
作者&投稿:逮垂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

17 sandy ,你画眼线了?
18 是的,妈妈,我画了好几个月了,好看么?
19 sandy finch,你那么小还不适合化妆
20 妈妈,我已经15岁了,我可以化妆了,相信我,学校所有的女孩都化妆,还有一些女孩纹身和打耳洞,还有在鼻子和舌头上。妈妈,我现在没有时间和你说这些,我快迟到了,我要走了,晚会儿见。sandy 在妈妈的脸颊上迅速的亲了一下,拿起书,奔出了房子。
21 在sandy去了学校以后,jane finch 安静的坐下来喝咖啡,不一会她的丈夫过来了。
22 jane:“steve,想来点咖啡么?"
24 亲爱的,你知道,不同的人群会被不同的音乐吸引,他问jane。还记得一些我们听过的音乐么?

I am a student from NO.6 Middleschool.
It's my pleasure to meet you here, and I wish we will have good time in the following days.
Eventhough I am not the best student in the class, I will do my best.

这个从句应该这样说就相对好理解一些,carrying what remained of a bottle of medicine in his pocket with him 他口袋里带着一瓶没吃完的药。 由于what后面句子比较长,所以原文才放到整句话的最后面。

这里的what用法是宾语的一部分,就类似于这句话what的用法一样 I take back what i said (我收回我刚才说的话)

carrying with … of Mrs. Carlyle's为现在分词短语作伴随状语。carrying的宾语为what引导的从句,类似carry sth with sb结构。of a bottle of medicine作what remained的定语。formerly prescribed for anindisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's作a bottle of medicine的定语。

个人认为:carrying +宾语从句(宾语从句前省略了that,这个从句是what remained of a bottle of ...)。如果remain是修饰what,那么应该是 carrying what remaining of a bottle of ... 。
remain of 的用法是 “东西+remain of+地点”。

1,of great+名词,是固定用法,表示这个名词的形容词含义,如of great importance,表示important 2,省略了,因为后面已经有stars 3,这句it was是强调句型,即强调这个人创造了某物,it was没有实在含义;基调是在这里的引申翻译,因为后面的西方电影,翻译成基调更通顺 4,塑造的形象并非他本人,也不...

这个从句应该这样说就相对好理解一些,carrying what remained of a bottle of medicine in his pocket with him 他口袋里带着一瓶没吃完的药。 由于what后面句子比较长,所以原文才放到整句话的最后面。这里的what用法是宾语的一部分,就类似于这句话what的用法一样 I take back what i said (...

(1)21课文。。。Audiencesintheseconddecadeofthetwentiet... 各位朋友我现在正在学习新概念英语第四册21 22这两篇课文,现在遇见几句不懂的句子需要大家帮我解答下在这里提前说声谢谢!(1)21课文。。。Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life...

第一个括号里面的东西作intimations的定语,behind and beyond按照字面意思来理解就是内在的和之外的,也就是书上翻译出的“玄妙”;后一个括号里born of意为由...引起,造成,这样你就可以看出,evil humour是由消化造成的,而不是evil humour引起的消化不良,born在这里不是主动,而是be born of的形...

behind and beyond 字面义是在后面和远处,这样的事情就是玄妙的事情了 要理解此句应先找出句子的谓语动词,是are。那么后面的evil humour born of indigestion 就都是宾语的部分,其中evil humour是中心语, born of indigestion是定语从句,合起来就是 消化不良引起的邪恶情绪。祝你学习愉快! (*^__...

Someone asks me whether it is worth doing this. Even though you regret, you never come back. I've put this love deep in my heart forever. If God gives me another chance to choose, I'm still willing to meet you. If there's only one day left in my life, I'll come ...

Abundant energy; strong sense of responsibility and the spirit of innovation.Beijing *** (2005\/11--2006\/09)Industry: institutions Title: Human Resources Management Department staff Job Description: responsible for day-to-day administrative work, skilled use of office automation equipment, ...

- Please excuse the troubles i brought to you.- Please forgive the troubles i brought to you.- I'm sorry to bother you, please forgive what i did.四种方式都可以,但是第一种是最正式的。我在加拿大教游泳的时候一个美国学生因为事情来不了的时候,发EMAIL跟我说的就这话,巨正式,也...

各位英语高手我现在真在学新概念英语44---48这几篇课文现在有几句需要麻烦大家帮忙解答下,大家也知道后面20课也的确很难!!!(1)Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous这句话其实大概就是说飞机危险!我就搞不懂了为什么这样的句子还要用所有格!为什么不直接Aeroplanes have the dangerous...

