谁知道泛读教程第四册 第四单元课文 The Marlboro Man Has Found Green Dastures的su...

作者&投稿:展柱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
the government has not found is the political will~

What the government has not found is the political will.

这句话里有三个地方请检查一下。woman's, tinnes, part

是 “the marlboro man has found greener pastures”
The cigarette-selling cowboy may be under siege back home in the United States from lawmakers and health advocates determined to put him out of business, but half a world away in Asia he is prospering, his all-American mug slapped up on billboards and flickering across television screens. And Marlboro cigarettes have never been more popular.

For the world’s cigarette-makers, Asia is the future. And it is probably their savior. Industry critics who hope that the multination tobacco companies are headed for extinction owe themselves a stroll down the tobacco-scented streets of almost any city in Asia. Almost everywhere here the air is thick with the swirling gray haze of cigarette smoke, the evidence of a booming Asian growth market that promises vast profits for the tobacco industry and a death toll measured in the tens of millions.

At lunchtime in Seoul, throngs of fashionably dressed young Korean women gather in a fast-food restaurant to enjoy a last cigarette before returning to work, a scene that draws distressed stares from older Koreans who remember a time when it would have been scandalous for women from respectable homes to smoke.

In Hong Kong, shoppers flock into the Salem Attitudes boutique, picking from among the racks of trendy sports clothes stamped with the logo of Salem cigarettes. In Phnom Penh, the war-shattered capital of Cambodia, visitors leaving an audience with King Sihanouk are greeted with a giant billboard planted across the street from his gold-roofed palace. It advertises Lucky Strikes.

According to tobacco industry projections cited by the World Health Organization, the Asian cigarette market should grow by more than a third during the 1990s, with much of the money going to multinational tobacco giants eager for an alternative to the shrinking market in the United States.

American cigarette sales are expected to decline by about 15% by the end of the decade, a reflection of the move to ban smoking in most public places in the United States. And sales in Western Europe and other industrialized countries are also expected to drop.

But no matter how bad the news is in the West, the tobacco companies can find comfort in Asia and throughout the third world, markets so huge and so promising that they make the once all-important American market seem insignificant. Beyond Asia, cigarette consumption is also expected to grow in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and in the nations of the former Soviet Union.

Smoking is not only tolerated in most of Asia, it is still fashionable. And for millions of smokers here, nothing confers greater status than a pack of American or European-brand cigarettes. No gift is more appreciated in Vietnam than British-made ‘555’ cigarettes. In China, the choice is Marlboro. Among the gentry of Thailand, it is Dunhill.

Status appears to matter far more than taste. ‘There is not a great deal of evidence to suggest that smokers can taste any difference between the more expensive foreign brands and the home-made cigarettes,” said Simon Chapman, a specialist in community medicine at the University of Sydney, in AUSTRALIA. “The difference appears to be in the packaging, the advertising.”

He said that researchers had been unable to determine whether the foreign tobacco companies had adjusted the levels of tar, nicotine and other chemicals for cigarettes sold in the Asian market. “The tobacco industry fights tooth and nail to keep consumers away from the kind of information,” he said.

Most governments in Asia have launched anti-smoking campaigns, but their efforts tend to be overwhelmed by the Madison Avenue glitz unlashed by the cigarette giants. Several tobacco companies often find ways around the bans through indirect promotions that skirt the law—sports
events, glossy advertisements for clothing brands or travel agencies that bear that name and logo of a cigarette brand.

With 1.2 billion people and the world’s fastest-growing economy, China is the most coveted target of the multinational tobacco companies. Cigarette consumption, calculated as the number of cigarettes smoked per adult, has increased by 7 percent each year over the last decade in China. There are 300 million smokers in China, more people than the entire population of the United States, and they buy 1.6 trillion cigarettes a year.

Competing in many cases with domestically produced brands, the multinational tobacco companies are moving quickly to get their cigarettes into China and emerging markets in the rest of the developing world. Their campaign has been bolstered by the efforts of American Government trade negotiators to force open tobacco markets overseas.

Since the mid-1980’s, Japan, South Korea, Chinese Taiwan and Thailand have all succumbed to pressure form Washington and allowed the sale of foreign-brand cigarettes. Foreign cigarettes, shut out of Japan in 1980, now make up nearly 20 percent of the market.

Anti-smoking groups in Asia, often critical of the Bush Administration for its aggressive pursuit of the tobacco industry’s agenda abroad, say it is too early to judge the Clinton Administration on the issue.

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco has manufactured its Camel and Winston cigarettes in Chinese factories since the late 1980’s. Last year, the American company also opened plants in Poland and Turkey and took states in two state-owned tobacco companies in Ukraine. “World-wide hundreds of millions of smokers prefer American-blend cigarettes,” James W. Johnston. Chairman of Reynolds Tobacco Worldwide, wrote in his company’s 1993 annual report. ‘Today, Reynolds has access to 90 percent of the world’s market; a decade ago, only 40 percent. Opportunities have never been better.” Last year, Philip Morris, the company behind the Marlboro Man, signed an agreement with China National Tobacco Corporation to make Marlboros and other Philip Morris brands in China. The company’s foreign markets grew last year by more than 16 percent, with foreign operating profits up nearly 17 percent. Operating profits in the domestic American market fell by nearly half.

Physicians say the health implications of the tobacco boom in Asia are nothing less than terrifying, and there are frequently comparisons here to the Opium War of the mid-19th Century, when the British went to war to force the Chinese to accept imports of a dangerous addictive drug—opium, an important cash crop for British merchants. Richard Peto, and Oxford University epidemiologist, has estimated that because of increasing tobacco consumption in Asia, the annual worldwide death toll from tobacco-related illnesses will more than triple over the next two or three decades, from about 3 million a year to 10 million a year.

‘If you look at the number of deaths, the tobacco problem in Asia is going to dwarf tuberculosis, it’s going to dwarf malaria and it’s going to dwarf AIDS, yet it’s being totally ignored,” said Judith Mackay, a British physician who is a consultant to the Chinese Government in developing an anti-smoking program. The explosion of the Asian tobacco market is result both of the increasing prosperity of large Asian nations and a shift in social customs. In May, Asian countries, smoking was once taboo for women. Now, it is seen as a sign of their emancipation.

In explaining the boom in tobacco sales here, physicians and researchers also point to the cigarette companies’ multimillion-dollar marketing campaigns. “Now, just as soon as you land at the airport it’s a bombardment, an absolute visual disgrace, with signs everywhere for MARLBORO, Kent, all of them. On the streets, they’ve got a huge series of neon signs and billboards. Almost very telephone kiosk has a cigarette advertisement.”




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是 “the marlboro man has found greener pastures”The cigarette-selling cowboy may be under siege back home in the United States from lawmakers and health advocates determined to put him out of business, but half a world away in Asia he is prospering, his all-American mug ...

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