
作者&投稿:冻卿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Traditional culture involves quite wide, grain appearance as an important part of the traditional culture, has been through the whole process of historical development in China, through the always in people life, reflect different periods of life habit. From the primitive society simple pattern to slave society concise, straightforward bronze of grain, and then to the feudal society of heavy and complicated and exquisite water flea, birds and beasts, designs, all condenses corresponding period unique artistic aesthetics.

Chinese patterns stand out especially in the modern designs, such as interior designs and interior desplaying designs. Many Chinese traditional arts, the details and structures of the Chinese culture like the designs of the traditional furniture and costumes, ect, are largely used in the interior decoration designs, which indicates the independence and uniqueness of the Chinese designs. In this way the ethnic and national characteristics have been established.
This article introduces the characteristics and advantages of the interior designs, in which Chinese patterns are mainly used. It also deals with the characteristics in the modern designs of the Chinse patterns and its designing trends in the future. Based on the key cases, how to combine the design rules with the Chinese patterns are analysed in the passage. Because of the combination, this kind of design not only bears the national characteristics, but it also has made the creation and breakthrough in the spacial poise and charm and therefore it shows the creative thinking out of the frame. Furthermore, this article summarizes the application of the Chinese patterns in the spacial layers of the modern interior designs, the application of the furniture decorations and the application of the indigenous designs. By analysing and researching, it puts forward the problems that often arise in the application of the Chinese patterns in the interior designs and the policies of how to solve those problems.

The design is the child of the parents,one of which is the literature and art,another is science and technology.Moreover,the art and the technology is affliated to the culture generally.The culture is accumulated by the human being in the envolution of the material civilization and the spiritual civilization,which can not be reversed forever.Generations artists want to free of the traditonal effects and attempt to creat the sole art milestones of themselves.but they never succeed.The traditional culture is like a shadow that never leaves,you can see it everywhere.Therefore, we can say that because of the deep effects to the art and the technology by the traditional culture,and through the art and the technology to the modern design directly or indirectly, so we can see the immense effects to the modern design imposed by the traditional culture. 个人意见,仅供参考!

Design is outcome of the combination of art and science, both of which belong to a generalizd culture catergory. Culture,with its irreversible inheritability, is the integration of cultural civilization and ideological advances created during historical practices in human society. Although gererations of artists and designers have been tried to get rid of the shadow of traditional culture and creat their own art milestone,the traditioal culture was still around.thus, we can reach the conclusion that ,any traditional culure necessarily produce profound impact on the development of the art and science, and through which greatly influence modern design direcly or inderectly.

Design, is the combination of art and science, which both belong to the larger scope of definiton on culture that totals the histrical civilization physically and mentally with irreversible inheritance. Althogh artists and designers have been trying through generations to creat their own monument of art in an attempt to get rid of the tranditional vestige, the traditional culture is still tailing behind with prevailing existence. Therefore, it can be argued that a traditional culture will inevitably exert profound impact on the development of art and science through which, directly or not, huge effect will follow on the modern design section.

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幸底丙戊: I'm just that special. I am fond of things other people don't like and do things they don't do.I want to obtain the result without paying efforts. While I don't cherish something I've owned. yes, you can see, I just love myself.

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幸底丙戊: There are many different ways to see/view the world. Leave your city and travel to other cities/places. Big...

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幸底丙戊: I hope we will have the opportunity of contact and help each other afterwards, thanks for your instruction, wish you well.

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