问每个人都不是独立的个体,而是社会的一份子

英语翻译 毫无疑问,广泛的英语阅读可以扩大我们的词汇量,提高我们的...
毫无疑问,广泛的英语阅读可以扩大我们的词汇量,提高我们的阅读理解水平 No doubt,extensive English reading will enlarge the vocabulary,improve our reading comprehension level

no problem (没有问题)no trouble (没问题,没麻烦)okay(行,可以,没问题)all right(行,可以,没问题)Never mind(没关系,没问题)out of question(毫无疑问,没问题)

毫无疑问他是这个班最优秀的学生.用英语翻译是:There is no doubt that he is the best student in the class.见下图百度翻译

“毫无疑问,我高中老师的教法和初中老师的教法是非常不同的”的英文翻 ...
Without question, the teaching methods between my high school teachers and middle school teachers are very different.猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】

It is no doubt that the first step is the most difficult.

There is no doubt that our life is much better than before. thank you

毫无疑问,学习一门语言需要有明确的目标和很大的努力(no doubt)It's no doubt that language learning requires clear aim as well as great efforts.你到了一个国家要适应当地的风俗习惯(adapt to)You should adapt to local customs when you are in other countries.你的秘书很会替我过滤我的...

灵宝市19399415027: 用英语翻译:毫无疑问,当时老师对同学们的表演评价很高.
敖叛养血: There is no doubt that the teacher's appraisal of the students' performents was very high at that time

灵宝市19399415027: 毫无疑问用英语怎么说 -
敖叛养血: it is no doubt that...

灵宝市19399415027: 毫无疑问 用英语怎么说 -
敖叛养血: be beyond question ;be out of question ;beyond all doubt ;beyond all question ;beyond doubt ;beyond peradventure ;beyond the shadow of a doubt ;no two ways about it ;past all doubt ;past doubt ;past question ;sure as a gun ;sure as death 本人英语爱好者,欢迎来我的百度博客交流(Transmania).

灵宝市19399415027: 毫无疑问的英语翻译 毫无疑问用英语怎么说 -
敖叛养血: definitely 这实在好用的,但是局限于书本,口头除非正式很少有人用. I am definitely sure that you are doing something that you shouldn't. 我十分确认你在走你不该做的事情.

灵宝市19399415027: 英语“毫无疑问”怎么说? -
敖叛养血: absolutely英音:['æbsəlu:tli]美音:['æbsə,lutlɪ]副词 ad.1.绝对地,完全地 It's absolutely no business of hers. 这件事与她毫不相关. 2.【口】(用于对答)一点不错,完全对

灵宝市19399415027: 毫无疑问的用英语怎么说 -
敖叛养血: 您好,领学网为您解答: (1)there was no doubt 例句:毫无疑问他很认真,那可不是闹着玩的. There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn't just playing around (2)There can be no doubt 例句:毫无疑问你在科研方面会取得成功. There can be no doubt that you will succeed in your scientific research. 望采纳!

灵宝市19399415027: 英语翻译"这样"用英语怎么说?"毋庸置疑,毫无疑问"用英语怎么说?对别人的说话内容表示了解时候说得 "这样/这样子" 用英语如何说? -
敖叛养血:[答案] this/so/such; no doubt 在没有上下文的前提下,答案很多,应该根据具体背景选词才好.

灵宝市19399415027: 毫无疑问,我们在老师的帮助下将会按时完成任务.用英语怎么说? -
敖叛养血: Without question, we will complete the assignment on time under teacher's help

灵宝市19399415027: 请问“这是毫无疑问的”用英语怎么说? -
敖叛养血: 这是毫无疑问的. There's no question about it. 这是毫无疑问的. There's no doubt whatsoever about it. 这是毫无疑问的. There is no question about it. 这是毫无疑问的. There can be no manner of doubt about it. 这是毫无疑问的! That's for ...

灵宝市19399415027: 英语翻译把下列译为英文句子:1.毫无疑问,我所说的是对的.(提示,毫无疑问:As we all known或者It is known to us that……)2.毫无疑问,地球绕着太阳转.... -
敖叛养血:[答案] 1.As we all know,I am right. 2.It's no doubt that the Earth orbits around the Sun. 3.You're supposed to finish your homework on your own. 4.You're not supposed to play football in the classroom. 5.You'd better get up right now,or you'll miss the flight.

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