
作者&投稿:矣陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

.He realized she was crying( )what he had said.
A.because B.because of C.as D.since

B啊 看后面 she was crying because of what he had said.
because of 后面要接名词
“.what he had siad“ 指 那些他说过的话

如果是用ACD,.He realized she was crying because/since he had said bad words(后面要补个名词).

2.He will come back from abroad ( ).
A.for two weeks B.in two weeks C.since two weeks D.after two weeks
C 将来时用IN +时间
3.A meeting will ( )at 8:00 on Thursday morning.
A.hold B.be taken place C.be holding D.be held


Chinese accounting history can be described as a long history, China has so far the earliest history of the world's accounting activities. With China's economic and social changes in development time and time again, with the world again and again changing the environment, China's accounting system is also
Constant change. It is a historical necessity, is also China's choice. At this stage, China ushered in "Twelfth Five Year Plan " in the first year, China will face a profound economic and social change and transformation. Current accounting system to solve the problems. In order to better promote China's economic development. In this paper, the history of changes in the accounting system summarizes the basic rules, the final or the view of the economy in the new problems and new challenges under the development of ideas.

America / E5merikE/ 美国,美洲
Arab / 5ArEb/ 阿拉伯人
Australia / Rs5treiljE/ 澳洲,澳大利亚
Austria / 5RstriE/ 奥地利
Britain / 5britn/ 英国
Canada / 5kAnEdE/ 加拿大
China / 5tFainE/ 中国
Egypt / 5i:dVipt/ 埃及
England / 5iNglEnd/ 英国
France / 5fra:ns/ 法国
Germany / 5dVE:mEni/ 德国
Greece / gri:s/ 希腊
Holland / 5hRlEnd/ 荷兰
India / 5indiE/ 印度
Ireland / 5aiElEnd/ 爱尔兰
Italy / 5itEli/ 意大利
Japan / dVE5pAn/ 日本
Spain / spein/ 西班牙
Sweden / 5swi:dn/ 瑞典
Swiss / swis/ 瑞士人
Switzerland / 5switsElEnd/ 瑞士
Brazil / brE5zil/ 巴西
Finland / 5finlEnd/ 芬兰
Norway / 5nR:wei/ 挪威
Russia / 5rQFE/ 俄国
Belgium / 5beldVEm/ 比利时
Arabic / 5ArEbik/ 阿拉伯语
Chinese / 5tFai5ni:z/ 中国人,汉语
Egyptian / i5dVipFEn/ 埃及人
English / 5iNgliF/ 英语
French / frentF/ 法国人,法文
German / 5dVE:mEn/ 德国人,德语
Greek / gri:k/ 希腊人,希腊文
Irish / 5aiEriF/ 爱尔兰人,爱尔兰语
Italian / i5tAljEn/ 意大利人,意大利语
Japanese / dVApE5ni:z/ 日本人,日文
Spanish / 5spAniF/ 西班牙人,西班牙语
Dutch / dQtF/ 荷兰人,荷兰语



1.Have we already gone to Paris?2.Has he already been in London for 8 years?3.Have they been in New York since 1998?4.Has she already gone to Beijing?


希望各位英语达人 帮我写篇作文吧 要用过去时 题目是 "A day to reme...
我写的是一次旅行,内容编的,不要介意哦。Last vacation,together with my friends,I went to Suzhou.ONour way there, we were in a state og great excitement because it was our first trip to this famous city. We have made a perfect plan to go sightseeing and taste local food. ...

有错误。应该是:(尽量依原文吧)Some jobs are a good way of learning how to learn new things for kids.



Dozen ferula, rings We walked on stage with a quick pace Let's say today 大家听我把学习说 You listen to me say studying 英语课,真是难 English class, and it is difficult 看见单词我就烦 I'm tired of looking at the word 老师说,不要烦 The teacher said, don't bother 学习...

There are many rules in our school, At our school we have to wear uniforms every day. The problem isthat all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. I think young people should look smart and so I'd like towear my own clothes. If we have to wear uniforms ,we should ...

七年级英语 求助各位英语达人 各位老师拜托帮帮忙2

市辖区18991221122: 各位外语达人来帮帮我!!! -
佘沈喜力: 我来说个英语名吧!Kevin Bryant凯文-布莱恩特西班牙的性为:Nadle

市辖区18991221122: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几道英语题,不胜感激,在线等! -
佘沈喜力: 1,聚会上所有的英国朋友都很享受美味的中餐.2,周末时间学生们也可以在计算机服务中心工作.3,现代图书馆也有计算机服务.4,这位修理工很擅长修理电话.5,去...

市辖区18991221122: 请英语达人帮忙... -
佘沈喜力: not saying doesn't represent don't know , silence, doesn't represent accepting

市辖区18991221122: 各位英语达人帮帮忙
佘沈喜力: I think I can help you a little in English learning.I give you some ways— You should listen to your teachers' lessons in your class;finish your homework on time;communicate(talk) with your teachers and classmates as much as possible and ask them the questions when you don't know—that's all right.

市辖区18991221122: 请各位英语达人帮帮忙
佘沈喜力:xiaoming went to city with his father,who is a odd lad.He continued his study in a middle school . when learning ,he met some difficutities .With classmates' help,xiaoming got over the difficutities,and made progress

市辖区18991221122: 求英语达人帮忙!!!
佘沈喜力: 我也是湖南的 ,现在上大学啦~~你英语能在120左右,那说明你的基础还是不错的~高考英语拉分的有三块,听力·阅读、写作.听力每天要保持两小时的泛听,包括听英语歌,小对话.三十分钟精听,每句话都要听到. 听力练习一定不能间断,听多了语感和反应能力都会提高.至于阅读,每周可以抽几天专练阅读,不要只做题,要自己总结出题的规律,以及你每次错在哪...形成自己一套做题的方法.写作多背模板,写作时尽量运用高级句型,还有就是写三段式作文,阅卷老师普遍喜欢三段式作文.大体就这些吧!!希望你英语进步.

市辖区18991221122: 请各位英语达人和网络达人帮忙找两篇与下列题目相关英语作文,详见下: -
佘沈喜力: 2、electronic commerce and marketingEntering twenty-first century, Internet electronic commerce is quickly emerging as a particular visible incarnation of globalization. At this stage, Internet electronic commerce still represents only a small fraction ...

市辖区18991221122: 哪位外国友人或是英语达人英语老师能赐我一英文名字,感激不尽~ -
佘沈喜力: Zillah(扎拉) ; Zilla (扎拉); Zillian (齐莲); Zara(扎拉) ; Zoey(佐伊);Helen(海伦) ; Helene(海伦妮) ; Helena(海伦娜) ; Cherry (切丽); Chelsea(切尔西)

市辖区18991221122: 求各位英语达人帮帮忙~~~~~~~急!!!!!!
佘沈喜力: 1, Nantong Zhenglin Engineering Shipping Steel Structure Service Engineering Co., LTD 2, the Guanyuan viliage Xingfu street of Gangzha District in Nantong,Jiangsu Province.

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