
作者&投稿:沈鹏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求下面的英语短文的翻译,, 速进~


I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.

It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.

My sister and I tried paragliding.

I felt like I was a bird .

It was so exciting!

For lunch, we had something very special——Malaysian yellow noodles.

They were delicious!

In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.

I wonder what life was like here in the past.

I really enjoyed walking around the town.


What a difference a day !

My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.

We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.

We waited over an hour it was raining really hard .

We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.

It was terrible!

And because of the bad weather, we coudn't see anything below.

My father didin't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.

The food tasted great because I was so hungry!


你是否在操纵陆地、海洋和空气、我们的C -,Ku波段移动解决方案,提供能力,覆盖和连通融合语音、数据和视频应用程序。和,国际通讯卫星组织一般提供了一个实时网络可见性工具,因此你有完整的态势感知。


你好!以下是我的翻译(绝对人工ToT)!虽然英语已经差不多是我的第二母语了,但是有些专业词汇还是不是100%准确的,不过绝对不影响理解哦!欢迎追问,希望采纳!!! ^_^

有些人声称如此,但是这才是事实:国际通信卫星通用公司(Intelsat General) 是为一个拥有并且以缩小legacy MSS solutions的速度(这儿有点别扭,什么专业的东西吧……)运行全球网络并传送宽带移动到每一个角落的网络提供方。我们以宽带速度支持全范围的航线对话交流,并且包括关键任务情报和监视勘察功能。只要您交付我们合理并且固定的月费,我们还为您提供无限的数据(貌似是流量)。以上所有待遇加上定制的从头到尾的交流方案给与我们全世界最大的卫星交流网络。
无论你在哪里使用我们的C-, Ku- and X-band mobility 方案—陆地、海洋还是天空,它都能出色的提供容量、覆盖和声频、数据以及视频的链接。 并且,国际通信卫星通用公司(Intelsat General)还提供一个真实时间(real-time,就是个名字)的网络可见度工具(我也不知道什么工具啊)一边增强您的完整情景感知。

是您的移动网络加速吗?别人提出索赔,但在这里是事实: 国际通信卫星组织一般是唯一的提供商,拥有和他们自己的全球网络,提供了移动宽带无处不在矮旧式 MSS 解决方案的速度。我们支持航路通信宽带速度,包括情报、 监视和侦察的任务关键型应用程序的全部。并且我们提供无限的数据的负担得起的、 固定的月费。所有这一切加上自定义的、 端到端的通讯解决方案利用了最大的卫星通信网

A good translator should have a good command of English and Chinese culture of solid basic skills, to master the two languages of English and Chinese characteristics and translation rules, have fast, accurate diction ability. The interpreter must have a good pronunciation of basic skills...

I left home for the first time, live in the school. Sometimes homesick. But life in this family of schools, and students and teachers living together, I feel very warm. Happy in school!


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求把下面的一段话,翻译成中文. 用英文把它缩写..

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