
作者&投稿:刀肃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
哪位大虾帮我把这个翻译一下!谢谢拜托了各位 谢谢~


Considering the significant role of new staff training in achieving a win-win situation for both private enterprises and employee’s self-developments, it is of great importance to pinpoint and put forward the countermeasures in the implementation and optimization of this training program. Starting with the definition and objectives of new staff training in private enterprises, this paper proposed a series of (constructive) countermeasures after a deep discussion over the (recurring) problems in training guidelines, contents, methods, as well as its washback effects.


Ideal measurement system and the output signal is measured by the linear relationship between the ideal measurement system would not introduce error and, no matter how the input variables, the output signal is always a true reflection of the input signal, of course, this is only a theory situation. ideal measurement is the role and the actual measured values are compared. an actual measurement system (or equipment) to be inconsistent with the ideals, usually defined error. measurement error is defined as the real value of the difference.
Check measurement and control the performance of the system there are two simple methods:
1), when the input signal at the same constant, stable output and ideal situation is, the static performance of the system is obtained.
2) When the input signal changes in the output signal to the ideal value of comparison, given the dynamic performance.
That the terms of static properties: sensitivity, accuracy, precision, reproducibility, stability, resolution, dead areas.

one day is as good as the next直面意思是:一天和接下来的一天都一样好。意思就是天天都一样方便呗。这是英文里面的一种习惯表达,不能像理解汉语一样的理解。希望能帮到你

1. 哪位大虾能帮我把这2篇文言文翻译《晋文公守信得原、卫》、《幽王 晋文公守信得原、卫 晋文公攻打原国,只携带着可供十天食用的粮食,于是和大夫们约定十天做期限,要攻下原国。 可是到原国十天了,却没有攻下原国,晋文公便下令敲锣退军,准备收兵回晋国。 这时,有战士从原国回来报告说:“再有三天就...

英语翻译 请哪位大虾帮我翻译成中文,

人说,贝蒂是一个好女孩,在学校和家里 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 贝蒂是一个schooigiri.she并不去中学生对她sunday.but不含'笔起床晚了。她早餐后,她上午exercises.then heips她母亲是否housework.sometimes她当然出来做一些商场,为...

the youths are easy to be irritable and be short-sighted. they always want to solve all the problems at once. and after they've gone throught all the frustrations, many of them will choose to be freak-out, making themselves numbed and depraved. to be patient, we've got ...

求求各位大虾帮我翻译一下 翻译成英语
A man in a strange road, go straight, from the sun to sun, flowers fall, the flowers opened out and went to the full of hope to meet this to you man and two together, and went to the dead

9、在朋友的帮助下,终于找回了属于辛德瑞拉的水晶鞋……With the help of friends, the shoes belonging to Cinderella were found.10、辛德瑞拉终于嫁给了王子,从此他们过着辛福快乐的生活……In the end, Cinderella married the price and they led a happy and joyful life from then on....

哪位大虾能帮我翻译一下 英文
It was the best American enterprise in India evaluated by the Indian-American Chamber of Commerce in 2005 It was evaluated as the best service business by the JPMorgan Chase Bank in 2005 to affirm the Gartner‘s all-around excellent ability. And more, the Gartner exclusively won ...

有一天,一位老翁走在街上,他看到一个小男孩叫汤母.他想要按一个门铃,但是这个门铃对他来说太高了.老翁非常友好和帮助。他对这个男孩说 "别担心,我可以帮你鸣铃" 。接着他按响门铃。汤姆看看老先生,并说: "现在我们必须跑了" 。这时老先生才知道汤姆是一个顽皮的男孩。

晕..这么大段文字。算了,帮你一把吧,分不要紧,我想知道的是你这段文字是给你外国女友的?I drank yesterday, did you konw? You were having the meeting(家长会不知道怎么翻,是个意思就将就一下吧). Although I didn`t like to drink, but I wanted to. I thought I would be better...

泸水县15626136764: 哪个大虾帮我翻译成日语,急急!!!! -
蔚詹坤灵: 哈哈,朋友,还是我来帮你吧 外国语と営业の分野において衷心から认めていただきたいと思っております.もしご入社いたすことができれば、必ずご期待を无にせず、最大の忠诚と努力をお尽くしいたして、谦虚且つ自信の态度をもって御社にて着々と顽张って、経験を绝えず积んで、さらに一歩自分を充実させ、実际的に御社にご贡献させていただき、共に辉かしい未来を切り开きたいと思っております.我是做翻译的 你是不是应该给点分啊?呵呵呵

泸水县15626136764: 请各位大虾,帮我翻译一下,你永远都不会知道,在我内心深处我有多爱你这句话!一些翻译器翻译的就免了!求英文好的大虾翻译啊! -
蔚詹坤灵:[答案] You will never know my affection to you deep down. 或者 You will never know how I love you deep down. You will never know how much you mean to me deep down.

泸水县15626136764: 求英语大虾帮我翻译句子,急啊~
蔚詹坤灵: My love to you weight 21 kilo gram. Send you a cup as a gift,and I would like to accampany with you all this life. To the whole world you are only one,but to me you are the whole world.

泸水县15626136764: 哪位大虾帮我翻译一下这几个句子~~I am tired of waiting.Iam tired of thinking.I want to turn loose my hold on everything,and go sailing down,down,just like one ... -
蔚詹坤灵:[答案] 我很累了,我不想再等,不想再想.我想放掉一切,像那些不幸的疲倦的叶子一样落下

泸水县15626136764: 英语翻译哪位大虾能帮我翻译下“将爱埋藏在心底”这句话?我是这样翻译的“Let the love keep in heart."我语法不是很好.或者是”将爱埋藏在心中“也可以 -
蔚詹坤灵:[答案] Love buried in the bottom of my heart

泸水县15626136764: 急!急!急!拜托哪位?大虾帮我翻译下句子.
蔚詹坤灵: Building 7 1-102 Yishanhai Taiwu Road Zhangzhou development District

泸水县15626136764: 英语翻译哪位大虾帮下忙 -
蔚詹坤灵:[答案] In order to reach our goal,we should try our best to solve the problem we are facing.

泸水县15626136764: 英语单词哪位大虾帮忙翻译下~~~~紧急 -
蔚詹坤灵: 1.多云 cloudy2.晴天 sunny3.雨rain4.雪snow5.雾fog6.霜冻 frost7.冰雹 hail...

泸水县15626136764: 英语翻译大虾来帮帮我呀~~~!!!!!!!!!!! -
蔚詹坤灵: 首先,这个短语有词典解释.出污泥而不染 come out of the dirty mud unsoiled; emerge unstained from the filth; rise unsullied from mud (referring to water lilies); remain undefiled in spite of general corruption, 等等.其次,你要选用意境相对应的...

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