英语高手请进来 帮忙翻译有重谢

作者&投稿:屈思 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

China is a long culture country, who has thound years cultural history;
I like Chinese culture and history, which always cheers me up when read;
Thus, I feel lucky to be born and living on this land;
But on the other hand, there are still many problems in China;
Infrastructure education is not popularized together with outstanding livehood problems;
But one thing is for sure that all these problems will be solved one day in China;
I love my Mother Land.

About your requirement that I pay by credit card , the financial department told me that the development of China's credit card charging foreign currency is not mature yet, because of the following reasons, our company temporarily not consider opening credit card receipts way, I hope you can forgive us:
1, we need the third-party payment platform, receipts, China's current this aspect of third-party platform, are prescribed each order only received $$1500 USD. So in China, the credit card receipts for retail, only to factory doesn't apply.
2, in China by credit card charge foreign currencies, the way payee poundage is more expensive, third-party platform needs to collect a fee each order, and 5% of third party platform needs to collect a every year 17000RMB ($USD % 2656) the annual fee, another bank needs to collect a 10% deposit, and we each order and our company is not do retail business, in addition you, no other guest request credit card payments, all the credit card receipts way currently doesn't fit our factory.
Three, you tell me that you think PAYPAL not safe, I want to know, you mean you during operation your account will exists the problem of network security, or your heart to your guests provide but bad product for you, don't you convenient refuse to pay, so let you feel unsafe? If it is the first reason, we can use PAYPAL open according to bill function, to your email address please paragraph letter, so you can click on the links, use direct your credit card payments, and you do not need to use PAYPAL account can complete payment. If is the second reason, I think, the good faith is basic for the development of the company, and an order to defraud the practice of a lost guest is every smart businessman will not go to do.
4, you also said that credit card is quickest and option for, and if the suvs with our company that poundage to offer your good price comparison, that will be a very small amount, you think?
Above if you have any opinion, can ask us, thank you.


英文名字是:will not forget you

Some people laugh and badly I cry,
Some give up but some still try,
Some say hi while some say bye,
Others may forget you,but never will I.
Each time you were busy and you had no time.
From your voice from your eyes,
I know you were telling me a beautiful lie.
I pretend to be happy with tears in my eyes.
Who has broken my heart and made me cry,
I asked my God and never know why.


匆匆邂逅 又让缘分擦肩而过,
有人欢笑, 有人泪雨滂沱,








人们满足人们通过by.some笑,而有些cry.some总是try.some说"喜" ,有的说"再见" ,有些人可能会忘记你,但从来没有i

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