The Eiffel Tower is known as both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.The iron lady is the most attractive monument ,and millions of people ascend it every year.Actually,more than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower since its...

金堂县13034603338: 真诚的希望各位朋友帮我解答下这句英语各位朋友我现在学习新概念英语第四册24课这篇课文,遇见一句难懂的句子现在需要麻烦各位帮我解答下!if these ... -
贺寒热炎:[答案] 你可以先把句子拆开来分析:If these intimations (of a something behind and beyond) are not evil humour (born of digestion).这样你可以看出这句话的是主系表结构,括号外的便是基本成分.第一个括号里面的东西作intimations的定语,behind and ...

金堂县13034603338: 真诚的希望各位朋友帮我解答下这两句英语我现在学习新概念英语第四册30课遇见几句难点句子现在麻烦各位朋友帮我解答下!(1)a burst of activity ... -
贺寒热炎:[答案] (1)a burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to there miles deep associated with the laying of submarine cables是修饰主语a burst of activity的,...

金堂县13034603338: 真诚的希望各位朋友帮我解答下这句英语
贺寒热炎: 以及靠近陆地潜(应该是“浅”吧)水区的深浅不一定能给船带来(这里应该有个“的”)危险,这不是个句子,只是个定语比较复杂的名词结构 and the hazards of navigation 是中心,即被修饰部分,presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land过去分词短语做后置定语,内部又包含了介词短语做后置定语,形容词短语做后置定语

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译一下“真诚的生气要好过虚假的礼貌”和“梦想面前没有谁是winner谁是loster”这两句话,最好翻译的漂亮一点,能做演讲用,谢谢
贺寒热炎: Sincere anger is better than false polite. There is no winner or loser in front of dreams.

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语高手帮我解答下这几个英语单选.这几个问题是我不懂的问题.1.Store detectives - ___extensive training routines which include role playing and ... -
贺寒热炎:[答案] 1.选择C 大意是 商店保安经历大量的日常训练, 包括角色扮演和观看模拟事件录像. A是重新 B是限制 C是忍受,经历 D是沉迷 2.注意if,如果意思是“如果”那么 前面要用would,所以这道题目意思应该是 是否,那么无答案 3.D 虚拟语气

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译一下:1. 对不起.这个我不太清楚,请你去咨询台(imformation counter)咨询吧!2. 在这个馆对着的正下方3. 在这个馆对着的正上... -
贺寒热炎:[答案] 1.Sorry,I dont know about that.Pls consult at the information counter.2.3.4.Pls go down the first floor.5.Pls go up the third floor.6.In the district A.7.In the district C.8.You can go to the Service ...

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语高手进来帮帮忙!!!! -
贺寒热炎: 1. I spent 100 dollars for the iPhone.2, three people were injured in a car accident yesterday3 If you wear glasses, you see things clear4 September 27 in the morning, I carefully read the English language5 When I came back, I could not find my ...

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语高手帮帮忙,本人想用英语向女孩子表白,所以帮忙翻译以下的中文,最好可以准确到百分之95以 -
贺寒热炎: Forgive me for not treasuring you before, I hope you become an attentive listener. If I have a appropriate chance in the future, I swear to the god I will take my heart to you.另外:首先你那个中文就不是特别通顺,另外中英翻译像你的问题补充这种改变基本看不出来(或者说就算直译改了还不如用更好的英文表达方式说出来). 我用的绝对是外国人的表达习惯而不是中文英文直接一个词一个词的翻译,还有就是ls那3位语法都有错误,而且直译看着很不通顺.

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语很好的,帮我翻译下下面这句话 谢谢 -
贺寒热炎: 婚姻是一所这样的大学:男人失去了学士学位,女人得到了硕士学位.注:这是两个双关语,bachlor作为学位来讲,是学士学位,也就是本科.同时还有一个意思是”单身男子“;而master 在学位上为硕士学位,但是另外一层意思是“掌控的”“主宰的”.所以这是一个很有意思的小笑话.男人结婚了当然不再是单身,而女人在婚姻中往往主管家事,甚至专断和任性.

金堂县13034603338: 麻烦各位英语高手~帮我翻译这句话~~ -
贺寒热炎: Our company, established for over thirty years in import and export trade, have both well-experienced staff and young and aggresive young ones. We have built trade relationship with customers in more than twenty countries and regions.We aslo have our own production base and sufficient material supply.

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