哪位高手帮我翻译一下 英翻中 不要机器的 100分 有好的还有追加谢谢

作者&投稿:初燕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在这之上, 2011 年六月的第 14 天, 在我, Phyllis Elliott 之前,下面的官员,亲自地出现承认了他自己是副总经理 PNC 商业信贷、 PNC 焖火,国立协会,公司的罗勃特 Orzechowski,和哪一他同样地虎钳 Prisident 被授权这么做,为在其中藉由发信号公司的名字被包含的目的独自当做副总经理运行了前面的仪器


The Neo-Chinese style is a modern interpretation of the traditional Chinese culture. It is a modern design based on the full comprehension of the modern Chinese culture by combining the element of Chinese tradition with our modern decoration.


Although the purely Chinese style is magnificent with its solidity and graveness in its shape, it is complex and complicated while the purely western style has high demand for the building, strict in some details in spite of its suitability to the quick modern tempo in its shape and colors. Therefore, it is the combination of the Chinese and Western styles that people need for enjoying a simple, comfortable, reasonable and natural life.

The Neo-Chinese furniture means the kind of furniture that has the connotation and implication of the Chinese culture in accordance with the modern technology and living demand. It not only absorbs the highlights of national artistic tradition, but also coordinates with the modern living environment of China. It adopts the traditional elements and cultural symbols in its shape so that it has the elegant and excellent artistic effect of classic furniture.

Key words: the Neo-Chinese style, the Chinese elements, combine

New chinese style is an interpretation of the traditional chinese culture in current times. it is a current design of the chinese culture with full comprehension of it. It brings the element of chinese tradition into a combination of modern decoration.
Although the purely chinese style has in its shape a magnanimity of stability and greatness,it is tedious in some way.However,the purely western style is in its shape and color more suitable to the fast-paced modern life, but the requiement of building is very strict, in some details very harsh. Therefore, the fusion of Chinese and Western become what people need a kind of enjoyment of life, simplicity, comfortableness, reasonableness and nature.
The new Chinese furniture means to creat this kind of furniture that contains chinese culture under modern technology and living demand. It not only absorbs the best part of national tradition, but also exists in harmony with modern living environment of China. It absorbs the traditional elements and cultural symbols in the shape, in order to have an elegant artistic effect of classical furniture.
key words: new chinese-style, chinese elements, get involved


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这有歌词,高手们帮我翻译下,谢谢了,我自己会翻80%,但是都是根据自己理解的,麻烦帮我找点比较权威,翻译得比较好的,谢谢了。歌词:有点多,辛苦了,但是谢谢了,这是好歌,麻烦了... 这有歌词,高手们帮我翻译下,谢谢了,我自己会翻80%,但是都是根据自己理解的,麻烦帮我找点比较权威,翻译得比较好的,谢谢了。

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德兴市17163657227: 英翻中 麻烦高手帮下忙吧
衡堂嗜酸: This community is in need of more professionals, rather than all-rounder. Unless, of course, you really are very capable, everything can Chide Kai, otherwise you own or have a certain talent better. When you have a particular area of expertise, you ...

德兴市17163657227: 高手帮我翻译一下,初中的,英翻中,不要翻译器,谢谢
衡堂嗜酸: 农夫有一头奶牛,他照顾着他的奶牛.有一天奶牛生病了,他很担心,于是就给兽医打电话了.兽医来了并且给奶牛来了一个全面的检查.他告诉农夫奶牛病得很严重,需要使用药效很强的药.他从自己带的小盒子里拿出了一个小瓶,给了农夫两片药片,说:“让奶牛服下”.“把药放到奶牛嘴里让他吃了.这药可以让他感觉舒服些”.兽医还给了农夫一个管状容器并且说:“把药放到这里然后再把这个放到奶牛嘴里,然后吹吹,这样就可以了.”兽医走了.第二天早晨兽医又来了.他看到农夫坐在屋子外面更忧郁了,兽医就感觉非常奇怪去问原因,农夫说:“我就是照着你说的那样啊,但是奶牛先吹气了,它还病着呢,而且我自己感觉也很不舒服”.

德兴市17163657227: 求高手翻译 英翻中
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